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looking for a new helmet for the myself obviously. Currently using the Nolan N-102, its 6 years old so you know, its past the 5 year mark. I'm not 100% with modular, may go with a full face this time. The top choice is a Shoei Qwest, new model they came out with in 2010. Schubereth C-3 was one but 700 bucks, ouch...that's just too high.

The only thing with Shoei was i bought an RF-900 back in 2003 when i bought the RT and after riding for a few hours i would feel pressure at the top of my forehead...very uncomfortable. Leave a red spot at the end of a long ride. the Qwest's claim is that its a more rounded shell, so i'm hoping that's the ticket. The nolan was always comfortable but noisy. would love a quieter helmet. Also have communications so they claim it won't be a problem with the Qwest. Comments? helmets are probably like tires...infinite choices.

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Regarding the forehead "ache" I get the same thing with my Arai SMZ and it's 3 years old and broken in. My egg head can't even consider the other options. Agree, $700 is simply to much although I bet it's one hell of a helmet.

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after riding for a few hours i would feel pressure at the top of my forehead...very uncomfortable. Leave a red spot at the end of a long ride. the Qwest's claim is that its a more rounded shell


Forehead pressure is due to the helmet shape being incorrect. I had this problem in the past with Shoei helmets, which are typically round. What you want is a oval shape or even a long oval shape. Try on an Arai Profile helmet (long oval). This helmet should get rid of this issue, but may put too much force on your temples. Visit this website: bikewebworld link. It has a great chart showing different shapes for different brand helmets. Then try on a bunch and target the best feel/fit. Once you determine your exact shape, then search for the desired brand/cost.



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I went with the C3 and never looked back. Had a C2 but the C3 is much quieter and much lighter. Great internal sun screen. I also had a Nolan N103 which was very comfortable but the difference in noise was night and day. My head is worth it! :grin:

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Joe Frickin' Friday
after riding for a few hours i would feel pressure at the top of my forehead...very uncomfortable. Leave a red spot at the end of a long ride. the Qwest's claim is that its a more rounded shell


Forehead pressure is due to the helmet shape being incorrect. I had this problem in the past with Shoei helmets, which are typically round.


Had this problem with my previous Shoei helmet; it was the edge of the styrofoam pressing against my forehead. I was able to compress the styrofoam with my thumbs, just a bit, and that was enough to create a broader area of contact, relieving the pressure.

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Guest Kakugo

I've tried the Shoei Qwest at the Milan Bike Fair last year. To say I was unimpressed with it would be an understatement.

It's quiet, yes, but it also has got little ventilation. During Summer it will turn into a veritable sweatbox.

I was also unimpressed by the quality of the interiors. No removable lining (given the asking price it must be a joke) and it uses the same awful lining material as the Shoei Multitec I used for a year before shelving it away because it was making me sweat so much.

But that's just my opinion and I am sure there are many happy Qwest owners out there.

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I have tried a number of different helmets that ranged HUGELY in price and after all that, the most comfortable helmet BY FAR (for my head shape) was and still is the least expensive, a flip-up helmet by KBC, the FF_R Sport Modular.





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I have an Arai Vector that I love but, Like BerndM above, I've recently found that the comparatively inexpensive Scorpion line fits my head well.


I really believe that you've got to try on helmets before buying. They all fit a little differently and you can't do more than guess at the size (and whether it'll feel good) from in front of the computer screen.

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I now have three helmets, the most recent being a Shoei Qwest. I went for a ride yesterday and one thing I remarked on (to myself) was the ventilation (in a good way). Its best feature for me is the fit (YMMV). I also have a Sena Bluetooth communicator installed on it, as does my wife on her Qwest. I don't have an issue with the liner; the cheeks pads come out and if you really care, you can "wash" the liner in place. I have to be totally honest here, I've never removed a liner to wash it on any helmet I've owned. It's a good helmet and the shieId changing is a breeze (unlike Arais I've had). I also have a Skark Evoline Series 2, a good modular helmet, with a good SHARP rating (four stars if I recall correctly). The oldest helmet I have is an HJC AC-12 carbon and it's best feature is its weight (it also has my Autocom headset installed in it).

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Be sure to try a Shoei RF1100. They've changed a little since the 900 series. I liked my RF1000 and I like the RF1100 even more.

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Been a Schuberth guy for 11 years now, bought my first one in Germany on a trip. Tried on a new Arai RX-Q today, by-by Schuberth.

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I had an Arai Quantum/f, which I loved to death. It turned 5 years old in 2008, so I replaced it with a Shoei modular after reading rave reviews. I detest this thing, and I never use the modular feature anyway. I can't wait to go back to the comfort and quiet of an Arai.



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I've got a long oval head so helmets haven't fit my head well. I literally feel your pain. Most of the helmets I've tried were made for a Charlie Brown head. Problem is that lists are not up to date for helmet models and fits to pursue what you need. Good luck in the search, keep everyone informed on what you find.

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Arai Profile is the best for a long oval head ( forehead hotspot ).


I just bought one and it is awesome.



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I have the Schuberth C2 XXL and love it. I tried on the C3 at MaxBMW open house last weekend. The C3 XXL was slightly loose. The C3 XL is probably too tight but closer to a fit for me than the C2 XL. If I decide to purchase one, I'll have to try one on for a longer period of time.


One of the features I love about my C2 is the extra venting via adjusting the shield outward a fraction of an inch. The C3 does not seem to have this feature. Anyone who has had both the C2 & C3 have feedback on this? I also have the C1 and it has this feature.


BTW, most of my helmets before my first C1 have been Shoei's from the RF series. They were all comfortable for me and I wore the XL from Shoei. :grin:



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One of the features I love about my C2 is the extra venting via adjusting the shield outward a fraction of an inch. The C3 does not seem to have this feature. Anyone who has had both the C2 & C3 have feedback on this? I also have the C1 and it has this feature.






Hi Roy!=


The C3 venting on the first pinlock raising the visor slightly does the trick. Although seldom needed. There seems to be sufficient air going through at speed. Still getting use to the differences with that. I always had trouble with the top of the visor sealing completely with the C2 in the rain. With the C3 the Sealing seems much better. I have not had it in a blinding downpour yet so I cannot comment on that issue. I do like that the double window on the visor to prevent the fogging up issue better.


Interesting to see how hot the ol' noggin' will get cooling in the summer heat yet to come. I am hoping it will be better.

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I also had the forehead hotspot with most helmets. Arai RXQ works for me. Good luck! It took me about 8 months of trying on what seemed like millions of helmets to finally get the right one.

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does arai even make the profile anymore? i see a webbike review but its from 2006. It looks like it was replaced by the vector (now vector 2).


oh look at that! i found a 20% off coupon for Hermy's! I wonder if i could use that for the C3!

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Nice n Easy Rider
does arai even make the profile anymore? i see a webbike review but its from 2006. It looks like it was replaced by the vector (now vector 2).

Arai still has the Profile on their website.

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Hollow Road Rider

I recently switched to a Schubert C3 from an Arai Quantum. I find the C3 is much less noisy and less drafty.


Also, When I first tried on the XL and the XXL, one was too tight and the other way too sloppy. That dealer, Max in CT, said that Shuberth does not have replacement cheek pads in different sizes like Arai does. He was wrong, they do. So the Schuberth C3 in an XL now fits me just fine with a cheek pad set from an XXL, suppiled free of charge from the On Line Helemet store where I bought it.

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darn it, the coupon i received from our annual dinner is good only for BMW accessories and parts. WTF? come on man! darn dealers.

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I received my C3 yesterday and rode into work this morning. The helmet is a Large and the fit is pretty comfortable, but I did notice that with the bottom air vent open, it gets a low rumble noise in the whole helmet. When you close it, it gets a lot quieter. It will probably be a lot quieter when I go back to using my Ztechnik Vstream windshield (it's summer so I use the OEM shield).


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Sounds like you need an oval shaped helmet . . . I do too. I think the Aria Profile is one such helmet, but a bit pricy & heavy. I have a Scorpion Hi-Vis 700 now but it too is a tad too round. I'd like to find a reasonable, light, quiet helmet that fits! Hi-vis would be a plus.

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