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Home made bike lift


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While off from work for an extended period of time, I eventually worked my way down the long "to do" list that had accumulated over several years of not being home very much (I work power plant construction projects all around the country and so am gone for long periods of time).


I finally got time to work on a project that had been brewing in the back of mine ever since the first time I pulled the trans on my 1150R to lube the input splines & check the clutch. I'm 64 and the hardest part of working on any vehicle now is getting up off the floor.


So, digging into my goody pile to see what there might be I could use to alleviate that problem, at a minimal cost of course, this is what "happened"




Not saying it's the slickest lift anyone ever saw, but I'll bet it's one of the least expensive. About $20 worth of small items and a couple small pieces of mat'l I didn't already have in my stash. And being I only need a lift a couple times a year, I'll take those couple extra minutes to get the bike up on it with no complaint.

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I'm afraid I won't be using it for about the next 3 years - I'm

1700 miles away from home and will probly only get home a couple times a year.


My 1150R stayed at home, my 1200RT came with me for those 40+ mile one way drives to work - and of course weekend jaunts to see all the unbelieveable scenery around Vegas.


Would you believe the last couple days have been 36 deg F in the morning ont he way to work and 90+ on the way home in the pm?!


Thank goodness for all that wind protection!!

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