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Autocom problem


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When I plug in my radio to the autocom, my radio is constantly keys. I can leave in connected, then turn the radio off and on and it stops transmitting altogether. I can receive when it does not transmit. I have swapped radio's with my wife's radio and the same thing happens. I have changed the 9v battery and the same thing happens. I am going to swap radio cables tomorrow. Anybody got an idea what else to check?



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Alan, are you using an autocom that has the PTT switch with a small rubber-coated toggle switch underneath the red PTT button? If so, make sure that little switch is in the center position. If not, it will either transmit continuously or activate the VOX--which may also do the same.


If thats not the problem, is this something that just started happening after no issues in the past? Or is this a new setup that hasn't worked correctly since the beginning? Perhaps the PTT button is stuck in xmit position internally.

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I would disconnect the radios from the Autocom and use them standalone. Then plug the radios into the Autocom unit one by one until you can isolated whether it is a radio problem or a vox problem. You could also plug into your wifes machine to see whether it is a headset problem.

I assume you have double checked the VOX setting.


Without using the radio, can you hear the microphone switch off when you stop speaking. It could be a failed VOX circuit - someone has shown me an Active 7 unit with this problem and it is now sitting in my garage. If this is the case, send it back to Autocom

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I made a mistake the unit is an Active plus. I hear the mic switch on and off using the VOX without the radio attached. This is interesting, without the helmet attached plug in the radio it does the same thing, constant transmit. Turn the radio off and on the solid transmit stops. The only thing I have not isolated is the cable from the autocom to the radio. It will take so disassembly to check that. I check the unit is still under warranty, so back to autocom it will go.




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I suspect the interface cable is the culprit here. It is very possible that a couple of wires inside the DIN connection are loose and shorting the transmit switch of the radio. Can you perform a continuity test on the pins to determine if you have a short?


I have eight Autocom units, including Eurocoms, PRO-7-Sport, Pro-M1, Active Plus and Easy Plus units. I have become very used to replacing and repairing the DIN connectors because they are so susceptible to corrosion or shorting out. I even carry a small soldering iron and spare headset kits on group rides now because such problems are so common.

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Did this ever work OK, or has the issue cropped up recently?


If you can't sort it out - call us and we'll help you, or send it to us - everything, Active Plus, radio lead and radio and we'll get it taken care of for you. We are Autocom's largest North American dealer and have years of experience, here.




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