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::..bICYCLISTS in Iowa are p'ssin' me off BIGTIME..::


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In my bike club we emphasize following the law, single file to the side when a car is approaching from behind. Wanna-be racers are the worst, arrogance of two wheels. There is a racing club in the area that rides Hwy 160 on Thursdays out where I live who ride in great clumps of about 30 riders taking up the entire lane on a double yellow highway....no single file for them. They apparently think that 25mph is fast enough for everyone (OK, I'm just jealous cause I can't do it).

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They apparently think that 25mph is fast enough for everyone (OK, I'm just jealous cause I can't do it).



Darn! Even your Rebel should do that :rofl:

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I have the same problem where I live. The road to our home is one the local bike club rides every Tuesday evening. 20 or more pack and you cannot get around them safe. The road is also a road motorcycles like to ride. It is a wonder that someone has not hit a bikecycle rider coming around a curve. I have called the police many times about this, has not help, even talking to the riders has not help. When I was in a bike club we would only ride 2 side by side and split the pack up. There is no courtisy these day by some bike riders with and with out motors.


Yup, that's the problem...people ride like a-holes and then get all bent out of shape when everyone else gets ticked off about it. Don't ride like an a-hole and you likely won't have any problems.

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You folks need a law like Wisconsin's which states you ride your bike within 3 feet from the outside of the road. No excuse for the bad behavior.


No more frickin laws.

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There is a racing club in the area that rides Hwy 160 on Thursdays out where I live who ride in great clumps of about 30 riders taking up the entire lane on a double yellow highway....no single file for them. They apparently think that 25mph is fast enough for everyone (OK, I'm just jealous cause I can't do it).


I've been there. Back in the day when I raced we had a large Saturday morning training ride that at times could get a bit out of control, 75 or more riders on some days. Sometines we took the entire lane for the first 10 or so miles until the fast boys and girls would string out the pack. We even had the CHP show up at times to keep us in check :grin:


Not say'n it was ok, but it was kinda fun :Cool:

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