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Cee Bailey seat


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Has anyone here had a seat rebuilt by Cee Bailey? If so, were you pleased by the result?


I don't know if they do a good job or not, you might want to search these forums. I don't recall one thread about the Cee Bailey seat, but I've lost a few brain cells, so who knows.


Here's what you need to know. Unless you live close to company that does this, you're going to have to invest some time in this process. I used Bill Mayer Saddles because they literally are around the corner from me. It was an all-day process, but the seat is perfect for my butt. Rocky (aka Bill Mayer) rides a BMW (I believe a GS), and does a thriving business for BMW bikes. When I was there, they were working on two other GS's, my RT, a brand new LT, and a Harley.


They also have a thriving internet business. You send your seat, photos of you on the bike in various positions, your honest weight and inseam, blah blah blah, and they send you a custom seat back. They have colors to match BMW bikes (I didn't take advantage of this, but they did one for the GS, and it was beautiful).


I'm sure Cee Bailey is fine. But you need to read some reviews around here of other artisans on saddle improvement. There's even another Mayer in Northern California who has a solid business and reputation. Don't think they're related, but I didn't ask. :D


My point is that you're going to lose your saddle for some period of time (lots of people buy temporary ones on eBay to use while waiting). They all cost about the same. But the companies that focus on BMW touring saddles are the best. That's why I like my local guy.

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Paul Mihalka

A bit of seat history: Years back Bill Mayer was making motorcycle seats and started the process of putting a metal spring into the wings of the seat for heavy riders. He called it a Day-Long. Later he sold his business to the Russells including the design and the Day-Long name, with a agreement that he, Bill Mayer, won't make seats for ten years. That is the origin of the Russell Day-Long seat. After ten years Bill Mayer started making seats again, but shortly passed away. He had two sons. Rick and Rocky. They both make seats. Rocky kept the name Bill Mayer seats. Rick makes seats under his own name. The two brothers don't talk to each other...


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Cee Bailey's built an excellent R1150RT seat for me, but I went there in person to get fitted and place the order. One reason I picked CB is that they seem to have lots of experience doing police RT's. (I'm happy with the stock seat on my R1200RT so haven't replaced it with an aftermarket one, yet).


They don't really have a ride-in program - they may take a week to build your seat and probably would use your existing seat's pan. They have a good questionnaire to determine your size and seat requirements. Because of that, going there in person like I did was of no great benefit except in saved shipping expenses.

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A bit of seat history: Years back Bill Mayer was making motorcycle seats and started the process of putting a metal spring into the wings of the seat for heavy riders. He called it a Day-Long. Later he sold his business to the Russells including the design and the Day-Long name, with a agreement that he, Bill Mayer, won't make seats for ten years. That is the origin of the Russell Day-Long seat. After ten years Bill Mayer started making seats again, but shortly passed away. He had two sons. Rick and Rocky. They both make seats. Rocky kept the name Bill Mayer seats. Rick makes seats under his own name. The two brothers don't talk to each other...


Yeah, I got curious, so I found a blog that had a story about the Mayers. When I was there, I asked about Rick, but Rocky didn't say anything. I just thought they were competitors with the same name who didn't like each other. Given what I've read, they really don't like each other and they're brothers!


Thanks for the info.

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Cee Bailey did my '04 R1150RTP seat.

Previously, I had two seats by Rick Mayer.

My next seat will be a Cee Bailey.........

Less expensive, they really seem to want to get it right, pretty fast service.

When my seat was ready to be reworked, the tech. called me to discuss the problems/solutions.

(Cee Bailey does CHP seats for them)

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Mrs. Caddis

I have a heated one for sale in the classified section. Not mine originally, I was trying it on spec. Built on the standard seat pan, seems well put together. I just think I need a wider seat for my female form... :grin:

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I had Cee Bailey build a seat for my '04 RT. I have also had a Corbin on it, a used Russell Day Long, and a new Day Long built for me. The communication to the seat builder was poor with the CB seat. What is good for Police Officers may not be the best for a full tank of fuel run ( or several in a row!). There seat seems good to sit on for the first hour. It actually was nicer as a commuter seat than the Russell. But, they failed to really address the "lean forward" issue enough and while it was wider than the stock seat it did not have any upward tilt on the outside edges to better support my "Hams". At first glance the shape was near stock. I have since modified it and may do a little more to it. It was cheaper than the Russells, and I got what I payed for.

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My R1100R stock seats, front and back, were sent to C. Bailey for remaking. Main problem being the front seat 'lean forward'causing discomfort to crotch area... terrible design and no matter how the three level positions were adjusted could not get comfortable. I accurately discribed the discomfort in writting and also called the technician who was doing the work to be sure of communication. The rear seat was widened well for a woman's riding as requested and both seat workmanship was VG as was the quality of materials HOWEVER, the real reason for my spending the $ was NOT solved! The seat design continued to push rider forward onto the horn resulting in riding anguish again. I called and spoke again to the man doing the work and mailed it back for correction. NOTHING was changed and they would not correct again. I modified seat with wheelchail gell cusion myself with better result but not perfect

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I made some spacers for the front of my seat to raise it and solve that "slide forward." (about 3/4")

After Cee Bailey did my seat the spacers were not necessary.

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Cee Bailey's built an excellent R1150RT seat for me, but I went there in person to get fitted and place the order.

I think this is the critical factor for any custom seat. Lots of shops in addition to the well-known ones, can build a decent custom seat, but unless you are there to fine-tune the shape, the fit could always be better. It's rarely a perfect fit on the first try -- even for Russell.

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