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Greetings to everyone.

I own a SYSTEM 5 BMW helmet for more than two years now and had no fog problems as far as the visor is concerned.

BUT...as recently i switched from 4-wheels (due to a profession shift) to my RT for urban transportation , my visor constantly is fogging up. Any ideas?

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Have you been using your helmet with the 4 wheel vehicle? Now you switched to 2 wheels and are wandering why the issue with fogging? At least that is how I read your post. If I'm wrong, please clarify.

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Faceshield fogging up at low speed, stop and go traffic is normal for a lot of helmets. Generally, leaving a small gap at the bottom will help as will openning it all the way at stop lights to air out the humidity.


There are also anti-fog coatings that can be applied. I'm using Fog Tech with mixed results in heavy rains.





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Danny caddyshack Noonan

Pinlock if there is one or, Foggy Respro mask. Mask works well. HOWEVER, I found that my eyes are really sensitive and react to the neoprene. They didn't many years ago wearing a neoprene mask for skiing though.

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I have the pinlock system also and it works great for me. You need a special shield with pins, thus the name, so I don't know if your System 5 helmet is compatible.



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BMW have visors available with the pinlock shield mounted. I've found that the seal between the visor and the pinlock layer tends to fail over time, allowing them to fog up. Maybe there is some treatment that can be applied to re-seal the edges.

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Have you really tried the Foggy Respro mask with a System 5 helmet? cause i think that i've read somewhere that it doesn't fit any flip-up helmets....

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