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Garmin/Google Maps expert needed


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So I've got my route in Google Maps and I want to transfer it to my Garmin 2730.


Google Maps has a send feature, but it only sends one location, not a route.


Is it possible to do?


If so, how?


Thanks in advance for any answers (more thanks if they are correct!) :wave:

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If you have MapSource you can use GMapToGPX to create a .gpx file from the Google route that can be opened in MapSource and recalculated.


OK. Have gthe .gpx file saved with the waypoints and open in MapSource. Now where the heck is the "recalculate" choice and why do I need to do it and what will be the output and how will it get to my GPS?


Sorry, NOOB questions, for sure.



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Mucking around and have it kind of figured out. At least I now have a MapSource "route" that is re-calculated.


Will try to figure out if the Garmin 2730 would like to have in sent and see what happens.



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The GMapToGPX utility creates straight line routes to the waypoints. What MapSource refers to as Direct Routes. Recalculating the route puts the route on the road map.


Select the Routes tab in MapSource, right-click the route and select Recalculate Route. Should be the third item on the menu.


You can then rename the route, send it to your GPS and save it if you wish. Be sure to save it as a .gdb file.

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What he said, plus...


When you Send To Device... your Route... it will recalculate again on the GPS unit. No big deal unless the map version on the unit is different than the one on Mapsource.


In any case once you Import and it recalculates look at the route very closely. Zoom way in. Best to deal with minor route issues at home than on the road.

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Good advice on checking your route carefully. It changed so many points in my route it was easier to delete the one created from google maps and create a new one in Mapsource

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Mapsource can be a little obscure... but I like it.


I do not claim expert status but I have experienced most of the learning curve. Anyone needing a little coaching on the basics can call me. PM for numbers.

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Mapsource can be a little obscure... but I like it.


Thanks for the link Hopz. I preffer Gmaps to mapsource. Not that I have difficulty with mapsource, but I often look at satellite, terrain, streetview and even pictures of areas where I never have been. The only issue I have with Gmaps is that it doesn't show that the road is dirt or not. Mapsource has errors here too, but it at least discriminates between the two.

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