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US church - Quran burning


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I'm sure anti-Roman feeling was part of it, but we have absolutely no idea whether other groups tried to memorialize their martyrs (it does seem to be a common human trait). The Christians have been so succesful that I'm sure they have suppressed the stories of any meaningful competition.


That's another question I was about to ask, and that is whether this making of your teacher a Messiah was a common thing in that day. I have read some material that suggests it was. In fact, even in the Gospels Jesus is said to have warned about others coming and claiming to be the Messiah.


In fact, I just read a book that seriously questions the legitimacy of Paul as an Apostle. Among the arguments presented are that Jesus never hinted that he was going to send another person to join the 12 chosen as an Apostle in doing their work.

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I’m certainly by a long shot no expert on Islam either, but among the common Christian tenets about Jesus Islam acknowledges and honors are; the virgin birth, a messenger of God, had the ability to perform miracles, ascended into heaven and a second coming at the end of the world.


Islam also believes I believe that Jesus spoke of other prophets that would come after him, including Muhammad.


If I’m correct, Islam also teaches that all prophets, including Muhammad and Jesus were/are mortal. To think that a man was God would be to lessen the image of God/Allah as being a singular supreme unique deity. To think differently of one’s self or of another man would be highly disrespectful (at best) of God’s ability in his/her/it’s perfectness to have oneness/uniqueness.


Now any Muslims reading this please feel free, indeed please do; correct me where I’m wrong.


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I believe a Fatwa has been issued ;) !

Against SeanC or all of BMWST?


Okay, just a joke, just a joke!


I would feel really, really TERRIBLE if it were to come to pass.


I say that lightheartedly and rather dismissively, but in reality some of what has been written in this thread in an open forum on the Internet, in and of itself would, in some eyes; be grounds. I’d hate for BMWST.com to become frontline news on FOX/CNN/MSNBC. At least except in the context of being a great motorcycle site that is!


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I’m not aware of any other religion that recognizes the prophets/guiders of other religions formally in their teachings/texts as Islam does.

Ah, well I had to look that one up, but at a glance it appears you have a good point. I stand corrected!

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Just now I was reading about Bahá'í on Wikipedia and was right there with what it was saying until I got to this part, “required chastity outside of marriage”. And then they lost me. :grin:


Oh, well on to the next religion!

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Muslims do view Jesus as a major prophet, respect, and honor his teachings. They do not accept his divinity.


And so do the Jews.


Thus, the original prophet-sharing plan.



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I see things in the same light as pbharvey. I am awaiting answers and explainations, too, because this isn't making sense to me. How can Jesus, inspite of his views that he was divine, be held in honor, yet his followers aren't? :confused:

None of it makes sense to me, but Muhammad was the "seal of the prophets" i.e., the end of the line), who received the final revelation from god in the form of the Qur'an for all mankind. Therefore, if you are a follower of an earlier, less perfect revelation, you're just being stubborn. :eek:


Of course, if you're a Mormon, Muhammad's revelation wasn't final at all.

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That's another question I was about to ask, and that is whether this making of your teacher a Messiah was a common thing in that day. I have read some material that suggests it was. In fact, even in the Gospels Jesus is said to have warned about others coming and claiming to be the Messiah.

It's not just "in that day." Messiahs continue to crop up; Sabbatai Zevi in the 17th century was one of the more notorious of the latter-day messiahs.

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I believe a Fatwa has been issued ;) !

Against SeanC or all of BMWST?


Okay, just a joke, just a joke!


I would feel really, really TERRIBLE if it were to come to pass.


I say that lightheartedly and rather dismissively, but in reality some of what has been written in this thread in an open forum on the Internet, in and of itself would, in some eyes; be grounds. I’d hate for BMWST.com to become frontline news on FOX/CNN/MSNBC. At least except in the context of being a great motorcycle site that is!


Just against the indecisive.. :rofl:

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It’s a shame the Canadian show, “Little Mosque on The Prairie” isn’t syndicated in the USA. Not only is it quite humorous, but it offers a lot of insight. Seasons 1, 2 & 3 are out on DVD though. I recommend it!

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Nice n Easy Rider


I believe a Fatwa has been issued ;) !

Against SeanC or all of BMWST?


Okay, just a joke, just a joke!


I would feel really, really TERRIBLE if it were to come to pass.


I say that lightheartedly and rather dismissively, but in reality some of what has been written in this thread in an open forum on the Internet, in and of itself would, in some eyes; be grounds. I’d hate for BMWST.com to become frontline news on FOX/CNN/MSNBC. At least except in the context of being a great motorcycle site that is!


Just against the indecisive.. :rofl:

I'm screwed! :(

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I believe a Fatwa has been issued ;) !

Against SeanC or all of BMWST?


Okay, just a joke, just a joke!


I would feel really, really TERRIBLE if it were to come to pass.


I say that lightheartedly and rather dismissively, but in reality some of what has been written in this thread in an open forum on the Internet, in and of itself would, in some eyes; be grounds. I’d hate for BMWST.com to become frontline news on FOX/CNN/MSNBC. At least except in the context of being a great motorcycle site that is!


Just against the indecisive.. :rofl:

I'm screwed! :(


Or, maybe not...

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Just now I was reading about Bahá'í on Wikipedia and was right there with what it was saying until I got to this part, “required chastity outside of marriage”. And then they lost me. :grin:
Yeah, that's always been a deal breaker for me, too!
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Nice n Easy Rider
Just now I was reading about Bahá'í on Wikipedia and was right there with what it was saying until I got to this part, “required chastity outside of marriage”. And then they lost me. :grin:
Yeah, that's always been a deal breaker for me, too!

Craig, you mean you haven't been saving yourself for your upcoming nuptials? :D

Best wishes to you and Terri for a great wedding and honeymoon. :clap:

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Just now I was reading about Bahá'í on Wikipedia and was right there with what it was saying until I got to this part, “required chastity outside of marriage”. And then they lost me. :grin:
Yeah, that's always been a deal breaker for me, too!

You better be chaste outside your marriage! I don't know about your wife, but mine deeply frowns upon extra-marital relations.


Or are they talking about chastity prior to marriage? The solution to that is not to join Bahá'í until after you're married, when chastity comes naturally.




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Just now I was reading about Bahá'í on Wikipedia and was right there with what it was saying until I got to this part, “required chastity outside of marriage”. And then they lost me. :grin:
Yeah, that's always been a deal breaker for me, too!

Craig, you mean you haven't been saving yourself for your upcoming nuptials? :D

Best wishes to you and Terri for a great wedding and honeymoon. :clap:

No, WE haven't! :grin:
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