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R1100RT questions

Jerry in Monument

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Jerry in Monument

Hello all,

It's been a long road (23 years), but I am back on two wheels! Yesterday I bought a 1996 R1100RTL with <42k miles, and it has some accessories.


One of which I need some help with since there is no documentaion.


Autocom - Is there an easy way to find out which Autocom unit is installed without disassembling half the bike? Is the Autocom most likely mounted beneath the radio?


The bike did not come with helmets or the Autocom headsets, so what all do I need to get and approximately how much is it going to cost?


I am so glad to be back on a motorcycle and glad that the 200mph gleam has finally left my eyes so that my wife can feel better about it.

Thanks for any help.


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The two popular places to mount the unit are under the seat and in the tail section(where the OEM tool roll is located). Once you find it, the model should be labeled.


Good place to start. Let's go from there.

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Follow the leads (wires/cords)?

Power is either from a 9v or the bike.

If the bike, then there is either a direct lead or a quick disconnect one.

Both would terminate at battery or switched power source.


Did you look in the tail section with a flashligt?

Some have velcroed the Autocom to the top.


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Jerry in Monument



Yes I have looked under the seats, in the tail and with a flashlight.


The two plug wires seem to lead behind the left body panel. I'm beginning to think that somewhere around the radio is the Autocom unit.


Evidently I'll have to partially disassemble the bike to find out.


My hope is that I can connect my Blackberry and Zune in to the Autocom.


I have a trip to Yellowstone with some friends in July so I hope to have all the kinks worked out before then.



On another topic, approx. how much does the 42k service cost?

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George Brown

No experience with Autocom but, my '97 RT had a bunch of J&M equipment installed on when I bought it. The CB was in the tail section and the rest of the stuff was inside tie-wrapped to the frame under the left side tupperware.


Prolly a good idea to remove all the tupperware anyhow just to get to know your ride.


Best wishes!

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Jerry in Monument

Thanks George, I agree. Familiarity breeds...... oops.


I guess I need to set aside a day to take it all apart.


I tried sending an email to support@autocomdirect.com, but it bounced back as "no mailbox here by that name".


I also tried calling and left a message but no reply.


Is Autocom dead?

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John Bentall
I tried sending an email to support@autocomdirect.com, but it bounced back as "no mailbox here by that name".



Please try the following contact details


Support: sales@tecstar.co.uk


Technical Support +44 (0)1480 399501

Fax: +44 (0) 1480 39503


Tecstar took over Autocom about 2 years ago.


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Your bike is a '96. But the Autocom could have been installed at any time.


First, check the multi-pin plugs. Are they 5-pin or 7-pin? That will tell you if you have an Autocom from the Pro-M1 era or the Pro-7 era. Once you have that information, you can proceed.


Do you want the Autocom to function as an organizer/mixer for numerous inputs (radar, GPS, music)? Or do you want it to function as an actual intercom with a passenger? That will dictate if you need one headset or two, and whether or not it is important that your headsets have microphones that are in good condition. In the case of needing just one headset, you might only need the "spider" (the part of the headset that splits into speaker and mic wires, but has neither attached) and you may want to tap into those speaker wires with a 3.5mil female jack so that you can plug in some custom-molded or aftermarket earbuds.


Give us a little more info and let's see if we can't help you with some deductive sleuthing.

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Jerry in Monument

Thanks guys,


The rider plug is 7-pin, the passenger is 5-pin.


Immediately, I would like to be able to listen to the radio via headset and also connect my Blackberry and Zune.


I will want the ability to communicate with the passenger, but that headset can come later.


Eventually I will add a GPS.


Hope this helps.


I am heading in to Colorado Springs tomorrow to buy a new helmet, full face, and hopefully will be able to find someone to maybe test the Autocom or provide some info.


I did stumble across this;




Would this be what I need to connect the existing plug to the helmet, if I were to go with JM headset?

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Jerry in Monument

John Bentall, I did find the TecStar info yesterday and emailed them also.


So far no response.



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Jerry in Monument

I went out and got my helmet this morning. 37 degrees when I left the house at 9am, cloudy and breezy. 42 degrees when I got home at noon. Thank goodness and BMW engineers for heated grips.


I am running in to major roadblocks in trying to find anyone knowledgeable about Autocom.


I'm beginning to think it will just be easier to remove it and go with something else.



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I went out and got my helmet this morning. 37 degrees when I left the house at 9am, cloudy and breezy. 42 degrees when I got home at noon. Thank goodness and BMW engineers for heated grips.


I am running in to major roadblocks in trying to find anyone knowledgeable about Autocom.


I'm beginning to think it will just be easier to remove it and go with something else.




There's tons of autocom knowledge here on this forum. EffBee is probably THE most knowledgeable AutoCom guy in the US, for example. You shouldn't be lacking anything in that department.


If I'm not mistaken, you still need to figure out what you've got and where it is installed. Nobody will be able to tell you where it is installed other than the person who installed it. You're just going to have to tear into the bike until you find it.


Once you find it, identifying it should be easy. You should also be able to figure out (possibly with some help from folks here) what it is currently configured to do and therefore what you'd need to buy/build/etc to make it do what you want it to do.

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Jerry in Monument

I spent some time on the phone today with Adam from Rocketmoto and sent him some photos of what I found once I dismantled the left tupperware.


He has no idea of what this is.


I also was able to contact the previous owner. He has no idea since it was already on the bike when he bought it and he never used it.


I guess it's time to get something new and not try fighting 'ancient' technology.


I'll probably have to wait a while since I depleted my 'fun' account so that I could pay cash and not have any revoloving debt.


Thanks for the replies and ideas.

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Jerry in Monument

Ok, maybe this







Unkown1 shows the com box bolted on to the back of the stereo housing. The only marking is a label with the number 158360.


Unkown2 shows some extra connectors that come out of the unkown box.


I did unbolt the box from the stereo bracket and look at the bottom - nothing. I also gently pried open the one side of the box to see if there is another box inside. Nope, just wires and connection points.


There are no markings on the 7-pin or 5-pin plugs either.

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Jerry in Monument

Well, I have taken this bike with its unknown com system to every place I can find and those places that have been suggested.


I have contacted the previous owner, he never used it and could not tell me anything about it. I have not been able to find the original owner.


I have talked on the phone with Adam at RocketMoto and sent him pics of the unit and connectors.


No one knows what this is.


So given that it is some sort of 'mystery ware' and parts/support are going to be non-existant, I have decided the best bet is to pull it and replace with something new. So much for being exited about not having to have the expense of adding a com system. :(


Adam at RocketMoto has emailed brochures on Autocom and Starcom1 and we are going to talk next week.


I have been reading a lot and trying to decide what unit will closest meed my wants and yet still be relatively budget friendly.


My leaning is towards the Starcom1 Advance.


Since my RT has a factory radio, I would like to connect that to the com, plus add connectivity for my Zune 120, cell phone (Blackberry will have to be replaced since it can't auto answer), eventually a GPS.


Can any of you give opinions/insight that would help in my quest?



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Jerry in Monument

I am extremely impressed with Adam at RocketMoto.com.


I called and left messages late yesterday afternoon hoping to talk with Adam regarding Autocom and Starcom1. Since it was after 5pm EDT, I figured I'd have to wait until Wednesday due to my work schedule.


Lo and behold, Adam called me about 1 1/2 hours later.


He spent over an hour talking with me, helping me understand the differences, similarities, construction, etc.


Adam is very knowledgable and took time to make sure I understood what the capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of each system are.


So, for me, Autocom is where I'm headed. I just need to figure out what body part and which kid to sell. ;)


Thank you Adam. Once I replenish the 'fun fund', you have a sale.

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I had the same experience when I ordered my Sena SMH10 Bluetooth. I left a message, Adam called back in 45 minutes.


Great service!!

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