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Zumo 665 bluetooth pairing problems


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Anyone have any experience pairing a Motorola V950 cell phone to the Garmin Zumo 665? Everything works fine for an instant. Phone sees 665, 665 sees phone. Holds connection for 1/2 second, then spontaneously disconnects. Daughter's phone sustains connection no problem (Samsung Moment), and V950 connects fine and holds good with built-in GMC truck bluetooth on my vehicle. Any ideas guys? Firmware upgrade? Give me your thoughts? Thanks in advance. Dave R.

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The clear solution is to switch phones with your daughter. Kidding asside, that is what I didn't when mine wouldn't download the phone book so I switched with my wife and all is well :grin:

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Try pairing it the other way. In other words, use the phone to pair the two together rather than using the Zumo....

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James Clark
Anyone have any experience pairing a Motorola V950 cell phone to the Garmin Zumo 665? Everything works fine for an instant. Phone sees 665, 665 sees phone. Holds connection for 1/2 second, then spontaneously disconnects. Daughter's phone sustains connection no problem (Samsung Moment), and V950 connects fine and holds good with built-in GMC truck bluetooth on my vehicle. Any ideas guys? Firmware upgrade? Give me your thoughts? Thanks in advance. Dave R.


You're getting into a three-way cat fight over who's talking to whom. My Kaiser/S705/550 combo goes through the same dance unless I tell the Kaiser not to talk to the S705 headset. Make sure that the phone has headset and serial sharing with the Zumo enabled and pairing with any other device disabled.



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Thanks for all the input. Here's what I have discovered so far:


1. My phone is not on the list of supported phones for the 665 per the Garmin website. The Garmin tech recommended that I do a master reset to the 665 to get rid of the various error messages in it and try to do what Redmac suggested: namely have the phone reach out for the 665, not the reverse. While I did get a lot farther, the process still failed in the final analysis.

2. My phone carrier and I looked at the list of 665-supported phones, and settled on a Sanyo. the bottom line for me is that I simply need a phone that is rugged, has bluetooth and speaker phone, but which is not a smart phone. In my case, I only want to effectively make and receive phone calls- that's all. The camera isn't even important, since I am always carrying my digital Canon SLR for site surveys.


I will report back after I get the new phone, so you guys will get the "rest of the story". Dave R.

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John Bentall

Good luck with new phone. I keep an old cell that pairs with my 2820 since the new-fangled phone will not.


I believe the number of versions/releases of Bluetooth would make my mind boggle.

I heard that Autocom are developing a Bluetooth dongle that would pair with the Zumo 660/665 but they had to hold back to re-engineer it when it would not pair with the Zumo 220.

Since the manufacturers cannot manage, what are the much smaller intercom companies meant to do?

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Currently still waiting for the 665-compatible Sanyo 7050. Even though it is older technology, it is more than enough phone for me. Will advise how it goes when phone comes. Dave R.

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Yup, Garmin was right. The Sanyo sch7050 definitely successfully pairs with the 665. Only thing I can't figure out is which button to push to get the 7050 to initiate a voice recognition command so I can dial by voice command. Anyone?. . . . . . . . . . . .Dave R.

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