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Is Costco a trend follower or leader? Survivalist Supplies now on sale

John Ranalletta

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Acknowledging the difficulty/impossibility of long-term wilderness survival in complete isolation should not preclude one from preparing for survival over the short/medium term with a band of like-minded people in the absence of the large-scale, super-organized civilization we currently enjoy.


I agree. I've already emailed Chuck Norris and we're going to hook up at 2:30 on doomsday. :rofl:

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I've already emailed Chuck Norris and we're going to hook up at 2:30 on doomsday. :rofl:


Yeah-but... can Chuck Norris grow things or fix people? That's why we're hooking up with Martha Stewart on doomsday.

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Joe Frickin' Friday
I've already emailed Chuck Norris and we're going to hook up at 2:30 on doomsday. :rofl:


Yeah-but... can Chuck Norris grow things or fix people? That's why we're hooking up with Martha Stewart on doomsday.


Chuck Norris is a weapon.


Or a tool, depending on your perspective.

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I've already emailed Chuck Norris and we're going to hook up at 2:30 on doomsday. :rofl:


Yeah-but... can Chuck Norris grow things or fix people? That's why we're hooking up with Martha Stewart on doomsday.


Chuck Norris is a weapon.


Or a tool, depending on your perspective.


Only Chuck Norris can truely know WHAT Chuck Norris really is.

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Joe Frickin' Friday
Only Chuck Norris can truely know WHAT Chuck Norris really is.


I'm pretty sure most people think he's a tool.







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The day 9/11 happened I went home and told my wife, "The world is a different place as of today" and from that day I have maintained a 28 day "resilience", food ,water filtration, fuel for cooking, the lot (except we can't keep guns.....) and I keep it all rotated to make sure it still does the job I hope I never need it to do; and in taking this action I am merely following our government's guidelines....


I have read your posts, you are spot on in your analysis.


As for those who argue the bigger society; our intelligence service gives our society just "48hrs" - that's how long it takes for the thin veneer of society to start to breakdown after the last meal........


Ignore the rest (and particularly "Cigar Guy" - keeps changing identity, he was Gurney someone only a day or two ago (but there is a giveaway if you look hard - just don't spill the beans).



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The day 9/11 happened I went home and told my wife, "The world is a different place as of today" and from that day I have maintained a 28 day "resilience", food ,water filtration, fuel for cooking, the lot (except we can't keep guns.....) and I keep it all rotated to make sure it still does the job I hope I never need it to do; and in taking this action I am merely following our government's guidelines....


I have read your posts, you are spot on in your analysis.


As for those who argue the bigger society; our intelligence service gives our society just "48hrs" - that's how long it takes for the thin veneer of society to start to breakdown after the last meal........


Ignore the rest (and particularly "Cigar Guy" - keeps changing identity, he was Gurney someone only a day or two ago (but there is a giveaway if you look hard - just don't spill the beans).




You can keep guns if you want to but maybe you'll be an outlaw if you spill the beans. Resistance in the name of survival is not a vice.

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