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Fix a flat ?


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I'm wondering what is left behind on the inside of the wheel after using 'Fix a flat", if anything, when the tire is replaced. I'm envisioning a mess that has to be scraped off and me wishing I never used the temporary fix. Anyone with experience please let me know. Thanks.

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I'm wondering what is left behind on the inside of the wheel after using 'Fix a flat", if anything, when the tire is replaced. I'm envisioning a mess that has to be scraped off and me wishing I never used the temporary fix. Anyone with experience please let me know. Thanks.

That is exactly what you will get, it cost me an extra $40 to get it cleaned off the rim once.

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There are so many worthy alternatives (I use the cheapie monkey grip stuff at my local auto parts store), why would anyone consider fix-a-flat? Get some plugs, watch some how-to videos on u-tube, and you'll never look back.


I still have images of my father, in maybe 1973, completely mechanically inept, squirting that stuff into the tire of his Chrysler 300. It didn't fill the tire, so we still couldn't go anywhere. The stuff pooled and set up in a big lump and the tire had to be dismounted and cleaned out before it could be repaired.

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Thanks for the info. The umbrella patch that was installed for a cost of $68 is leaking. Ragged hole that the plug didn't quite fill I guess. Still have a lot of tread and hate to throw it away. No choice I guess. :wave:

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Good point. It was at the end of a 300 mile plus ride at more or less 90 mpg when I picked up the screw. Kind of got the speed out of my system and have been puttering around. Front tire's not that great also. Best price I've found for replacing the Conti Road Attacks is through Motorcycle Superstore. Free shipping which beats out Ride Direct. Tax return = new tires. :grin:

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IMO, it depends on the situation when a flat occurs. If in the middle of nowhere or in a storm, use FAF or slime or whatever. If you don't mind sitting along a road and plugging a tire, then go for it. I have done both. Cleaning up after use of FaF or slime is not the end of the world unless you are really lazy, IMO of course.

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