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After market shocks


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There are several others but I like Ohlins for one main reason, so I'll state that and then shut up. Ohlins has a company owned (OhlinsUSA) distribution and service center in the US. You can buy shocks from them, and send them back for overhaul, with excellent customer service. I have no affiliation, just a satisfied user.

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I had Wilbers on my 1100RT, and loved 'em.


I have an order in with Ted Porter for new suspenders for my 1200RT.


It's time to give him a call and see when to expect them.

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Setup is a major part of how well shocks work, and unless you are comfortable with suspension tuning, look for a suspension shop that is geographically nearby, and put on whatever they offer. Otherwise, they all seem to be an improvement, although some people have had good, others bad experiences with all the major options.

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Setup is a major part of how well shocks work, and unless you are comfortable with suspension tuning, look for a suspension shop that is geographically nearby, and put on whatever they offer.


:thumbsup: ++++1. Never has better advice been given. I tested Hyperpro vs. Ohlins for my '04 RT here http://www.mklsportster.com/Articles/mcnsuspension.pdf As Selden said, the hardware matters little compared to the setup.



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I have been very pleased with Ohlin shocks on the R1100RS.

Am presently having Works Performance making ESA shocks to lower our R1200RT.

After evaluation, I will share with all.




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Another option is the canadian made ELKA brand.

I'm using them on my GS and like them a lot.

A&S BMW in Sac.sells them.

Not sure they have an RT application.



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What is the consensus recommendation for after marker shocks,other than Ohlins.? I have an o4RT.





So, Mat, is that enough feedback? Lotsa options. The best option is to REPLACE THE OEMS WITH SOMETHING!! :grin: Don't delay--you'll be glad you did! It's the best $$$ you can spend on an RT, I think.

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I just installed mine the other day...picked up a set of used Ohlins from another user here.


After a 1700mi trip fully loaded with wife on the back, the stock '98 suspension was too soft, fully dialed up in back. We were smacking the center stand going through whoops in the road, and the front end felt like it wanted to wander in the turns and wasn't really in check with what the rear was doing.


My Ohlins were set up for a 240lb rider, and while I'm around 205 buck nekkid, my preference has always been toward a bit stiffer than softer, so I think this will be a great improvement.


I'll hang onto the OEM stuff 'just in case'...



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I just installed mine the other day...picked up a set of used Ohlins from another user here.


After a 1700mi trip fully loaded with wife on the back, the stock '98 suspension was too soft, fully dialed up in back. We were smacking the center stand going through whoops in the road, and the front end felt like it wanted to wander in the turns and wasn't really in check with what the rear was doing.


My Ohlins were set up for a 240lb rider, and while I'm around 205 buck nekkid, my preference has always been toward a bit stiffer than softer, so I think this will be a great improvement.


I'll hang onto the OEM stuff 'just in case'...




Shuffler, if you do decide the springs are just too stiff, OhlinsUSA will do a "spring swap" for ya at a *very* nominal charge. Just give em a call. Ask for Gary Christopher. Nice folks up there. (828) 692-4525 , xt 309

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Shuffler, if you do decide the springs are just too stiff, OhlinsUSA will do a "spring swap" for ya at a *very* nominal charge. Just give em a call. Ask for Gary Christopher. Nice folks up there. (828) 692-4525 , xt 309


good to know - thanks :thumbsup:

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