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Time to upgrade my GPS?


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I currently have a Garmin 2730 which still works fine. I use it along with the XM radio while I ride. I'm wondering whether it's worth the upgrade to the Zumo 550, or even the 665? Besides the larger screen, is there much of a difference in how the units operate or the detail that you see?



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Hi Doug


As long as the Zumo 550 does all of what you want then I think you will find it’s a great traveling companion. The Zumo is dumbed down on certain functions but excels in others. If you use tracks to any great extent the Zumo can make them and follow it’s own tracks but will turn any entered tracks into routes so that means in most cases following routable roads.

I have had the Zumo 550 since almost it’s inception so have gone through a lot of upgrades and teething issues. In it’s present from I am quite happy traveling intricate or complicated roads with it. The screen is bright enough to see in most sunlight conditions, the controls are easy to use with riding gloves on, routes are easy to load and change while moving. The use of an added SD card allows it to hold many many routes and other thing like MP3s or additional maps. Lots of data storage.

I’m not familiar with the 665 other than what I have read so hopefully someone from that side can talk about it’s attributes.

Having used the Zumo 550 for a long time now my biggest complaints are it’s weight when off the bike and carried in a pocket, something I seldom do. The complexity of it’s motorcycle mounting base, and the lack of features needed for off road use. In fact I have a more dedicated GPS for off road usage.

One of the nice things about the Zumo 550 is it’s internal battery so you can take it into a restaurant or coffee shop then program it or view data while you eat or rest. The Zumo is also has a good ability to trade routes with other Zumo users so if you ride in a group all the riders can be on the same exact route. This is s nice function if you like to ride fast and space out for miles then meet at different locations during the day.


Where are you located? Your best bet might be to meet with someone that has the Zumo 550 or 665 then sit down over a beer and compare the units to what your are using now.

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I have a Zumo 550. I wouldn't trade it for anything else. I have multiple GPS's from cars, boats, airplane, etc. The Zumo is my favorite. Why? Big Screen, big buttons, waterproof, only a few screens so not a lot of customization required or needed, battery powered up to 4 hours lets me plan from the comfort of my livingroom, backup gas gauge, weather and xm if you want. I bought mine in 2006.


A couple of things I don't like. Music is MP3. None of the newer formats. XM requires separate - expensive antenna.


Whatever you buy, make sure it can run independently on internal batteries. You will regret it if you don't.

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The good thing about going with the Zumo 550 is that it uses the same XM antenna that I already have. Thanks.

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