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Liberty Torque Frames


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I saw this frame at an optical store today:




Does anybody have any experience with this? Not sure if this frame would work with my high correction bifocals. The back of the frame has sort of a neoprene gasket, so they are almost goggles, and should reduce the risks of stuff (bugs, dust) getting into one's eyes. I was quoted $45 for the frame; lenses, of course, run the price up.

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Nice n Easy Rider


I don't have any experience with those particular frames but I would bet that a good optometry store can find you something similar for which you can also get some assurances that they can indeed outfit them with your appropriate prescription lenses.

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

I have something like that for driving my TR6. They might block some dust but, my jury is still out. For the amount of peripheral vision loss, I'd expect significantly better.

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I had those glasses in my basic prescription for about 5 years. I liked them but with the foam they were a little bulky looking and sweaty on hot days. I think the same company makes some with removable foam.



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