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MotoGP Last Two Laps


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Pedrosa's attempt resulted in a crash and Rossi got away with it is irrelevant

Actually, no, this is not irrelevant.

Pedrosa was clearly riding over his capabilities, Rossi wasn't.

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Pedrosa's attempt resulted in a crash and Rossi got away with it is irrelevant

Actually, no, this is not irrelevant.

Pedrosa was clearly riding over his capabilities, Rossi wasn't.


Read the rest of that sentence.

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You erroneously claimed that every time two bikes touch a crash is likely…..


However the real issue (which you have yet to address) is why it mattered if Jorge got 3rd given that he had to have 2nd to win the title at the point, and if he got 3rd or 4th he was still going to have to race again (and end up 8th or better if my math is correct). His ego simply wouldn't allow that to happen, which is admirable but also not Rossi's fault.


I also find it interesting that Jorge now says the real Lorenzo will come out for the last few races now that he has won the championship....just falling right into Rossi's game with a foolish statement like that as apparently he has been holding back till now (or if he doesn't win he will have no more excuses).... http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/87195


"It's the sort of behaviour he has already displayed in the past with Gibernau and Stoner. Now it's been my turn, but I'm not like them. Should we fight side by side again once the title is won, I'll do things his way."

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You erroneously claimed that every time two bikes touch a crash is likely…..


Right. When bikes are trading paint, crashes are less likely. In fact, that's the safest possible way to ride. I think that's on page 12 of David Hough's latest book, and Keith Code talks about that in level 3 of the Superbike School.



However the real issue (which you have yet to address) is why it mattered if Jorge got 3rd given that he had to have 2nd to win the title at the point, and if he got 3rd or 4th he was still going to have to race again (and end up 8th or better if my math is correct).


I did address that. "The Championship is on the line" doesn't mean that Lorenzo needs to be in front of Rossi to win it TODAY. It means the Championship is on the line. i.e. Lorenzo is still fighting for it and Rossi is not. As it turned out, Pedrosa was out for the next race, but that wasn't a foregone conclusion and we've seen racers lose a pretty substantial lead in a short amount of time. If, for example, this race happened in an alternate universe where the laws of physics are opposite what they are in this one...where bikes bumping into each other makes a crash more likely, Lorenzo goes down...broken femur, Pedrosa's collarbone is mended well enough for him to ride (in that alternate universe, racers are known to do some pretty amazing things when they're hurt...Lorenzo loses the title.


Or...Pedrosa comes back, Lorenzo has some mechanical problems (in this alternate universe, machines sometimes break down)...or makes a bad tire choice, etc. A few points here and there (finishing 3rd instead of 4th, for example) could make the difference. In this alternate universe, championships are often determined by just a few points.


Thank God we don't operate in that universe.


His ego simply wouldn't allow that to happen, which is admirable but also not Rossi's fault.


Bullsh*t. ROSSI's ego wouldn't allow it to happen, which is admirable, but IS Rossi's fault. Rossi was racing for ego, Lorenzo was racing for the title.


I also find it interesting that Jorge now says the real Lorenzo will come out for the last few races now that he has won the championship....just falling right into Rossi's game with a foolish statement like that as apparently he has been holding back till now (or if he doesn't win he will have no more excuses).... http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/87195


"It's the sort of behaviour he has already displayed in the past with Gibernau and Stoner. Now it's been my turn, but I'm not like them. Should we fight side by side again once the title is won, I'll do things his way."


Regardless of which universe you're in, that's a load of crap and Rossi obviously has him right were he wants him.

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You sure have a lot on the line here (as per normal really).


I guess the fact that he won the championship the next race (after taking 3rd) only further proves how right you were (oh wait, it actually proves you were wrong).....where is that red shirt anyway?


I suggest you go back and watch a few races, bikes touch all the time and "usually" don't crash....

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You sure have a lot on the line here (as per normal really).


Not really.


I guess the fact that he won the championship the next race (after taking 3rd) only further proves how right you were (oh wait, it actually proves you were wrong).....where is that red shirt anyway?


Reading comprehension problem?


I didn't say it "Would" hurt his title fight. I said it "could" hurt his title fight. I also used the word "if" a few times. Obviously, things turned out one way, but they could have easily gone a different way and we've seen riders lose a bigger points advantage than Lorenzo had.


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Reading comprehension? It is approx. 20 to 2 folks who agree with you vs. those who don't on this thread alone....saying "if" every so often just proves even you don't really believe what you are saying.


But you are of course correct in claiming it could have turned out differently if some amazingly bad luck befell Lorenzo. Please be sure to tell all of us what year what it was that a MotoGP rider lost a 42 point lead to an opponent who was out with a serious injury this late in the season as I can't seem to find that info anywhere?


Actually by the time you posted he had a 55 point lead (could have been 58 if Rossi did as you wished)....so the question actually is when did a rider lose a 55 point lead with 4 races left?



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Reading comprehension? It is approx. 20 to 2 folks who agree with you vs. those who don't on this thread alone....saying "if" every so often just proves even you don't really believe what you are saying.


1. Consensus has nothing to do with reading comprehension.

2. If you're an atheist and go into a Catholic church during Mass and do a poll, you're likely the only one who thinks Jesus wasn't the Messiah. Does that make you wrong?

3. I'm comfortable being the only person in this conversation who's right. :grin:


But you are of course correct in claiming it could have turned out differently if some amazingly bad luck befell Lorenzo.


That's been my point all along. Amazing bad luck happens. The Title was very likely going to Lorenzo regardless of what happened, but "likely" and "definitely" are not the same thing. If I was a team manager at Yamaha, I wouldn't have been very happy about that. (and I think Lin Jarvis' comments confirm that.)


Actually by the time you posted he had a 55 point lead (could have been 58 if Rossi did as you wished)....so the question actually is when did a rider lose a 55 point lead with 4 races left?


55 points is a little more than 2 races. So...say he crashes in that race and breaks a collar bone. And has to miss the next race. (I know that's a really unlikely thing...motorcycle racers rarely break collarbones and the idea of a MotoGP rider breaking a collarbone and having to miss the next race is pretty much unheard of Pedrosa but just bear with me. :Cool:) There's his 2-race lead practically gone. Nobody knew how long Pedrosa would be out at that point and we've seen racers come back and race competitively with some pretty big injuries.

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So if Jorge goes out with an injury Pedrosa not only is instantly healed of his own injuries but also automatically wins the next few races? Wow, your world is hard to comprehend (and still lacking in a single example of a similar incident actually happening). And yet given all this obvious and nearly unavoidable risk Jorge ignored your sage advice and was willing to risk it all....man he needs you as his team manager.


As for the church comments, could be but this is a motorcycle website so (like a catholic church) it is probably mostly populated with folks that are at least familiar with the subject at hand (motorcycle racing)....

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So if Jorge goes out with an injury Pedrosa not only is instantly healed of his own injuries but also automatically wins the next few races?


As I said...at that point, we didn't know how Pedrosa's injury would impact him. As it turned out...Pedrosa's injury was bad enough that he gave the title to Lorenzo. That wasn't a forgone conclusion at the time.



Wow, your world is hard to comprehend (and still lacking in a single example of a similar incident actually happening).


Really? You can't think of a single incident where:

A> A championship came down to just a few points

B> An injured rider came back much sooner than expected and was much more competitive than expected

C> Motorcycles crashed while trading paint on the race course




And yet given all this obvious and nearly unavoidable risk Jorge ignored your sage advice and was willing to risk it all....man he needs you as his team manager.





As for the church comments, could be but this is a motorcycle website so (like a catholic church) it is probably mostly populated with folks that are at least familiar with the subject at hand (motorcycle racing)....




And I remember a time when it was common knowledge here among the experts..."everyone knew" that unless you have the expensive and unobtainable dealership tools, you can't flush/bleed the servo-assisted brakes. Or do a TB sync.


Being the only one who is right doesn't make you wrong. :Cool:

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I kinda don't think it matters at this point. It's over, the title is won. I won't say no harm no foul, but I do understand.


Racers race. It is built into their genes, and, quite probably, their jeans. They hate having anyone in front of them and all the more so if that someone has just passed them. Even at my meager level, if I get passed, a little of the red mist shows up and I'll do my damnedest to chase that SOB down. At least till common sense prevails and I realize I got passed cause he was faster.

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Sure makes good press for promoting next season..Those last couple of laps could have resulted in disaster for the riders and Yamaha obviously...I am anxious to see how Rossi adjusts to Ducati, but he could probably look fast and smooth riding a Vespa....Has the makings for a great racing season coming up......Grudge matches can be entertaining and there are whole lot of very capable great riders out there that will challenge those two.....When's the first race?... :grin:

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So if Jorge goes out with an injury Pedrosa not only is instantly healed of his own injuries but also automatically wins the next few races?


As I said...at that point, we didn't know how Pedrosa's injury would impact him. As it turned out...Pedrosa's injury was bad enough that he gave the title to Lorenzo. That wasn't a forgone conclusion at the time.


Sure it was....you are just denying it as to admit otherwise would have undercut the rest of you claims....or maybe riders typically return from a triple collarbone break in one week to not only ride but contest for and even win motoGP races.....(I am sure you will insist this is the case but yet be unable to cite a single instance (and get annoyed when that is pointed out))



Wow, your world is hard to comprehend (and still lacking in a single example of a similar incident actually happening).


Really? You can't think of a single incident where:

A> A championship came down to just a few points


I can think of championships where it came down to one but the fact remains that the gap was 42 prior to the race and 55 after, not a few points (still waiting for the example you keep alluding to but neglecting to post)


B> An injured rider came back much sooner than expected and was much more competitive than expected


One in particular comes to mind, but he apparently is a fool for not pulling over and letting others pass him.


C> Motorcycles crashed while trading paint on the race course


Not in this case (or the vast majority of others, seems to me a couple of riders trade paint nearly ever race on the first corner or two and usually do not crash)




And yet given all this obvious and nearly unavoidable risk Jorge ignored your sage advice and was willing to risk it all....man he needs you as his team manager.





As for the church comments, could be but this is a motorcycle website so (like a catholic church) it is probably mostly populated with folks that are at least familiar with the subject at hand (motorcycle racing)....




And I remember a time when it was common knowledge here among the experts..."everyone knew" that unless you have the expensive and unobtainable dealership tools, you can't flush/bleed the servo-assisted brakes. Or do a TB sync.


So how many experience racers (including at least one ex-world champion) have to disagree with your claims before you see that the people who say it was "just racing" may actually have a bit more knowledge about the subject at hand then you do? As for servicing your own bike, not sure what the connection is, were you debating that with a bunch of mechanics at one time? My mom cannot change the oil in her car but that doesn't mean she couldn't learn to or that it is difficult.....

Being the only one who is right doesn't make you wrong. :Cool:


True, but repeating yourself to the point where people are laughing out loud when your name is mentioned (slippery new tire thread anyone) could be a sign you would be better served spending your energy elsewhere....



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Well put. Unless you've actually raced a vehicle in competition there is no way you can undertand the adrenalin factors and pysch part of it that mak it so addictive. Although the machines interest the spectators, to a racer they are simply an expendable tool for victory over other people. I still teach at tracks but simply playing at speed while teaching has no resemblance to racing. Racing is when the fangs come out as best a competitor can manage. Any close racing situation is at least temporarily exciting and decisions made in the cockpit or on the bike are made solely in the immediate timeframe (unless you're willing to do what number 2 drivers do at Ferrari, which many are not) so to expect anything else is irrational.

I thought Rossi's display, in the racing context, superemely rational and very well executed. Wish I could do that a 1/5th as well. The NASCAR boys say rubbing is racin'. Some folks who watch bike races need to watch more closely- racing, after a point, is not a gentleman's sport. Tempers, killer instincts, and post race utterances are constrained for sponsors and financial reasons and out of the realization that one will face the same situations with the same rivals a few days down the road.


Now if they'd only do away with a bunch of the electronic aids....

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Sure makes good press for promoting next season..Those last couple of laps could have resulted in disaster for the riders and Yamaha obviously...I am anxious to see how Rossi adjusts to Ducati, but he could probably look fast and smooth riding a Vespa....Has the makings for a great racing season coming up......Grudge matches can be entertaining and there are whole lot of very capable great riders out there that will challenge those two.....When's the first race?... :grin:


The M1 was a dreadful bike when Rossi switched. And he won his first race on it. The Ducati is already quick.


Besides...Rossi on a Ducati? What could be better? ( Rossi on a 990 Ducati without the rider aids. :grin: )

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So if Jorge goes out with an injury Pedrosa not only is instantly healed of his own injuries but also automatically wins the next few races?


As I said...at that point, we didn't know how Pedrosa's injury would impact him. As it turned out...Pedrosa's injury was bad enough that he gave the title to Lorenzo. That wasn't a forgone conclusion at the time.


Sure it was....you are just denying it as to admit otherwise would have undercut the rest of you claims....or maybe riders typically return from a triple collarbone break in one week to not only ride but contest for and even win motoGP races.....(I am sure you will insist this is the case but yet be unable to cite a single instance (and get annoyed when that is pointed out))


As far as I recall, as of race day, we didn't know how long Pedrosa would be out.


Wow, your world is hard to comprehend (and still lacking in a single example of a similar incident actually happening).


Really? You can't think of a single incident where:

A> A championship came down to just a few points


I can think of championships where it came down to one but the fact remains that the gap was 42 prior to the race and 55 after, not a few points (still waiting for the example you keep alluding to but neglecting to post)


There were 4 races left. A string of bad luck could do away with a 55 point lead in 4 races pretty easily. Remember the first half of 2006 where if it weren't for bad luck Rossi would have had no luck at all? Or last year when Nicky would have easily won the championship...if points were awarded based on being taken out by another rider at turn 1? :dopeslap:


B> An injured rider came back much sooner than expected and was much more competitive than expected


One in particular comes to mind, but he apparently is a fool for not pulling over and letting others pass him.


He isn't a fool for doing it, and he shouldn't have let "others" pass. Just his teammate who was in the title fight.


But its nice that you admit that you never can tell how an injury will impact a rider...sometimes they come back way sooner than expected and are way more competitive than expected.


C> Motorcycles crashed while trading paint on the race course


Not in this case (or the vast majority of others, seems to me a couple of riders trade paint nearly ever race on the first corner or two and usually do not crash)


Oh yeah. Good point. We never see first corner crashes due to multiple bikes trying to occupy the same spot on the track.


They don't crash every time they touch...but I never claimed that. I said that you never really know how its going to turn out, and that crashing was more likely.



So how many experience racers (including at least one ex-world champion) have to disagree with your claims before you see that the people who say it was "just racing" may actually have a bit more knowledge about the subject at hand then you do?


1. I don't mind being the only one who is right.

2. I've never claimed to know more about racing that any experienced racer or Workd Champion.

3. The Yamaha dude (Lin Jarvis) agreed with me.


As for servicing your own bike, not sure what the connection is, were you debating that with a bunch of mechanics at one time?


Just pointing out that just because "everyone knows" something doesn't make it true



True, but repeating yourself to the point where people are laughing out loud when your name is mentioned (slippery new tire thread anyone) could be a sign you would be better served spending your energy elsewhere....


Lol. Those slippery tire threads are classic. There's no data that says new tires are dangerously slippery. I know lots of people (myself included) who don't treat new tires any differently than cold tires and haven't had any problems. Official advice from manufacturers and dealerships vary widely and don't really make any sense. I ask why some folks have no problems and some crash, and I'm immediately called a heretic and burned at the stake for daring to question (not disagree with...just question) something that "everyone knows."


I've since learned to stay out of religious discussions. My mistake here was forgetting that for many, Rossi is their religion.


My bad.



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LOL....you win again....only you are smarter than both Rainey and Rossi this time!



That's possible. I don't know how smart either Rossi or Rainey are relative to me.


Are we just throwing out irrelevancies?




In that case, I'd like to compliment you on the fact that your screen name starts with a letter that comes earlier in the alphabet than mine.

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I dunno. In this thread if there is any blame placed it is on Rossi. I see it different. If I would be in Rossi's boots (I wish!) I would have done the same thing. He is a racer. If he has somebody in front of him, he wants to pass him. May be he wanted to prove to himself and everybody else that he is BAAACK!

OTOH in Lorenzo's place, I would have let go and let Rossi pass easy, as he is no threat to the championship. It is his job to worry about his points and the championship, not Rossi's. That is what he did in the next race.

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My mistake here was forgetting that for many, Rossi is their religion

Does that make you the Anti-Rossi??? :eek:


The Yamaha dude (Lin Jarvis) agreed with me.

I think you are putting your own interpretation into what Jarvis said.

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My mistake here was forgetting that for many, Rossi is their religion

Does that make you the Anti-Rossi??? :eek:


Nah. I'm a big fan. I just don't get into hokey religions.



The Yamaha dude (Lin Jarvis) agreed with me.

I think you are putting your own interpretation into what Jarvis said.


LOL. Right. He said that he wasn't happy about it. (after some uncomfortable silence.)


You're right though. What he probably meant was that he was happy about it and I'm just putting my spin on things.


Now everyone turn to page 46 in your hymnal as Pastor Uccio reads from 9 Rossi verse 4-6....




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I dunno. In this thread if there is any blame placed it is on Rossi. I see it different. If I would be in Rossi's boots (I wish!) I would have done the same thing. He is a racer. If he has somebody in front of him, he wants to pass him. May be he wanted to prove to himself and everybody else that he is BAAACK!

OTOH in Lorenzo's place, I would have let go and let Rossi pass easy, as he is no threat to the championship. It is his job to worry about his points and the championship, not Rossi's. That is what he did in the next race.


Rossi wasn't a threat in the championship. But Lorenzo needed points.


I'll close with Colin Edwards' response when asked about dicing it up with Rossi in the latter part of 2006 when Rossi was going for the title and Edwards wasn't: "There aren't any team orders, but I'm not retarded."



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He said that he wasn't happy about it. (after some uncomfortable silence.)

Correct. His reasons went unstated. Therefore, any attempt to attribute reasons to his statement is interpretation.

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He said that he wasn't happy about it. (after some uncomfortable silence.)

Correct. His reasons went unstated. Therefore, any attempt to attribute reasons to his statement is interpretation.


He said it was exciting to watch, but was he happy about it? No.


You don't gotta be the head cashier at Walmart to figure this out.


I suppose maybe he was unhappy about it because he is the one who has to polish and wax the fairings on the two bikes.




Oh wait...I got it. I don't know why I haven't seen it all this time. The real reason he wasn't happy about it is because he sells the used tires back to Bridgestone to be recycled and they pay by the weight. Those two being out there on the track would have burned up more tire than if they'd left the bikes parked in the paddock, so that means less money back from Bridgestone. It's coming up on the end of the season so budgets are probably tight and he was hoping to get more money back in order to fund the plane tickets for the team to get to the next race.


I dunno why I'm so dense sometimes. Sorry for wasting everyone's time when the answer was so obvious.



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Was he unhappy that Rossi challenged Lorenzo?

Was he unhappy that Lorenzo fought back rather than letting Rossi go?


Two entirely possible different interpretations.

It's obvious you have chosen one.

I don't proclaim to have my mind reading skills to the point where it is immediately obvious which interpretation (if either) is what was meant.


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Was he unhappy that Rossi challenged Lorenzo?

Was he unhappy that Lorenzo fought back rather than letting Rossi go?

I don't know why I'm following this thread but what the hell. I think it was clear that the Yamaha rep was unhappy because his shorts were in a bunch from twisting in his seat watching the event unfold on the pitbox TV.

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To the surprise of nobody, Dani Pedrosa will not be racing at Phillip Island tomorrow. He discovered that hanging onto a MotoGP bike around one of the fastest, most physical tracks in the world wasn't a good idea two weeks after breaking your collarbone into four pieces. Who'd have thought it?




I can think of one person who is surprised......

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To the surprise of nobody, Dani Pedrosa will not be racing at Phillip Island tomorrow. He discovered that hanging onto a MotoGP bike around one of the fastest, most physical tracks in the world wasn't a good idea two weeks after breaking your collarbone into four pieces. Who'd have thought it?




I can think of one person who is surprised......




Note the word "tomorrow"


And the mention of the track "Phillip Island"


The implication there is that Julian wrote that sentence today referring to tomorrow's race at Phillip Island. Of course...I could be wrong...I've apparently been taking some pretty big leaps in my interpretation of what folks say lately.


But if I've used my finely honed deductive reasoning powers correctly...Unless Lorenzo has a time machine, and used it to go forward in time to see that Pedrosa would be out for multiple races, as of race day two weeks ago (when the event in question took place), he didn't know how severe Dani's injuries were and how long they'd keep him out. Therefore, the smart thing to do is assume Pedrosa would be back at the next race and back on form...and go for the points.


Now everyone rise and put your hand over your heart while we recite the date and location of every one of Valentino's Grand Prix wins....



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The race is in less than an hour actually.....it is "tomorrow" in Australia.


As for leaps of faith, enjoy, sooner or later someone is bound to agree with you.

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The race is in less than an hour actually.....it is "tomorrow" in Australia.


I almost added a parenthetical to say that I know there's a time difference and Australia is on the other side of the world...tomorrow is today, etc. But then I thought, "Nah. Nobody is going to bother trying to make that argument...it would just be entirely too pathetic."


But hey...you gotta do what works for ya. :wave:


Now if you'll excuse me, I believe it is time to get out our bright yellow prayer mats, face Urbino, and imitate the sound of Vale's '97 Aprilia......


Actually...that would be pretty cool. Maybe I should look into converting to Rossitholicism after all. :Cool:

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The race is in less than an hour actually.....it is "tomorrow" in Australia.


I almost added a parenthetical to say that I know there's a time difference and Australia is on the other side of the world...tomorrow is today, etc. But then I thought, "Nah. Nobody is going to bother trying to make that argument...it would just be entirely too pathetic."


But hey...you gotta do what works for ya. :wave:


Now if you'll excuse me, I believe it is time to get out our bright yellow prayer mats, face Urbino, and imitate the sound of Vale's '97 Aprilia......


Actually...that would be pretty cool. Maybe I should look into converting to Rossitholicism after all. :Cool:


I don't think you dislocated your shoulder on that K75. I think it happened a little higher than that. :rofl:

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The race is in less than an hour actually.....it is "tomorrow" in Australia.


I almost added a parenthetical to say that I know there's a time difference and Australia is on the other side of the world...tomorrow is today, etc. But then I thought, "Nah. Nobody is going to bother trying to make that argument...it would just be entirely too pathetic."


But hey...you gotta do what works for ya. :wave:


Now if you'll excuse me, I believe it is time to get out our bright yellow prayer mats, face Urbino, and imitate the sound of Vale's '97 Aprilia......


Actually...that would be pretty cool. Maybe I should look into converting to Rossitholicism after all. :Cool:


I don't think you dislocated your shoulder on that K75. I think it happened a little higher than that. :rofl:


Oh come on...a whole sanctuary full of people imitating the sound of a 125 2-stroke GP bike? How cool would that be?!?!?!!




Instead of the priest burning incense, they could carry around a little container of burning 2-stroke oil.....




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"Instead of the priest burning incense, they could carry around a little container of burning 2-stroke oil....."


It better be Castrol R! :grin: Then I might join...


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It better be Castrol R! :grin: Then I might join...


That's because the "R" stands for Rossi and we're all just apologists. It's a conspiracy, ya know.

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I know ...Australia is on the other side of the world...

Huh? The world has sides again? Damn; just when the spherical thing seemed to be working.

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