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Star Tron gas additive...


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A guy at work bought some of this stuff to put in the cars that he has in storage. He said that it stabilizes the fuel and helps with the ethanol problems. Looks good if it really works. Anyone hear anything about this stuff. Good stuff or snake oil???

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Heard it's good stuff. It's along the same line as Seafoam. I have met some guys that swear by it. Then again, I've met guys that swear by Seafoam.....and Stabil....and about every other additive on the market. I've never seen any actual data to support which works better. Give it a try and let us know, it shouldn't hurt anything.


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I recently had a problem with my Tuono gas cap not venting properly and wound up with a bit of water in a tank of old gas ~6 weeks of sitting in the sun.


Bike would start and run but not produce any power without spitting and bucking. Added about 2 oz to 4 gallons and rode the bike for a bit. Within 2 miles it had cleared its throat pretty well and by 5 miles was accepting full throttle and back to its hooligan self, complete with 3rd gear wheelies.


I am one who is prepared to swear by the stuff.

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Since I have been riding I swear by Stabil and keep it in all my bikes (and garden equipment) and have never had an issue. My local dealer started stocking Star Tron .... it sounds good.

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I guess I'll tell him that he's good to go with it and I might even pick some up for myself. I use Seafoam on occasion, but am out. Thanks for the info.

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