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Illiumworks RT Highway pegs

Flat Deuce

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Good day all! I am a new member on here, but had found some good info via Google search in reference to a good set of highway cruiser pegs for my '08 RT months ago. There were quite a few fellow riders asking about the Illiumworks Highway pegs. I went to their site, contacted them, and had a set sent to my family's house in CO where my bike was being stored during my 3rd tour here in Iraq. Went to CO for my 2 week R&R and put 2000 miles on the bike. During that time, I went on a 3 day mountain tour of 1000 miles. I had not tried other types before, but I will say that the Illiumworks pegs are great. I researched the differnt style of pegs for over a year and would rest my leg in the position of those pegs while riding. These ones put my feet and legs in the best spot. Very well made, in the USA, easy to install, and my knees and legs thank them!! Highly recommended!!

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Flat, first and foremost, thanks for your service! I am an OIF 3 timer myself, retired now, and I for one, am thankful for what you are doing, God Bless.


Can I ask, how tall are you and in what position is your seat? Do you have bar risers? I love my r12rt, and I want to get some highway pegs too, but like you I am concerned about the position and comfort. Did you loose any lean angle?


Thanks again, Dan

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+1 on the illumworks pegs.

It has a ( I think) 3 or 4 position horizontal adjustment settings.


Combined with a backrest this peg is king.

Having an alternate foot position on along ride is godsend.


During summer months outward position of the legs send cool air up to the torso.


It also double as a tip over guide/valve cover protector. :)

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19-100 is the part for the 2005-09 RTs

if you don't have the engine guard.


double check on this page if you are not sure

on the top put in your model and what product you are interested in.


if you put in 2008 r1200Rt it will show you 4 options.

the top one is for 2010-2011

next if you already have an engine guard on your bike.


NO engine guard? the bottom one is what you seek.



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Thanks you guys, visited the site and I was so impressed that I ordered a 19-100 set last night. Been wanting to get some pegs for some time. The only downer is that the directions say all plastic must come off for installation....groan. (the money I saved not buying a Zumo 550 and sticking with my Nuvi payed for the pegs).

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I fond that plastic removal was not necessary.

Just take out a few bolts on the lower plastic , but leave it in place.

You can easily slide in the pegs.

There is a tread here somewhere about the installation.


On that page some people said they removed the topperware others and my self did not.


linky to the page

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I couldnt find any on their website, but does anyone know if they make a pair of those hiway pegs for the earlier oilheads...like my r1100rt


Send them an email and ask them. Mine arrived today two days after ordering. Of course Grass Valley is only 70 miles away. The pegs are very well made and were easy to install (without removing all the plastic).

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When extended, they do scrape in what I would describe as really leaned over. Imagine a hard 90 degree turn at a good clip. Also, it hit pretty hard as the peg did not fold back.

When pulled in flush with the head, many other body and rider parts will scrape before the pegs do.


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My only complaint is the wind folds mine back at highway speeds. Most of the time this is fine and probably agood thing in the twisties. But when I'm using them, then switch to the regular pegs to better-control some traffic or road situation, and then go back to the highway pegs it is annoying to have to unfold them with my toes. I'd much rather see an open-position detent of some kind to keep them in place when deployed.

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I test rode mine this morning. At 60-65mph they didn't fold back. Maybe I didn't ride fast enough, but there seems to be adequate resistance to folding back. On mine it looks like it would require a pretty high speed to blow them closed. I note that they will take some getting used to. Especially switching back and forth and the feeling of less control when using them. Also being a cool day I appreciated the protection of the plastic on stock pegs.

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Initially mine would fold back in a stiff wind but that stopped after a 6K trip washed most of the lube out. There is a small spring loaded ball detent which is enough to hold them open now. At least at sub warp speed.


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What is this "less than warp speed" you speak of?


my dad always taught me motorcycle throttles are like triggers...if you are gonna pull it, pull all the way.... :thumbsup:


go big or go home right? :D

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Same here, mine did not fold back at first but now it does. During hard take offs ( I am sure it is air resistance) one or both usually is hugging the head (folded).

I already got used to this and just use the toe of my boot to feel for the pegs ( like a blind sensor) to make sure they are there :) No biggy. I still like 'em.

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Hi Dan. I have a lower saddle on mine... as in it is not as thick as the stock one. I keep it in the higher position, especially on road trips. Do not have the bar risers yet, but contemplating getting a pair. I am about 5' 8", with a 32" inseam. Did not lose any lean angle. They are easy to kick back out from under the head with your boot. I would imagine (I think some else posted a similar comment) they would go great with an add-on backrest.


Hope this helps. To let you know, my first name is also Dan, and Heidelberg was my first duty station, '95 to '01. I was at the airfield. I know things have changed drastically, but man do I have some of the best memories of my life from there. Loved it! I am a cyclist also and raced and rode the entire area. Thanks also for the kind words Dan. Me... OIF 1, OIF 7-9, and this deal OIF 10/OND. Catch up with you later!

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Good note there. If memory serves, the directions have you pull the main fairing completely off. No need, just be gentle with the bottom few screws out of the plastic, and you kind get to the bolts. Sliding the brackets in is just as easy and remounting the hardware.

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