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Just installed a V46 GIVI topbox on my brand new R12RT. The Givi came with two keys but I'm thinking a hidden spare key would be smart. My nearby locksmith could not find a key blank to match the Givi, so no copy. There are lots of folks with Givi boxes out there, so someone must have made a key copy. Anyone know the key blank number?


BTW, I got the V46 "Tech". All black with a clear (silver) lens. No red. Looks very cool on the Thunder Gray RT.



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Guest Kakugo

Twisted Throttle carries them: Twisted Throttle .

Very pricey but it beats running around looking for the right match.

If you still have problems drop me a line and I'll drop by the Givi factory to get one for you.

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Charles Elms

This blank worked for my GIVI topbox. Older (2004) GIVI Key - Toyota or Nissan balnk ILCO X159 TR37. Hope this works for you.

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Those works for the older versions like you and I have.

GIVI changed a few years ago and the key is different.

You can get a new lock/key combo for relatively cheap and convert to the newer version.

Best wishes.


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Good info here.


Then onto useless chatter....

What someone really needs to do is make available a retrofit kit that converts Givi locks to accept the current gen BMW keys.

Just a custom lock cylinder with set of tumblers that allows keying for your existing key.




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