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Metzler Z6 vs Michelin PR2


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There is rare opportunity that arises when you have the chance to compare two tires in a controlled environment. I have had two 2004 R1150RT's and have had the Metzler Z6 on both. I ride in the North Georgia mountains and that general area, not much straight line riding. On both bikes I got 4000 miles and chose to replace the tires when the first tread wear indicators appeared. I have made what I would call an informed decision and also the excuse to try the Michelin Pilot Road 2's on the bike.


I am writing this to give my initial feelings about the two tires and hope it might answer some fellow rider's questions. I am not intending to make a black and white decision as to which is the best tire.


As stated the Metzlers where used on two bikes and I have to say that my impression of the tires on both bikes were the same. The Z6 is somewhat harsh over "tar snakes", cracks in the pavement, etc. After riding on the Michelins, I can confirm that at the same point in the tire's life, the Michelin's have a less harsh ride.


On both bikes, the Metzlers were noisy, especially when turning. I vividly recall, that on the first day on the Metzlers that I thought someone was diving inside into a turn of me because of the much increased noise of the tires on turn-in. The Michelin tires seem to have a consistent noise level in straight or turning riding.


The Metzler tires always required a certain amount of counter-steer entering turns. Simply leaning will start a turn with the Michelins, with little or no counter-steer required.


There are many miles ahead, but I wanted to share an initial experience to aid others in making an informed decision. I can't wait to see if the dual compound tread is something a mortal can feel and enjoy.


I think I am qualified to comment on tires for a lot of reasons. :)

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Dang... I was hoping you had Z6 on one bike and PR2 on the other bike, and were able to run them side by side new-vs-new through old-vs-old. I think it is very tough to compare a new tire to a tire from memory.


I finished a set of PR2s in 5k (sides wore out) and am now running Z6s. Front Z6 is now at 5k, but the first rear hit side wear bars at 2.1k and the second rear is now hitting side wear bars at 3k. Can't really compare the rear Z6s life to the PR2s though as both Z6s have been unfairly trashed in the Smokies.


I don't notice any handling differences between the PR2s and Z6s - only profile and life. I will say that I like the Z6 front tire much better than the PR2 front. First, that fact that the Z6 made it to 5k after the Smokies thrashing means that they will last way long than the PR2 under my normal use. And second, I always have a "V" profiling problem with front tires and the dual compound on the PR2 exacerbates that problem... the Z6 definitely retains a rounder profile for longer. Jury still out on the Z6 rear.


Please post what you ultimately get in mileage from the PR2s.... be interesting if you beat the 4k with the Z6s, or not. I'm down to these two tires as my favorites..... maybe even a Z6 front/PR2 rear combo :grin:



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I spooned on a set of Bridgestone BT-023 GT tires on my '07 RT. Took off a set of Z6 and also have had BT020 and Avon Storm IIs in the past. The lack of a center wear indicator is spooky on the Z6 and I had a little issue in the rain, but only once. The Avons handled well but were unstable at speed. So far, I like the 023s...

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I have never been able to compare the Z6 and the PR2 "side by side", but I have run both tires several times in the last 5 years or so on my 2 different R1100RT's. I do not have hard data, just my recollection of how each tire performs. The Z6 inspires more confidence both in the rain, and when pushed deep into a corner. I would say that the Z6 turns in a bit quicker than the PR2. It seems to me that the Z6 is softer than the PR2. I get 5-7k out of a set of Z6's, 9-11k out of the PR2'. The PR2 seems to like the presure to be about 2 lbs higher than the Z6. I have had a front PR2 cup when run at 36 lbs. I run 38 front and 40 rear in the PR2, 36 front and 38 rear with the Z6. With the Z6 the front always goes first, with the PR2 it is the rear. After running several sets of both, I prefer the PR2. Mostly due to the mileage. If I were going to do nothing but rip in the canyons, or I lived in Seattle, I would prefer the Z6. The noise issues reported with both have not been an issue for me, but I always wear earplugs. I have had no issues with either that I would attribute to cold. I ride nearly year round here in Denver, and at 20 degerees and less, they both are hard/slick until warmed up, but seem fine after 5 miles or so.

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The Metzler tires always required a certain amount of counter-steer entering turns. Simply leaning will start a turn with the Michelins, with little or no counter-steer required.


I whole heartedly agree with this statement. Actually you may need some counter counter steer :eek: Actually I have had to teach myself to relax my grip on the bars while in a corner and just adjust my upper body lean.


How do you feel about their wet and/or cold traction?


For the PR2 I can say they did not let me down when I took the BMW performance center Road class in the rain. I was still able to lift the rear tire consistently and remain stable during extreme braking tests. Even at extreme lean angle at high speed I did not notice any slipping and my confidence was increased.

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These are just "feelings", not hard data. Everyone has a different feel or expectation. I just wanted to share mine so that others could take it for what it is worth. It is good that others add their impressions and share, so that others might make informed decisions.


The final decision for me was when I found the "hard" data that the Continental test riders compiled. Have riden and tested tires for them in the past, made their input a valuable resource. It was apparent that they used the PR2's as a benchmark.

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The lack of a center wear indicator is spooky on the Z6 and I had a little issue in the rain, but only once.


The lack of a center wear indicator on the Z6 really bit me on my last trip. 1800 miles into a 3000 mile trip, the center of the tire looked fine.




At 2300 miles the center of the rear tire looked like this:100_1324.JPG


Total tire life was about 7000 miles.


Trying the PR2's. At least I'll know when the center wears out.

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If you got 7000 miles out of a Z6 then you got 2000 miles too many and likely at 4000 miles they were so square the rear could stand by itself. I think you will like the PR2s.

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Trying the PR2's. At least I'll know when the center wears out.


Very impressive to have worn the Z6 all the way down on the side - especially for a....... ummm, never mind :grin:.


Will be very interesting how you find the PR2s. Might be an even coin toss on mileage as I find the PR2 softer on the sides than the Z6s. My guess is that your mileage will get cut short by cords showing on the sides of your PR2s.

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I got 6500 miles on my last set of PR2's. Wore the left side of the rear down to where the tread was barely noticeable. Center and right side seemed to still have a fair bit of life left.

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Trying the PR2's. At least I'll know when the center wears out.


Are you saying you can't tell the center is worn out on that Metzeler? :grin:

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The first indication you will get is steel. There is no wear indicator in the middle only off to the sides. I get about 2000 to 3000 more miles on the PR2's and a lot more confidence on my R1200RT.

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The first indication you will get is steel. There is no wear indicator in the middle only off to the sides. I get about 2000 to 3000 more miles on the PR2's and a lot more confidence on my R1200RT.


Ditto. Please I feel the ride is much better with the Michelins.

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Done 10,000 miles on My Pilot road 2. The front will need replacing shortly but the rear is only just squaring off. I am very impressed with these tyres as i only used to get 4-6000 out of metzelers. I for one will continue using Michelins

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Every time I see these photos from Metzlers going from "looks like I've got a few thousand miles left" to cords showing in a couple of hundred miles, I'm glad I moved to the Michelins, which has very well designed wear bars.


One observation on my PR2's–they are less prone to attacks by tar snakes. It's a personal observation rather than a scientific analysis, but I do feel more confident hitting them than I did with the Metzlers.

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Done 10,000 miles on My Pilot road 2. The front will need replacing shortly but the rear is only just squaring off. I am very impressed with these tyres as i only used to get 4-6000 out of metzelers. I for one will continue using Michelins


I haven't ridden my PR2's in the rain yet (you know the old song, "it never rains in California"). What do you think about their wet road handling?

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Wet handling is excellent. Probably 90% of dry or better. Exception is some of those painted lines that are actually decals. They are slick no matter what tire you are using

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Use the bike all year round and find them as good in the wet.I was introduced to them by a friend who supplies and fits tyres. I never had much confidence using Metzelers in the wet as i had a few rear end step outs whilst cornering .No real problems with the PR2

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I'm going to have the try the PR2's because I've been quite happy with Z6 wet handling (at least for the first 4K miles of life, lol).

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I was not happy with the Z6 wet handling, but then again, as a Californian, my riding in rain experience may equal 10 rides over the past 10 years. In fact, the last time I rode in a steady rain was three years ago. It's not that I avoid it, but it's so rare, it just happens on days when I'm not riding.

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I haven't had them on the same bike but had PR2s on an F800ST and Z6s on my R1200R. I like Z6s better, but can't comment on longevity.

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