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What is the best piece of equipment you've ever bought for your bike?


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I can't name just one and don't want to bore everyone by listing everything I've added to my RT in the two years I've owned it so I'll give you my top 3.


1. Russell Day-Long seats

2. Garmin zumo 550 GPS unit

3. ZTechnik VStream windshield

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Here are the most common/best farkles added to our bikes, in order of most often mentioned.

See the whole thread for specific details (e.g., what brand of seat or what type of protective clothing).


There are three (3) columns. They are:

A) Times Mentioned

B) Farkle added

C) Percent of Total (e.g., Of all farkles added in this survey, custom seats were mentioned 18 times; which is 15% of all farkles mentioned).



18 Seat 15%

16 GPS 14%

13 Protective clothing 11%

11 heat 9%

9 ergo 8%

9 misc 8%

7 Communication 6%

7 Shocks 6%

7 Windshield 6%

5 lights 4%

5 Tankbag 4%

3 earplugs 3%

3 top case 3%

2 music 2%

1 helmet 1%

1 performance 1%


Standard disclaimers apply.

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I'm behind the powercurve in answering this one. I looked at your list of items mentioned and number of times they were mentioned. I have approx. 20 of the items mentioned and agree with all of them (afterall, I paid to get them).


But by far and away the best thing on my bike (and I did not pay for it) and I wouldn't trade for every item mentioned . . . Sunjoo!!! Riding with her makes everything better. Now, I'm sorry to say but she is one of a kind and not for sale. So, for the rest of you, you're just outta luck! :-)

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The saddle has to be comfortable, or the rest will do no good as you won't want to spend time there. If the saddle is already comfortable, then knowing where to go would be next on my list, so a GPS is #1 or #2 depending on the saddle.

The rest are all minor inconveniences and end up further down the list.

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I bought a $6 acrylic picnic blanket halfway through a long road trip and now won't travel without it. Fold it up and it becomes a fabulous adjustable seat cushion, especially to relieve sore spots. In the cold you can fold part of it over your lap, or stuff some of it under your jacket. When you park it makes a great sun-cover to keep your seat cool, and if you have to stop it is an excellent ground sheet for picnics, lake swims or roadside repairs. With a bit of string it makes a nice canopy or emergency shelter. Being synthetic, it's easy to clean, dries quickly and won't shrink.

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I just added 1Off HIDs and would now add them to my list. They make the bike much more visible in the daytime and turn the night into day. I am very impressed so far, plus they gave a discount for being a member of this forum.

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Escort LED visual warning,

Ram mounts and Garmin GPS

Laminar Lip

Corbin Seat

K&N filter

EBC HH brake pads


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Guest Kakugo

Oh boy, too many bikes and too much money well spent/squandered! :grin:


So I am going to be general:


Hein Gericke Master IV suit: used it in rain, sunshine, drizzle etc. Fantastic bit of kit.


Arai helmets: enough said.


Aftermarket suspensions: most of the bikes I've had went through this treatment. Frankly I am quite happy with the RT stock WP units but when the time will come it will be either Wilbers WESA or Ohlins ESA (if they are going to make them).


Living where I am right now: I've got so many great roads in a 400 km range AND a nice little track just 20km away makes it easier to live through this infernal traffic.



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Joe Frickin' Friday
Hein Gericke Master IV suit: used it in rain, sunshine, drizzle etc. Fantastic bit of kit.


Those guys make excellent catalogs.





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Hein Gericke Master IV suit: used it in rain, sunshine, drizzle etc. Fantastic bit of kit.


Those guys make excellent catalogs.






Now *this* is the most interesting guy in the world!


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- Zumo 550 GPS and RAM mount

- MC Cruise (cruise control)

- Homemade 3/8" jacks under front seat support

- Gerbings jacket


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Guest Kakugo
Hein Gericke Master IV suit: used it in rain, sunshine, drizzle etc. Fantastic bit of kit.


Those guys make excellent catalogs.






I don't even want to know what that bloke does with that eagle in his spare time. ;)

Luckily I bought that suit at the Hein Gericke store in Munchen which, back at the time, was run by a very fine young lady. :)

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Don't you have to wear a high viz vest to get on base?


When I ride long distance, I try to stay in on-base quarters when available. I've stopped at quite a few USAF bases and have never been hassled for Hi-Viz, probably because I'm retired. I do carry it if needed, but never used it. I think the military is mainly trying to curb the shockingly high fatality rate of younger service men and women, often on their first bike or a bike more powerful than they need. Retired geezers like me don't seem to be a safety problem.

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I just read this entire thread, and I am the dummy. I do not know what an RDL is. Many of you mention it. It is at the top of a few lists. What am I missing? What the heck (a,the) RDL you speak of?

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I just read this entire thread, and I am the dummy. I do not know what an RDL is. Many of you mention it. It is at the top of a few lists. What am I missing? What the heck (a,the) RDL you speak of?


Russel Day-Long saddle.



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  • 2 years later...

I've spent a lot of money on some pretty expensive farkles over the years and I've sold a few of them, too. But pound for pound and dollar for dollar the three best things that I've added to the two hexhead GS's I've owned have been Beemer Buddy neoprene wraps for those skinny stock handgrips, Kaoko throttle locks, and Powerlet outlets.

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