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Bike-To-Bike Communication....


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The time has come.... :grin:......After Kathy and I made the Un and on up to the MOA we've decided that hand signals (some not used in polite company) :P are not sufficient communication while on our rides so.........Looking closely at the Scala Rider G4 :thumbsup:...Looks like the best, most compact solution....However, I will then be able to HEAR what she's saying in that helmet... :mad:

Would enjoy input on this unit or other recommendations and any info from folks that have had dealings with Powersport Superstore.com..........



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I'm using the Chatterbox XBi2... basically the same features as the Scala Rider. I have also haved owned a Scala Rider in the past (before they offered MP3 over a bluetooth connection). The Scala Rider has slightly better noise cancellation than the Chatterbox in my opinion.


The only bad thing I can say about these setups is battery life. I commute about 75 miles a day (about 65-75 minutes a day) and I can always get 3 days on a charge... if I try for a fourth, the battery always dies out on me. I should mention I'm streaming MP3s 100% of my commute time... I'm sure it would last longer if only used for occasional phone calls and occasional intercom use.


If you're doing some serious mileage riding days you might even have to charge your units up during your lunch breaks to make sure they're gonna last the whole day.

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Because I already owned a couple of intercoms for the bikes in my sable, when it came time to do the bike-to-bike communication this summer, it was fairly painless. I had to order some PTT cables, wire up one of the intercoms for my wife's bike and dust off the Walkie Talkies that my brother had given us for Christmas 8 years ago. They worked great until my PTT stopped working 2000 miles from home. This past weekend while working on the bike I found out why. In my haste, I had routed the PTT cable in such a way that it got crimped. That crimp, broke one of the wires in the cable.


The Scala Rider and Chatterbox options seem to have very mixed results depending on who you talk to. I'm not sure they are really 100% read at this point.



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I prefer bike powered GMRS with PTT. No batteries and it always works. With PTT, your riding partner doesn't have to hear you sneeze!! Yes, I do have to connect a lead to my helmet but for me, its the best trade-off.

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I aree with John re. hearing the other sneeze; however when my wife & I used the Bluetooth Interphone B2B units, we got in the habit of leaving in "standby" mode most of the time to conserve battery life and we could easily get a full day of riding/yakking from one charge.


This also eliminated hearing each other coughing/sneezing/cursing at cagers/etc., and we didn't feel the need to be *constantly* connected. But with the touch of a button and a slight 2 second delay we could be connected again with no fuss whatsoever--or disconnected instantly with one touch. I really liked that system for us--only reason we're now using B2B GMRS is that we ride with others who also use it.



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Our group of three all use AutoCom units, Kenwood GMRS radios and VOX control. The mics are very directional and we rarely have an issue with unwanted transmissions. More importantly, we can yell out a hazard instantly, without having a turn-on delay or a reach to a PTT button.

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Thanks for the responses........Brought out the different advantages to PTT and Blue Tooth systems (selective use vs wireless and multiple inputs, etc)....We have a set of older Motorola walkie talkies (T5950) but not sure they would be the units to use as they have to sit in a cradle to charge for one thing..... But I'm going to fiddle with them and see if I can get headsets ...Looks like Motorola sized jacks are need too....


Thanks again......

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Thanks for the responses........Brought out the different advantages to PTT and Blue Tooth systems (selective use vs wireless and multiple inputs, etc)....We have a set of older Motorola walkie talkies (T5950) but not sure they would be the units to use as they have to sit in a cradle to charge for one thing..... But I'm going to fiddle with them and see if I can get headsets ...Looks like Motorola sized jacks are need too....


Thanks again......


If you're going that route, your best bet is to order the Autocom B2B kits (not the complete mixer setup)...consisting of headset, push to talk switch, and Motorola unit adapter. They will work right out of the box and continue long after the el-cheapo units with the tiny little DIN plugs have long snce broken.

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