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Newbie Question Left Side Cover Issue R1100RT


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Hello all,

This is my first post and I'm kind of embarrassed to ask such a basic question.


In regards to the black cover on the left side (left side when you're sitting on it) that surrounds the Lifting Handle and Power Socket... I took the cover off but can't seem to get it attached securely again. It looks like there is nothing to hold the front of the cover on and it kinda flops around. The rear of the cover has the screw part that fits securely into the receptacle but I don't see anything to lock the cover in place in the front.


I created a video to show you exactly what I mean. I made it for the previous owner (Enzo) which is why I'm addressing him in the video. Can anyone give me an idea of how I can get the cover to lock securely to the bike? Please click on the link to watch my video if I've confused you!

Thanks! Mark




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+1 on the rubber grommet Dirt Rider referenced. I wonder if it pulled out of the hole when you removed the panel? Look on the inside of the panel, there is a plastic stud and the grommet may have stuck to that.


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Thanks guys!

Hi Bill,

Check out the video in my post, I recorded the whole thing and I think you'll see the plastic stud you're referencing. I was thinking the same thing, where did the darn thing go? You know, I checked the floor and I did take a flashlight and look to see if it dropped near the muffler. There is a possibility it wedged in there somewhere. It couldn't run away!


Also, is there supposed to be two distance rubbers, part 61212305563 on each cover for a total of 4 on the bike? Or is there supposed to be only one distance rubber per side.


One last question. What is this part? damper 52532313496. I think there is one damper per cover for a total of two dampers on the bike. So what's that one for? Sorry to ask so many questions!


Dirtrider, how did you find that part number so quickly?




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See if this photo helps. Looks like the grommet is on the stud on your cover, but I can't quite make it out in the video.




I probably screwed up with the photo. I can never seem to attach a photo on this forum. As usual it didn't get there,


I sent you an email with the picture.

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You might be able to find a usable grommet at an old-fashioned hardware store.


Newbie advice, so that you don't do what I did: When removing these black covers, slip a finger under the bottom front corner to ease the plastic post out of the grommet, then unlock the rear fastener and remove the cover. If you unlock the upper fastener first, you may end up putting enough pressure on the plastic post to snap it off -- it doesn't take much. (DAMHIK).


I made a very satisfactory repair, using small metal screw and JB Weld, but it's better not to snap the thing off in the first place.

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Thanks guys!


I'll try your technique Selden!


There's no place to put one of those grommets that I see. Check this picture out. So is the grommet just supposed to go on the stud on the cover itself?



On the right side you can see the grommet and it makes sense.



So is there supposed to be a grommet there for sure? This is a 1997 model :-)


Thanks again everyone!


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Clear pictures and a video are a huge help.


I just went out to the garage to check: there is definitely a rubber grommet in a triangular tab for the lower front post. I can't believe this detail wasn't changed between 1997 and 1999. This tab is part of the left fairing panel; it's not attached to anything else. Therefore, the tab on your left fairing panel must have snapped off. Feel the bottom edge of the left side panel in this area; I'll bet it's rough where the triangular tab snapped off. OR, perhaps the tab is a separate piece that glues on the back, in which case, if you remove the left fairing panel, you should see evidence of its absence.


It shouldn't be too difficult to fabricate a new tab from some scrap plastic (I'm a packrat, so I always have scrap plastic lying around). Cut to shape, then glue to the back of the fairing panel with epoxy such as JB Weld, then fiberglass over the patch, with still more epoxy. The trickiest part will probably be drilling the hole in the right place for the post, and possibly the in/out location, relative to the black side cover. If you are fabricating your own tab, then you almost certainly can use a hardware store grommet, since you can size the hole to fit the grommet, rather than vice versa.


The repair may never be as strong as the original, but the cutout in the black side cover allows you to pinch the cover against the tab, so there need not be a lot of stress.

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Hi Selden,


I felt the area in question and it's as smooth as a babies butt. It's painted and smooth, not what I would expect if the triangle part broke off. I mean I would say by looking at it that it came that way but what do I know! Crap is what I say!

Thanks much for your help.


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Hi Guys,


Selden, check out this picture of what's under the left side cover. I really do not believe there was a triangle piece there because it's very smooth and painted and shiney.


So take a look at this picture and I think you'll see there never was a triangle piece to put the grommet into.

My personal website.

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The original RT's (US 1996 - ???) didn't have this feature. No pin, no triangle piece, no grommet on either side. I'm not sure when it was added.



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So do you have the tab on the right side and nothing on the left side? Or do you have tabs on both sides? What month was your bike made? That should be located next to the VIN I think.




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Hi 94aero,


So your 1997 has the triangle tab with grommets on both sides of your R1100RT?





Yes on both sides in the same location. Top of the front radius.

Does your cover have a male tab?


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Yes, both black covers have the male tab/studs. Only the right side has the triangle with the grommet so I guess the bike I have was testing the grommet functionality. Bikes made later in 97 have both sets of grommets while the 96 models have none. I guess my bike is stuck in the middle! I'll think about how to get the front of the left cover attached more securely. My dad's a mechanical engineer so I know we can come up with something :-)


Thanks! Mark

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