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Contego Direct

Nice n Easy Rider

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Nice n Easy Rider

Has anyone had an opportunity yet to file a claim under a Contego Direct extended warranty? If so, how was the experience? The warranty on my 07 RT will be running out in about 6-7 weeks and I'm debating whether to go with the extended warranty from Contego. The price seems reasonable enough but that would, of course, depend on how good the service is from them when you have a claim. Any info regarding experiences will be appreciated. Thanks. :)

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Read the fine print real close. The company I used for the wife car does not pay for any trouble shooting and this could be more costly than the actual repair. And some safety devices installed may not be covered. Such as air bags and maybe some items related to the ABS. We had the air bag system fail and that was how I found out that they would not cover this. It was in the guide about this you just need to read and reread everything and read between the line. With what I paid out for repair in the 2 years of coverage I have paid more that the cost of the coverage. This is more of a gamble. If you blow up and engine or transmission they more than likely will pay for that.

Personal I will not do this again




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