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Spark plug ticking in Autocom


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OK I've searched around but don't see a specific solution for this. I have a Mixit 2 in my glove box taking Ipod, radar detector and Gps inputs which are then routed to the Autocom under the tail section. Both Autocom and Mixit are bike powered as is radar detector and gps. When the Mixit 2 is powered up with the engine running I get a clicking that is synched to the engine speed and sounds like it's picking up some spark plug interference.


My question is, can I run one of these Radio Shack "filters" in the system to eliminate that? If so, does it go on the audio leads somewhere or on the power lead? TIA


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OK I've searched around but don't see a specific solution for this. I have a Mixit 2 in my glove box taking Ipod, radar detector and Gps inputs which are then routed to the Autocom under the tail section. Both Autocom and Mixit are bike powered as is radar detector and gps. When the Mixit 2 is powered up with the engine running I get a clicking that is synched to the engine speed and sounds like it's picking up some spark plug interference.


My question is, can I run one of these Radio Shack "filters" in the system to eliminate that? If so, does it go on the audio leads somewhere or on the power lead? TIA


Al, first I would try this with the bike running and you listening for any change: unplug and re-plug each of the inputs into the Mixit to see if that helps. My guess is the Radar Det. will be the culprit. If so, then perhaps a ground loop isolator between that item and the Mixit will help. Or, you could just go ahead and get a GLI (they're cheap) and try it in different places--such as between the Mixit and Autocom. I have had some ground loop issues but no ignition noise, just weird chirps and buzzes.


Let me know what the first troubleshooting finds....

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It goes on the audio lead to the Autocom. I would disconnect each device one at a time to isolate the source of the noise. That way you can determine which needs the special cable - ground loop isolator. As you may know Autocom makes them for a price $$$.

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Thanks for all the input guys. I did some testing last night and here's what I found. It's the radar detector (as suggested above). The odd thing I found is, the higher I turn the volume on the Escort, the lower the tick. To the point where it disappears altogether. There seemed to be very little volume difference from "just on" to "maxed out". I can live with the increased setting. Thanks again to all.

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Albert, if you decide to fix it, Escort sells a GLI that will work--I have 2 of them on both bikes. Since the detector's audio output is monaural (as opposed to stereo) you'll also need a mono-to-stereo converter ($5 at Radio Shack) before you plug it into a stereo input in the mixit or autocom.

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Thanks Bob. Actually I'm using the Mixit as a kind of preamp for the Escort, the iPod and gps. I then have a single input to the Autocom from all three. The nice thing about the Mixit is it has both stereo and mono inputs (already isolated) that I can go directly to. The additional advantage is one of the mono inputs is a priority which means it will kill the ipod and gps outputs when a signal is detected (I couldn't do this with the Autocom alone). The Escort GLI will likely do the trick by itself. Thanks again.

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Never thought about using a mixit as an Autocom pre-amp---great idea! Do you use helmet speakers and wear earplugs also?


There are times when I wish I had just a touch more volume from the Autocom...

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Yes I use helmet speakers usually without earplugs. I too was a little disappointed in the volume capability of Autocom. I'm finding the Mixit is a great compliment to the Autocom. I have it velcroed in my glove box where it's out of the weather but a piece of cake to reach down and tweak the volume (believe me the Mixit can add plenty if needed). I have my phone hooked direct to the Autocom which takes priority over everything when a call comes in (which is fine). The problem with Autocom is there's no priorities after that. In my setup the Mixit handles radar/gps/music priority before sending the signal to the Autocom. In a perfect world I'd have a hierarchy of priority of: phone/com > radar > gps > music. With the Mixit/Autocom I "almost" get that.

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