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Autocom/Cycle Specialties in Modesto, CA shout out


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I don't usually do this but I somehow feel compelled to in this instance.


I needed a new boom mic for my Autocom Active Plus set up. Since I was making a day trip through Yosemite I included Cycle Specialties on the agenda so I could order the mic along with another complete helmet set up for my other helmet I want to make plug and play ready.


Nicole in Parts has always been stellar in her performance. I haven't been in to the shop since my surgery last year but I was immediately greeted by name from Nicole and the others working there. Not bad considering the amount of time that has gone by since my being there!


I inquired about my needs and she disappeared for about 2 minutes and returned with everything in hand!!! I was quite surprised, to say the least.


She went on to inform me that they are currently the largest Autocom dealer in the country and are moving the most product as well.


If you are in need of any Autocom parts, or parts in general, I don't think you could go wrong by giving them a call!!! Let 'em know I sent ya!


I get NOTHING for this and have no affiliation other than I have always been completely satisfied with my dealings with them.


Cycle Specialties

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+1 for cycle specialties. I was on my way down to the Laughlin River Run and when I got on the bike to head down on a Friday evening, my new Zumo 550 GPS wasnt working. No power, no display...nothing. After playing aorund with it for a while, nothing was working. I didnt knwo much about the unit as I had only had it for a few weeks or so. I ended up heading down assuming it was a lost cause trying to fix it. I saw the billborad for Cycle Specialties so I stopped by to see if they had any ideas on it. One of their service guys came out to take a look at it. He checked fuses, took the multimeter and checked for power. Nothing. finally he removed the battery and re-inserted it and the GPS was alive. While it was only about 15 minutes, I asked how much and he said nto to worry about it. These guys are great and friendly.

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