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Anything to avoid a full face I guess....


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Wonder how those would look over a full-face.


Afterall, "it's not how you feel, it's how you look."


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Maybe I missed the details...


Someone clue me in on how this thing attaches. Is it some sort of strap? I can envision in a get-off it may cut your face or throat.


Loved the ending line in product description..."and look good doing it."







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Hannibal Lectur (sp?) would be proud. This is most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Especially, the diamond plate version.

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What was it PT Barnum said? Answer: There is a sucker born every minute.


The wonders of a market economy - please don't even buy one as a gag gift for someone, let the product disappear quickly.

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I notice that you are wearing the SHEEP SKIN rather that sitting on it :rofl:


Don't need to sit on it 'cause I'm not wearing pants in the pic :thumbsup:

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Good grief.


On a side note - How's that bike handle with that steering wheel? And are those lights up on the roll bar or boat speakers?

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Good grief.


On a side note - How's that bike handle with that steering wheel?


I'm glad you asked; I need some help with the whole steering input thing on that bike. The press right, go right does not work well for me on that bike....I can't figure out why.



The other problem, the passenger up front thing is not working out, I get a lot of buffeting


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The other problem, the passenger up front thing is not working out, I get a lot of buffeting


I'll bet. I'm getting some buffeting off your passenger clear over here!

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Evolution my friends. First there was the no brain box protection. Then the cereal bowl helmet. Then for face protection the bandana, which evolved into the Halloween mask, which apparently evolved into what you see here. Evolution takes time.

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What's obvious? The product all but replicates a full face but does so with a piece of diamond plate and questionable results.....


As for your choice (whatever it is), enjoy.....I have no idea what the objection is (you didn't say) but nor do I see it as relevant to this thread.

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