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Accessory Power Ideas


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I mount a Garmin 2820 and an Escort radar detector via temporary mounting points (RAM, etc.). What I'm looking for is a clean way to provide power to each unit. Currently I have SAE plugs tucked under the sides of the tupperware, which I can extract and plug in when needed. The downside to this is, when in use, they make a pretty ugly mess of wires hanging around (think Clark Griswolds Christmas lighting).


I've looked at installing a couple of Powerlet plugs but they are somewhat large and finding space to panel mount them seems problematic. I'd really like to clean things up so if anyone has come up with a clever idea please suggest something. Pictures would be great too. TIA.

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On my '05-12RT

I have a migsel mount, attached to the migsel I have an escort RD and a sat. radio. everything is wired to the autocom. I cleaned up the multiple wire mess with some cable ties and some wire loom. It's not perfect as i still have (seemingly) 1 wire but it works for me.

My kenwood radio (for B2B) lives inside the radio compartment. The autocom lead for the kenwood is wired through the bottom of the radio compartment. still works well.

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