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Bar Risers


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looking for bar risers for a 08r1200rt. I have found a few different makes, any recommendations? Would like no more than 1" up and 1" back.

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I have Suburban Machinery bar backs on my RT. Never a problem, don't even know they're there (except for the pains I don't have anymore).

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Careful... the Suburban Machinery risers, rise alright but no real "back" except for that associated with the "tilt" angle of the headstock.


Look at Mototechniques which have an actual rearward mounting of the bars. Plus they will save you a large amount of money...($100 ?)


Also the pre-owned market is active in these sorts of thing since a lot of guys use them then discover they have re-learned how to actually ride the bike.


Do a search on Google or here for MYRP... Master Yoda Riding Position. Read, absorb, try, practice and you will be better in the long run..(no pun intended)


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Thanks for all the great info. I will be taking a 5,600 mile ride in Sept. with the first day being 1,020 miles. I have thought that a minor mod to the bar position would provide additional long ride comfort. Hopz, I will do some reading befor i do anything. Thanks again

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Since you live in Utah, how 'bout I loan you my set of Moto Techniques for either a trial run or use on your long ride?


Many people here find that they think they need them because they experience discomfort and pain using the stock set up.


After buying them they realize the pain stops for a while then moves to a different place on their body. Different people have the discomfort in different places. I was able to finally get the discomfort to go away by removing the bar backs and learning how to sit the bike. I am a big believer in MYRP. It may or may not work for you and I certainly to not think any less of anyone who finds comfort in using the risers/bar backs.


Let me hear.



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That would be great, I would be happy to pay you for them. I have spent some time this morning reading about MYRP but am still a little confused on the details. Do you have a link to a good description or even pictures that show what they are talking about.


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MYRP? I am new here but what is this all about?


The mototechniques are better than stock on my '04 1150RT but I am still working on improving overall riding comfort.





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I have talked with Dick Franz over the years and have written my own verion of the meaning of MYRP several times. I cannot find any at the moment.


I will try to give a list of things I recall ...


First the basics. It is more than just a change of posture, it is also developing new muscle memory. This means you will develop "naturalness" only over time and with repetition.


Sit in a firm chair, not leaning back... relax. Feet on the ground. Feel how your lower back is, in your (present) natural position. Notice where your center of gravity is at the present. Chances are good that you have balanced it over your tail bone. Now...Keeping your shoulders where they are...Move your lower back forward... this is like sticking the part below your navel outward. You are making more curvature in your lower back.


Now go to your bike, on the center stand, and do this again... (rotate your hips) until you feel the difference in how you are holding your body. You should not have your hands on the grips. let them rest in your lap. Feel what it feels like to support your upper back using your lower back and thighs- not your hands.


There are several things going on here..One is to get the weight off your hands. When underway you want to be able to remove your hands from the grips and your body remains where it is supposed to be. You are teaching your body to support its upper part with your thighs and lower back- not your hands. You need to learn to notice when you have and have lost... "soft hands" You want soft hands on the grips.


Hands. Get on the bike and look at how your hands grip the grips, (you can also do this at a desk)- put your hands on the top of the surface just do it naturally- see how they come to a resting psition.


(Note: this is overly complicated to describe- but just go with me for a minute) I want to rotate the outer pad of my palm so that the point of contact with the grip changes from the outer part of my palm to a spot closer "inside". In my case this new spot is closer to the pad under my thumb. The BMW MOA magazine had an article a few years ago about training your body for long distance riding- like an Iron Butt. They talked about looking at your hands on the grips and noticing the "V". If you are gripping and can see the V formed by the thumb and first finger you are doing it right.


To do this on the bike most of us end up sticking our elbows outward and this causes a natural lean forward. Note: you are now leaning forward but you are still supporting your Weight with your lower back and thighs. You should be able to remove your hands from the bike and the upper body is not moving. Soft hands. I also ride a sporty bike... Triumph Sprint RS. By BMW terms this sits like a sport bike. I am leaned pretty far forward. Every time I ride it I still have to remind myself not to support my weight with my wrists. It takes re-training of my body and using my legs not my hands...


If you follow Moto GP racing- notice Ben spies. They call him "Elbows" because his stick out more then the other riders. Try it.


This change of posture will become "natural" as you re-train it. It can and will become your new position when your muscles remember what you want- this happens over time.


So... big summary note here... rather than trying to relocate your grips- (because you should not be using them to support anything anyway)... relocate how you support your body. The idea is that you don't need to move your grips if you learn to hold yourself up without using them.

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Correction/Addition/Clarification to my original post...


In the paragraph where I fist tell you to go sit on the bike and rotate your lower back forward... you should lean forward enough to grip the grips, but do not actually grip- do not support your weight by your hands- in fact but them back in your lap while leaning forward....


hope this helps..


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