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About five minutes after I arrive home and shut everything down, the ZUMO Nav system fires up again and I have to manually power it down. Sometimes it powers up again and again. Now normally it will shut off by itself but this weekend it stayed on and drained my bike battery.


Do others experience this? Any solution, other than removing the unit when not in use?

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Hi dwfindley


If your Zumo is mounted on a BMW 1200 and “NOT” wired directly to the battery they “the Zumo” can do what yours is doing. If your Zumo is wired into the ZFE controlled system sometimes errantly called the “can-bus” system it can come back on as the ZFE shuts the accessory power off after a few minutes. The Zumo’s internal switching circuit sees that as power change and will sometimes bring the Zumo back on.


Either wire you GPS directly to battery power or if it is controlled by the ZFE accessory circuit just leave the Zumo turned on when you park the bike. If the Zumo is ON when the bike’s accessory circuit shuts down it should just shut down providing you have your Zumo set to not stay on using internal battery power when it sees an outside power interruption.


One more thing, make sure you have your Zumo set to shut off when the outside power stops. If you it set to remain on using internal battery power it will do just that.


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Nice n Easy Rider

Sounds somewhat familiar. I used to come home, shut my Zumo off, go into the house and when I would come back out I would find it on again. This happened several times until I figured out that all I had to do was to shut the bike down. The Zumo shuts off about 60 seconds later but asks, before shutting off, if I want to continue on battery power. My Zumo is directly connected to the available power source between the front forks.

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This is well-known occurrence and totally normal, everything is working just as it is supposed to.


If you will learn NOT turn off the Zumo when arriving at your destination you will not have the problem. Let the CANBUS take care of all that and you will be fine.


After you turn off the bike- the zumo and the other electrics will remain ON for about 30 seconds... the the bike electrics will shut down... then the Zumo will ask if you want it to continue on battery power... either say YES or NO... if you say nothing OR if you say NO it will shut down all by itself and it will be happy.

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Hi dwfindley


If your Zumo is mounted on a BMW 1200 and “NOT” wired directly to the battery they “the Zumo” can do what yours is doing. If your Zumo is wired into the ZFE controlled system sometimes errantly called the “can-bus” system it can come back on as the ZFE shuts the accessory power off after a few minutes. The Zumo’s internal switching circuit sees that as power change and will sometimes bring the Zumo back on.


Cutting power to the cradle won't cause the Zumo to power up. And it definitely won't suck the bike's battery dry.


But repowering the cradle when the ZFE goes looking for a smart charger will restart the Zumo. And after mistaking the restarted Zumo for a charger, the ZFE leaves the cradle hot. That's how you drain the battery.

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Cutting power to the cradle won't cause the Zumo to power up. And it definitely won't suck the bike's battery dry.


By "cutiing power"....if you mean the bike power is removed, such as after the bike is turned of... it certainly DOES cause the zumo to power up on its own.


As one of the original 3 Zumo Forum Moderators I can assure you that this behavior is well known.


Regarding the sucking the bike battery dry... no it does not use much power, but given enough time it will suck a battery dry.


None of this is related to the Smart Charger which has its own set of "strange" zumo interactions....

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