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Windshield extension


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The stock windshield is a little too tow to me on my R1100RT '97. When the seat is at the lowest position, it works perfectly, but then I am not sitting comfortably.


I have seen that there are some kind of universal lip that can be mounted at top of the windshield, but I have not found the proper search-phrase to find it.


Anyone knowing the name of such a thing, and are here any experiences with it?



RoarS in Norway

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I tried a couple of laminar lip products. (They make different models for use on different bikes.)

One worked great, the other was a bust.

(I can't recall which one I liked, so I won't name models...)


I've had a couple of CeeBailey windscreens that I used on my 1150RT. Both were the #2, Eurocut. One was a +4, the other +7.

The quality was top notch, and both worked fine, but I REALLY liked the +7. (Affectionately called the 'barn door.')


But windscreens are much like helmets - what works wonderfully for someone else may be terrible for you.


Good luck!

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I've had a couple of CeeBailey windscreens that I used on my 1150RT.[...] I REALLY liked the +7. (Affectionately called the 'barn door.')

What I have seen is some kind of variable lip to be mounted on top of the stock shield. I certainly hope that one of these are cheaper than a new one - but if there are anyone that have a used one lying around the case is different...


But windscreens are much like helmets - what works wonderfully for someone else may be terrible for you.

I am a little afraid that it is the combination of helmet, my clothing/riding style and windscreen that is the problem, because when I am using my plastic-helmet I get less turbulence than when using my carbon helmet - but my carbon helmet fits better and is the one I use for touring due to both comfort and safety reasons...


Again: Thanx folks!


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