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Autocom... I know, I know, it's been beaten to death...


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...and I've spent time on their website, and have searched through threads here, but I still am too stupid to understand a few things.


My rather elderly Active Plus 2-rider unit has developed crackles and pops, and I've never been able to completely eliminate engine noise.


I use the unit to listen to music through either an ipod or XM or my Droid...same plug for all of them; to hear the Escort alerts, to receive life instruction from my pillion, and to receive directions from the lady inside my equally elderly Garmin 376 unit. I don't talk on the phone and won't. We use earphones, not the helmet speakers.


Here's my question: what benefit(s) would I receive and more important, notice, if I upgrade to the Super Pro unit? Better sound? It seems to me all the extra stuff on it is stuff that doesn't fit my needs. On the other hand, my current unit is a relatively frequent annoyance with the various pops, crackles, snaps, and whines.



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I have no idea what a Super Pro unit does. So you're going to make be read about what they feature. Maybe someone has a Pro 7 for sale. Pro 7 units allow Mp3 yes, B2B yes, radar yes, intercom yes. Ear plugs with special inline box on the helmet cable. My Pro 7 unit had a engine whine. I rerouted the wires around the engine and it all went away. I never had snaps crackles or pops. Some isolation is required for Autocom with devices powered by the bike. I don't know what the isolators are or where they install however.


Bye the way Juanita said that it was one year ago we were in Mexico. She still thanks you. Me too.

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Jerry in Monument

I too am in a quandry about Autocom and Starcom1.


My new-to-me '96 RT has some onknown com system that no one can identify, so I'm looking at replacing it with something newer and more 'standard'.


I see pros and cons to both Autocom and Starcom1, but can't get enough info to decide.

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Mark -

You sure all the cracks and pops and whistles are in the Autocom? I mean, you are getting a little older.... :dopeslap:


First thing I'd suggest is you pull all your connectors, add a little dielectric grease to them, and then plug them back together. You may have old, worn connections that this MAY help make better.


I'd also suggest you call one of the Autocom dealers to see if they can help you with this issue.


I can tell you that I upgraded from a Pro 7 to a Super Pro and I thought it was a GREAT upgrade. I had lots of 'non-standard' connections so I could have my GPS, music, and B2B radio hooked in. (I had at least one Y type plug) Going to the Super Pro, there is a base connector for everything which makes me feel much better about how everything is connected and interacts.


I have the Zumo 660 (so that handles my GPS and music) and I have an FRS radio for my B2B stuff and everything works PERFECTLY. I haven't tried with a pillion yet but I'm guessing everything will work correctly. One nice thing with the Super Pro, pillion can have their own music if they want!





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I'd also move the wiring away from the engine area as much as possible. I found on my rt I was picking up noise thru the plug wires as the autocom wire was 6 inches away. Ran them on the out side of the tank. Works great now!

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John Bentall

In-ear monitors are absolutely notorious for magnifying every crackle and pop. The latest Super Pro Automatic has much quieter amplifiers (*) that do not introduce their own noise into the system (according to ex-Autocom Tom). You will still get a certain amount of hum from the electrical system that will find its way to the ear monitors, but I think you'll appreciate the reduction in noise.


* might also apply to the previous model Super Pro Avi. You would have to call the factory to confirm.

All the other comments on this thread about RF noise are also relevant.

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Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I've got more than one GLI in the system, which helps some, but there's just no way to get rid of all of it, I guess. My original question really had to do with the cracks and pops and "static" we get. I've been unable to isolate it to a single component (I've done the clean the contacts drill more than once). It "static" is odd, in that it typically occurs when we first hook up and take off, and then after 20 minutes or so it usually but not always goes away.


It'll be nice, a few years from now, when all our gadgets will connect to headsets wirelessly.


It's good to know the Super Pro is quieter, that may help the humming. I'm sort of convinced the issue is somehow inside the main Autocom unit...a wiring connection gone bad, for instance. I'm sure I can open that up and ruin it without much trouble.



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Mark, I have two Super Pro AVI units and they work great. Truthfully, not a lot of difference from the old Pro M1 except the 7 pin DIN. Also the Super Pro has a small mic to sense noise and automatic gain so the volume increase when you get more noise in the helmet. You can also supply power to the Kenwood TK 3131 GMRS so don't need a power line or battery for the radio. The lower-en d autocoms won't handle the current needs of the 3 watt radios. I have found that once installed correctly, they just keep on working but a good installation is essential.

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