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ME880 High mileage


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I finally had to remove the rear ME880 off the RT. I'm pretty sure this was the set I put on to go to Alaska LAST summer, but the mileage makes me think I'm losing it!


According to my receipts, I got 23,230 MILES out of them! Could it be?


I have held off for years on putting these on, although I knew they had great longevity. I was afraid with my riding style (aggressive sometimes) I would have issues with them not being sticky enough. Now the front did seem to step out a few times, but I never really had issues with traction. Now I'll be the first to admit it should have been changed a few hundred miles ago, but easily at the 23K mark they were acceptable!


(The front is about done, so it will get changed when I have time next week...)


Boy, Have I found a new tire!


(Sadly, they don't make one for the GT rear)

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Most I've ever got out of an ME880 front is 12,880, most from rear is 13,338 (metal showing), but generally both f&r are gone by 10,000. Utah roads are pretty hard on tyres though as you know. I got 19,000 out of an MEZ4 front, I miss the MEZ4, hate the 6.


I wish I could get as much mileage from my alternator belts...

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Two sets of ME880's on 2003 RT. I changed both sets at about 20,000 km.(12,500 miles for the SI challenged). Both times the fronts were in worse shape than the rears. Someone could have squeezed more kilometers out of them...not me. I am on second set of Shinko Ravens and the fronts are outlasting the rears. 19 k km on the first set but the front tire was still serviceable.

Although I haven't tried to analyze this anomoly, I find it interesting. Apologies for slipping a bit off topic.

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Love me some ME880s. I was at the local Cycle Gear last weekend comparing tires and was shocked at the weight of an ME880 compared to PR2s or Roadsmarts. We're talking MAJOR weight difference!

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I have never got near that even with a 450 pound bike that would barely do 80 mph. I did get 15,000 miles though on ME 880s. Lately I have been using Shinko Ravens and they do OK for a cheaper tire. The cost per mile is good if you do your own tire changes.

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It's all in the wrist, Floyd.

One set of Pirelli Strada's lasted 10K rear, 12K miles front. The second set was gone to the wear bars on the sides in 4500 miles.

Glad some one is getting Bias tire like mileage on these big beasts.


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great info. replaced z6's with 880's on mt 04 RT about 3k miles ago. for the type of riding i do was hoping/expecting better mileage. can't complain about the z6's. 8-10k was the norm.

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I thought I'd post pics, just for kicks!






The front:




And the inside of the plug I put in the front before I deflated it: (Stop-n-Go plug kit) I usually try to put one in about every third or fourth tire change so I am faster at it when it counts.





As the say YMMV :grin:

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Got a whoppin' 6K out of a rear 880. Lowest total yet to date.


THANK YOU! I tried a set hoping for high mileage. I didn't get 6K out of them and boy did the front end step out a few times. I don't think for a minute that I'm anywhere near as aggressive as Sir Richard. I tried Z-6's, PR-2's, ME880's, Road Smarts and now the Bridgestone BT-023. Never got more than 6K miles out of any tire. I keep hoping though.....

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Prior to using the ME880, the best I ever got out of a rear tire on my 07 RT was 6500 miles. My last few sets of tires were an ME880 rear combined with a Z6 front. I get 10-12k out of that combination.

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According to my receipts, I got 23,230 MILES out of them! Could it be?


The bad news is, you not only need tires but your odometers broken. :rofl::wave:

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Put tires on my bike today. Tried my best to get the BT023's and called three different dealers here locally. They never even heard of them, didn't have them and said they couldn't even order them. How'd you get yours??

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I was disapointed to only get 6500 miles on a rear ME880 and about 10k on the front. Had a funny wear pattern, flat in the center and flat on the sides with a pronounced ridge inbetween the flat areas. Ride mostly 2 up and pulling a small trailer. Ran BMW's recomended 38 front/42 reap. Contacted Metzler and after several email exchanges and them taking a month to "talk to a large4BMW that sells lots of thier tires" they decided that I wasn't checking the pressure with the tires cold (untrue) and that I was using to much rear brake and not enough front brake. K8inda hard to do with linked brakes on an 04 RT. I switched to Shinko Ravens and see how they do.

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don't know what you guys smoke but my ordinary riding style not aggressive though a lot in twisties yileds me no more than 6k on rear and maybe 9k on front. Using Dunlop Raodsmart now and hoping to get 8k since more has been on highway lately.



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I finally had to remove the rear ME880 off the RT. According to my receipts, I got 23,230 MILES out of them!

I'll be the first to admit it should have been changed a few hundred miles ago, but easily at the 23K mark they were acceptable!

(The front is about done, so it will get changed when I have time next week...)

I looked at my Z6's (OEMs) the other day and the rear looks worse than yours, the front about the same. Mind, I've only got 6,500 miles on the rear and 7,250 on the front. I ride one-up and very rarely aggressively. I won't be using them again, they're crap for mileage.

I recall using a Metzeler touring tire on my old bike and got great mileage out of it (double this). I think it was the 880 but it has been about 9 years since those were last bought. So which to buy now? :S

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I recall using a Metzeler touring tire on my old bike and got great mileage out of it (double this). I think it was the 880 but it has been about 9 years since those were last bought.

Upon further reflection - and a beer - I realize my tires were the ME88's, not the 880's. Sorry.

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So which to buy now? :S


The "screw it" philosophy is winning over after so many low mileage tires (specifically rear tires). If they're going to wear out so soon, I might as well use Shinko's. The hosing won't be as painful :P


So far the rear Shinko on the GS has been great (about 3k miles so far).

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