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BMW topcase locking mechanism


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I ride a 2001 R1150RT with genuine BMW luggage.


The bright red/pink cast metal 'tang' that rotates to lock the topcase snapped off when I accidently tried to close the handles when the 'tang' was still protruding.


Can anyone advise where to obtain a replacement 'tang'. I reside in Australia. Are the 'tangs' for the topcase identical to the 'tangs' for the sidecases?


Thank you.

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As far as I know, you have to buy a whole new locking mechanism, the tang is not available on its own. The locking mechanism, called a 'Multi-purpose box' on the parts fiche is the same for both top case and side-cases. Part number is 4654 230 7620


These are priced at typical BMW prices. It may be cheaper to source a used top case and fit your old lock to that.



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There is a kit to replace just the locking cylinder, not the whole $200 mechanism. You drill out the old rivets, and the kit comes with new rivets, tab, instructions, and some other parts.


The part number is 71607654337, but it may be known by other part numbers. I paid about $60 at my dealer, they had it in stock. You might be able to find it slightly cheaper online.

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Thank you to those who responsed. The idea of making a new 'tang' seems quite feasible however how do you access the tang?

1. Is it necessary to drill out the rivets from inside the topcase? &

2. Can you access it by removing the black plastic piece that covers the locking mechanism on the outside of the topcase? I tried to gently prise the plastic off but it did not move. This may be because it is held in place with screws only accessible by drilling out the rivets and removing the whole lock mechanism.

3. If you have successfully removed the external plastic cover without drilling out the rivets how did you do it?


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1) yeah, that's how you get to the tang. Even after drilling out the rivets to remove the handle mechanism, you still have two more rivets to drill out to separate the tumbler housing from the handle mechanism.


2) Screws? No. Pretty much everything in there is rivets. I think the plastic cover is held on with glue. I was able to pry mine off after separating the mechanism from the case. I didn't glue it back on and I don't remember thinking that I should. I think it's held in place by its shape.


3) I didn't. I don't think it would help anyway, because you can't get the old tab out.


Don't fear the rivets. The kit will save you time and frustration.

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remeber, when drilling out a rivet dont use too much pressure on the drill motor. too much pressure CAN at times cause the rivet to satrt spinning in the plastic then it is very hard to drill out. Easy pressure with slight cuts will help keep it fron spinning. If one starts spinning you can use a small grinder to gring off tghe head of the rivet and punch it thru with a small punch

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HOLY CRAP...i saw this thread today, made my little comment trying to be helpful, then took my daughter on a ride....she opened my right rear box to put her purse in it, relocked it with the levers up, then tried to close the levers and bent the lock tab...i had no tools with me so i had to put a bundge cord on to make sure it stayed on the bike and closed.

Got it home and tried to GENTLY pry the tab back....YEP..it broke off....so thanks for the NOW needed repair info....

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Well how's that for an unfortunate co-incidence? How many thousand Beemer riders (or their daughters!!!) must have done this. Surely there must be a better design to prevent this happening. Now remember, take your time with the drill!!!!!!!!!!!

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Special thanks to Marked23 & CarrotNC. Your part # was spot on Marked23. I have placed my order with Motorworks in the UK & should receive the part in a week. The shipping of the part cost 50% of the cost of the part.


Once I have installed the new part I will then endeavour to repair the broken tab/tang or manufacture a new one so that I have a spare for the next time one snaps. I have discovered that there is a definite limit to the number of times a bent tab can be straightened with pliers without finally snapping!!!!


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  • 4 weeks later...

The genuine BMW replacement parts arrived from Motorworks in the UK nearly 50% cheaper than at the BMW dealer here in Australia. Excellent instructions & illustrations. However, one thing the instructions failed to mention was to ensure that the lock tumbler mechanism is installed into its barrel with the locating tab pointing to the RIGHT (not the left). The tumbler mechanism can only fit in two ways...the correct way & the incorrect way!!! If you insert it with the tab pointing to the LEFT, you will be in BIG trouble, as I was. Putting it in the wrong way will prevent you locking the case and will also make it (almost) impossible to extract the tumbler without drilling out the 7 new rivets you have just installed or visiting a locksmith. I elected to take the topcase to a locksmith to extract the tumbler mechanism so that I could then re-install it with the locating tab pointing to the RIGHT. To guide the locksmith I took one of my side panniers along as well to show him how the tumbler SHOULD have been installed. All is now fine despite the drama at the end. Special thanks to marked23 for alerting me to the UK firm that supplies the replacement kit (Motorworks).

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I still havent fixed my right side case lock. I just used side cutters to clip off the left over bits of the tab that were sticking out and now I can use the box without the key. It is kinda nice being able to throw stuff in and out of it with having to lock and unlock it constantly. I just dont put anything of any real value in it, if i need to lock up expensive things they go in the top case or left side bag.


Im not sure if im gonna fix it now.

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