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Extended Warranty


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I'm quickly approaching the 36,000 mile limit on my 08RT and am seriously considering an extended warranty.


The best I've found so far is from Contego "Pinnacle" which goes to 72 months with a $50.00 deductible & no mileage limit for $ 1,176.00. Pretty much covers everything expect "wear items".


Thoughts, opinions will be Greatly Appreciated !




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Afternoon 1LIFE2LIVE



You are going to get a lot of opinion on this from riders that have wished they had one to some that bought one and didn’t get anything to some that it saved them thousands in repairs, it to about everything in between.


So I will start you out with my 2 cents.


If you feel comfortable doing your own repairs, have the time, tools and know how then no not worth it.


On the other hand if you pay for most repairs at a dealer then probably worth the extra money up front.


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Added: I probably should add that extended warranty’s are a very big cash cow for dealers and agents so there is a LOT of bargaining room to get a better price. Don’t just accept the first quoted price as they will usually deal with you if you push hard enough and walk out the door a few times.


You might also put “extended warranty” in the search box on the site here as there have been some good discussions on this in the past. (use the quotes around “extended warranty” as shown.


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Paul Mihalka

My $0.02: Depends on your plans. Extended warranty is insurance. If you are a rider of average mileage and keep the bike a average time, the insurance company bets that they will make a lot of money on you. If you are a high mileage rider and plan to keep the bike to the end of the extended warranty, you are the guy the company doesn't really want but they can't stop you from buying the policy. Even if you do your own maintenance on these bikes big items cost big money and with high mileage something will break. One big item can pay for the whole policy cost.

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My $0.02: Depends on your plans. Extended warranty is insurance. If you are a rider of average mileage and keep the bike a average time, the insurance company bets that they will make a lot of money on you. If you are a high mileage rider and plan to keep the bike to the end of the extended warranty, you are the guy the company doesn't really want but they can't stop you from buying the policy. Even if you do your own maintenance on these bikes big items cost big money and with high mileage something will break. One big item can pay for the whole policy cost.
+1 :thumbsup:
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My 07 RT could be my last long distance bike so I plan to keep itfor a while. I got an extended warranty and just paid about $35.00 of a $2,400 ABS replacement bill.



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I had an extended warranty on my last bike, a 2005 R12GS


The had a number of issues with the bike during the first 2.5 years so I bought it, only had one claim for a transmission potentiometer or some such. I lost some money on the extended warranty but it gave me peace of mind on trips and I know it was a deciding factor for the new owner to buy my bike over other, lower priced bikes that didn't have an extended warranty. YMMV



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i have the pinnacle extended warranty on my 07 RT,i bought it when i got the bike,used it for the first time just before a trip last month,had the sight window replaced,25.00 deductible.wish i had it on my 99 RT 650.00 repair a month off warranty, i think peace of mind is worth it going accross country.

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Thanks for the responses!


Not sure if I/we would be considered high mileage riders (about 17,000 miles a season) so over these next three years I'll add another 50,000 miles or so putting my 08RT at about 85,000 miles total.


Depending on the weather I'll be over 36k in about a month, so I've got to pull the trigger one way or the other.


Heard that there may be similar/better priced extended warranty plans available. If anyone knows of any please post or PM.




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