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Help with Zumo audio problem


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I've tried the Zumo forum but am getting the sense that most folks there are not as tech savvy as on this board. Hopefully someone here can advise. I have an out of warranty Zumo 550. I used to get good audio through the wired headset - no more. I am trying to determine whether the Zumo headset audio has failed or whether the mount is bad. Here is what I know::


1. All volume controls are set to max

2. MP3 player works as I can play songs through the speaker on the car mount

3. No audio through motorcycle mount headset jack

4. No audio through car mount headset jack

5. Headset works fine with other devices - it's not the headset

6. Motorcycle mount is getting power as the Zumo turns on when I turn on the key

7. The Bluetooth option is disabled and the bluetooth output is set to phone only


I have played MP3s through the motorcycle mount headset jack in the past during a 28 day motorcycle trip with no problems. The car mount is "brand new" having never been used until I dug it out of the box this morning for troubleshooting. I think it is not the mounts because I do not think they both would be inoperative, especially the car mount as it has always been sealed up in the box until this morning.


I did a continuity check between the mount audio jack and the pinout on the mount. The results are as follows:


Jack tip - Left channel - zero ohms to the number 5 pin from the left on the rear row


Jack ring - Right channel - zero ohms to the number 6 pin from the left on the rear row


Jack base - Common - zero ohms to the number 6 pin from the left on the front row


Continuity was not found on any pins except as noted above.


Does this mean the mount is OK? If so, then the Zumo may not be outputing signal to the headset. Is there anyway to test the Zumo audio output?




Can anyone confirm that these values are correct for a good mount and incorrect for a bad mount?


Thanks again!

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Unless you have a great fondness for troubleshooting issues and DIY repairs, you might consider calling Garmin support. Garmin replaced my out of warranty 550 with a factory reconditioned unit for $75. Its just like having a brand new one.

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Hi bmurphywa


Just a thought on your problem. Are you sure your 550 is being powered from the bike mount and not the internal battery. Look for the battery icon on the Zumo. The Zumo won’t output any sounds while on internal battery as it needs external 12 volt into the Zumo to output sound.

I have to clean the brass pins on mine once in a while to be sure the pins are making good contact. Might be a blown fuse from bike power into the Zumo causing your problem also.

I have also gone through a couple of motorcycle bases as the off road bouncing of the Zumo has actually driven the pins down lower in the mount so they no longer make contact with the pads on the Zumo.


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Hello... first of all, sorry you are having problems. Garmin Tech Support will probably help on a phone call basis but not likely on a replacement basis, but you never know. There was enough history of bad mounts, they are pretty generous with them I had several laying around but have given them out over time.


I was the first Zumo Forums Moderator and still use my Zumo... in both my bike and my car. Lets see what we can come up with.


First- I'm not going to give you any voltages on the pin-out. We may not need it. The zero ohms you note seem to be correct.


It is most likely that the problem is the bike mount. It is often susceptible to moisture and dirt. Often the pin cover is left off or is missing. The very first thing I would do is clean the bike mount pins. Take clean lint-free cloth and contact cleaner or some non-oily cleaner and rub the pins. Then apply a VERY light coating of dielectric grease.


Might as well wipe the contacts on the Zumo as well.


Is there a fellow rider in your area who has a functioning mount? Try your Zumo in a different mount.


Turn the Bluetooth options to Navigation, MP3, and Phone but XM to off. Be sure there is no B/T signal in the area (not likely but it happens)When you have the Zumo in the bike mount and power it up... do you get any symbols on the top line of the screen? Is there a B/T connected signal? Is there a battery strength signal? Anything else?


Lets try the basics first... clean and test. If that does not work then I favor the bad mount hypothesis since that is the most frequent problem.


What is most curious is that the Headset works... but no headset on the bike mount or auto mount. I know you have confidence in your headset but try a different one, just for fun.







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James Clark

I don't know pinouts and resistance, but I have found that most problems I've had could be cured by removing the unit from the mount and checking the gasket surrounding the contacts. The gasket tends to squish out over the contacts, preventing the pins from making a good connection. Pushing the gasket back into the corner usually remedies most problems.

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Thanks for these replies. The unit is getting power from the bike - I know because I mount it on the bike while it is off. When I turn on the bike key, the unit powers on by itself (also no battery icon). I will try cleaning the pins on both sides. Visually, all pins and contacts look clean and unscathed. Gasket looks good too. Bluetooth is disabled.


I am trying to locate a Zumo owner in the Seattle/Kitsap County area - if you are out there, please let me know. I will ride to your location.


I did call Garmin (Zumo Forum members say you must call at 8 am CST or be on hold forever. I called first thing this morning - on hold for 40 minutes, they answer, we get disconnected, redial, on hold for another 40 minutes then I finally get through). Nice guy but not all that helpful - he ultimately suggested that I buy a new mount and send the unit in for a $150 refurbish fee. I told him I was willing to pay for either the mount or the refurbish fee but not both because probably only one part was bad. He finally gave me an RMA to send in my old mount and he would send a replacement mount back to me. If that doesn't work then I can spend the $150 for a refurbished unit. Not all that helpful, timewise, but may be my only option if cleaning, etc. does not work.

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Hi again bmurphywa


Is your TTS working? If your text to speech is verbally telling you turn directions through your head set then the ear set and that part of the output is working fine. If no TTS working then something in the output from the internal Zumo to the head set.



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I should have been more precise there - I have no audio whatsoever through the headset. No MP3, no TTS, nada.


My dilemma is figuring out whether the Zumo is bad (i.e., not outputting any headset audio - it does output audio to the car speaker -- are these different outputs??) or if the mount is bad (i.e., the Zumo is outputting audio through its headset pins but the mount is not transferring that output to the headset jack).

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Some of what follows may be basic but might lead to a solution.


You say you get mp3 out of the car mount speaker but not out the Audio Out socket on the car mount using headset. Right? That is one problem right there if you have a known good headset.


O.K., Do you have navigation prompts through the car mount using the car mount speaker? Have you removed the plastic sticker on the back of the car mount... because they are sometimes stuck on top of the car mount speaker and people think they have a bad or weak speaker.


With the unit in the bike mount powered up...and after pressing the music note symbol you should be seeing the mp3 screen, and album art etc. if you press "Source" what do you see and what is selected?


If you remove the SD card does it have any effect? i.e. still no audio out of the car headset? and no audio out of the Audio Out socket on the bike mount?


Do you see a battery strength meter when it is in the bike mount and the bike mount is "hot" and zumo switch on, unit booted up?


Side questions...

Have you tried the Zumo reset? (different from System Restore below). Power button and + button at same time (page 52 of manual)(have you updated the manual online?)


Have you downloaded the latest Zumo software? What version are you running?


Lastly- do this only if everything else results in nothing.... Have you tried doing a System Restore? Returns unit to factory settings. You may have to re-select time zone, voices etc but at least you will know you have a clean starting point. Wrench>Restore>yes.


Do you get the same results with more than one headset? Is your headset a headset... meaning with microphone as well as ear phones? Are you using both plugs, i.e. the 3.5 mm plug AND the 2.5mm plug?


Do you have access to another zumo unit and does it have the same problems?









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Thanks hopz - answers to your questions:


Headset is good, works with other sources (IPod)and same result with another headset


Car mount speaker works fine (MP3 and TTS)


I do see the MP3 screen, album art and the "progress bar" as the song plays (although I cannot hear it)


Still no audio with SD card removed


No on the battery strength meter, it does not appear when the unit is bike powered


Yes, I have tried the Zumo reset


Yes, I have the latest Zumo software, Version 4.80


Yes, I've tried a System restore


My headset is earbuds only, I do not use mic input to the Zumo


I am still looking for another Zumo owner in the Seattle / Kitsap County area. Anybody out there? I'll come to you. My real need is to determine whether my Zumo is bad or whether it is the mount.


Thanks again.


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Thanks for the info... here is where I see us...


No audio out from Car mount or Bike mount to ear buds, but audio from speakers in the car mount.


Yes, you see the album art and the progress bar, and it plays in the car so that suggests the mp3 player is playing and source is properly selected.


No battery meter is good- that is what I hoped- that means power is getting to the unit from the bike mount.


This is a mystery isn't it? Headset fails in both the car and on the bike. Odds are pretty steep against a fault in both cradles at the same time.


Maybe a re-visit to zumo forums will turn up a 550 owner in your area.


I am out of ideas, but in the years past... the zumo forums have had guys with plenty of technical insight... maybe bump you post up to the top again and see what happens.


Please keep us posted.




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Hi again bmurphywa


This is a long shot but maybe worth a try. Your headset is probably a stereo so has a 3 segmented pin to go in the Zumo output plug in. The Zumo is a mono output so only has a 2 contacts in the output plug. You might try moving the headset plug in and out slightly while listening to see if that gets some sound out of it. Sometimes pulling the plug out a little helps get both channels to work so maybe it will help the thing to work again. I presume you are plugging into the correct Zumo output port correct??


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Yep. I've used the three segmented plug all along and I did get stereo. I'll try the Zumo Forum folks again and see if I can find a local owner.

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Update - Met up today with another Zumo owner in the area. Tried his moto mount - no headset audio so I guess it's my Zumo, not the mount that is bad.


FWIW, GPS functionality is fine, MP3 player functionality is fine, MP3 and TTS work well through car mount speaker but just not through the jack on either the moto mount or the car mount. Headset audio must use a different circuit inside the Zumo than the speaker.


I'll send my Zumo in for a refurb'd unit. I hesitate to do so because of all of the complaints of freeze ups, etc. which I've never experienced but, it seems, there is no other option if I want Zumo audio.

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Hi again Bill


One thing you might try before sending your Zumo in is to boot your Zumo, then once booted and on the main screen hold your fingernail between the battery icon and time in the uper right for about 20 seconds. That should bring up some internal test screens and audio output stuff. Maybe you can find something in the list of outputs or run some of the shown audio tests.

Just a thought.


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