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What did I do wrong?


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Finally bought a lift and had a near disaster the first time I tried to use it.


I installed a wheel chock in place of the HF clamp hoping for more security. When I tried to roll the bike onto the lift there was the expected catch trying to roll the front tire into the chock. Attempting to roll the tire over the chock lip the entire lift started rolling away from me. Needless to say that wasn't fun, but, I managed to avoid injury or destruction.


Did I need to block the wheels on the lift?



Any advice cheerfully heeded.

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---Did I need to block the wheels on the lift?




Evening GrayNFast


Obviously you need to do something different. Did you catch the center stand or exhaust on the lift as you pushed the bike on?


Might be as simple as laying a 2x4 or something between a front wall and the lift so it can move. If no wall then maybe park a vehicle in front then place along board from the vehicle tire to the lift so it can’t slide.


Personally, I usually ride the bike up on the lift so I hit it a pretty good roll. I have had a couple of bikes catch the center stand on the ramp-to-lift angle though.


Figure out why yours moved then come up with away to stop it from moving next time.


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Finally bought a lift and had a near disaster the first time I tried to use it.


I installed a wheel chock in place of the HF clamp hoping for more security. When I tried to roll the bike onto the lift there was the expected catch trying to roll the front tire into the chock. Attempting to roll the tire over the chock lip the entire lift started rolling away from me. Needless to say that wasn't fun, but, I managed to avoid injury or destruction.


Did I need to block the wheels on the lift?



Any advice cheerfully heeded.


I dunno what kind of lift you have but mine(HF) has two "screw" style jacks(mid way underneath) with little feet(supports) on them that keeps the lift from rolling forward or tipping.

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Thanks all. Rich I have the HF unit too. Went and looked and found what you were talking about. Will remember to set the lift up properly next time.



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I just use tie downs on my HF lift. The chock was always in the way of something. Depending on what I'm working on, I don't always need the tie downs.


Don't forget to screw down the little stabilizers behind the front wheels on the lift, before you push. Have a helper the first couple times in case things go awry.

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