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Zumo Issue


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I have a Zumo 550, bought back in 2007 and exchanged by Garmin this past summer when the touchscreen and calibration died while I was on a trip. The refurbished unit they sent me (not free) seems to not lock onto satellites as quickly as the old one.

In particular, if you turn it on in a different location than you turned it off it takes forever. Yesterday I waiting 15 minutes (they told me it's faster if you are standing still) and finally got on the road still not locked in. I finally turned it off and back on and it found them right away.

I've explained the issue to Garmin and they say it often takes 10-15 minutes for units to find satellites. Never experienced this with 2720, Quest, Zumo, Nuvi. This is news to me.


Anyone else have this issue? Planning to call them again tomorrow, I really want them to switch it out for a working unit.

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

Not a Zumo owner by TomTom finds them in a minute, maybe less. There may be an antennae issue of some sort.

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Nancy, I have a 550 and it locks on in a couple minutes, no issues. I think you may need to return it for a "warrantee" replacement. First, do a "cold boot" by removing the battery then re-installing it. Let it boot up (this time it will take a little time)then turn it off then turn it back on and see how long it takes the second time. The number and file structure of your mp3 music can also impact boot-up and map display.

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Try asking at ZUMOFORUMS If there is an answer it will probably be found there. FWIW my 550 does the same thing when I turn it on after changing locations. It had done this since it was new.

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The same thing has also happened to me. I found that, if it doesn't acquire in the normal time, turning it off and back on results in almost immediate acquisition. Dunno why but it seems kinda common.

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The same thing has also happened to me. I found that, if it doesn't acquire in the normal time, turning it off and back on results in almost immediate acquisition. Dunno why but it seems kinda common.


If you are indoors and the receiver can't pick up any signals, the zumo will ask if you want to switch to "indoor mode". If you don't respond within the programmed time, the receiver is turned off until you manually turn it on or the zumo is rebooted.

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Anyone else have this issue? Planning to call them again tomorrow, I really want them to switch it out for a working unit.


My own 550 takes just a minute or less to find satellites. I think you are justified in asking for a replacement.



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I was the original zumo forums moderator. I have sort of taken a leave of absence but maybe I can help.


First thing to do is ensure you have the latest unit software. Connect your unit to the computer and see if there is an update. The Garmin site will tell you the current version.


Try the battery out reboot. Remove the battery wait for a few minutes- reinsert and Go outside. put the unit on a stable place like a table or something- no overhead obstacles/trees/roof...reboot (power-up).


If it does not go... call tech support and report the unit as defective, ask for replacement.


Good luck



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Thanks guys. Just got off the phone with Garmin, they said the same things....lastest software, cold boot...both things we did last month when I called. They are going to exchange it.


Last fall I flew to Witchita and put the Zumo in a rental car....Couldn't find satelites for over 20 minutes. I didn't know my way around. Luckily my Android was able to help get me to the highway. Same thing happened in Seattle last month. Very frustrating.


Gonna get the Zumo switched out. Hopefully the new one will be like the first.


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I just experienced the same issue with my 550. Just recently loaded the new maps and then was informed of a software upgrade which I did. Used the unit for a cage trip and it worked well. Then loaded 675 mp3 songs on to a sd card and went for a ride this past weekend and every time we stopped for a break the unit would not come up right away. Next chance to ride will take the sd card out and see if that is the cause. If it is then have to figure out how to correct it- maybe lower the number of songs

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Well known issue with Zumo. Has to do with the file structure of your mp3s. Check out the Zumo forum how to correct. It doesn't change the satelite response but does dramatically delay the display of any map.

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I just experienced the same issue with my 550. Just recently loaded the new maps and then was informed of a software upgrade which I did. Used the unit for a cage trip and it worked well. Then loaded 675 mp3 songs on to a sd card and went for a ride this past weekend and every time we stopped for a break the unit would not come up right away. Next chance to ride will take the sd card out and see if that is the cause. If it is then have to figure out how to correct it- maybe lower the number of songs

It's my understanding that if you need to put less than 100 songs in a folder. For example, you can have 490 songs spread across 5 folders and it all works better. I have about 360 songs on a 2 gig SD card in 4 folders. Works quite well. Just canceled my xm subscription because I found myself mainly listening to my SD cards.

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I just experienced the same issue with my 550. Just recently loaded the new maps and then was informed of a software upgrade which I did. Used the unit for a cage trip and it worked well. Then loaded 675 mp3 songs on to a sd card and went for a ride this past weekend and every time we stopped for a break the unit would not come up right away. Next chance to ride will take the sd card out and see if that is the cause. If it is then have to figure out how to correct it- maybe lower the number of songs


It has to rebuild the playlist every time it reboots. Unless you're going to be away from the bike for awhile, just dim the display and let it run off the internal battery.



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The long boot-time for a unit with many mp3's is a well known issue that I should have mentioned in my first reply.


If the OP has a lot of songs... it really slows things down. Certainly you can load up to 1000 tunes on the 550/450 but remember it will re-catalog each and every one on every power-up cycle.


You can help this by kludging up fake songs, with multiple real songs under each title and this helps, but you do lose the album art- if that matters.


AND... many non-boot problems are the result of corrupted files on the SD card... be it songs or photos or routes. So, before attempting to correct any boot issue- remove the SD card and see if it helps.


Good luck.

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Re-cataloging the song list after every power on. Wow. Glad our mp3 players don't do this. What were they thinking? Are all Zumo devices this way?

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The long boot-time for a unit with many mp3's is a well known issue that I should have mentioned in my first reply.



I mentioned it on my original reply, the 3rd post.

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The MP3 issue goes away if you put the music files into folders. I organize by artist or album. Whatever you do don't drop them all in the root directory.

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Thanks for the information regarding the long Zumo boot time. I have been struggling with this on my 550 for about a year. I placed my songs into several folders and problem solved. It takes about a minute now instead of the 5 minutes plus before I made the change. You saved my Zumo from the trash can!



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