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Cycle Gadgets used to sell something called the QuikHinge that could be used to conveniently swap various system case lids without drilling & reriviting them on. Now that Cycle Gadgets has closed their doors, does anyone know where these can be obtained?

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Afternoon Bob


Why not just drill out he rivets then use some stainless steel bolts and washers to bolt the cover to the hinge. That is pretty well all that kit was anyway.




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The Kugler klamps allowed you to switch lid sizes w/out unbolting everything.

They are no longer made (best as I know) but some kits are out there.

I have some unopened kits but they will not be on the market (at least right now) but they work well.

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Stop bagart'ing the Kugler Klamps :rofl:


I gott'a ice cream, I gott'a ice cream, and you don't have one...

~ Eddy Murphy


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I did sell all of my Signal Minder's last year.


They are still being made, the KKisn't.


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Peter Parts

Maybe I used to be richer, but I simply bought a full second-hand set since they are easy to mount. The fit has to be water-resistant and not a good design in plastic for screwing hinges on an off any too often.


Then you should ensure a single key works on all your locks - easy.


I use a Ventura luggage rack - fine for going to the cheese store, library, and other important destinations. and change from my city bags rarely.


If I recall, the trick hinges had the "fingers" that hold the bolt trimmed half away. So if you opened the hinge wide, it could be lifted off but held perfectly when closed. Hardware stores have such hinges if you want to inspect one.


I don't see why it is hard to re-fashion the stock hinges the same way. You can buy the hinges from Bobs so no big risk getting out your Dremel and trying it, even if I didn't dare.



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