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Michelin tires


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I am currently running Michelin Pilot Road 2's on my '06 rt. I have tried many tires but am very happy with these. They wear evenly to the end and handle nicely. I heard of a new pilot road 3. Are these available yet? Who sells 'em and anyone tried 'em yet?

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The Brit motorcycle magazines have reviewed the PR3 tire. Seems like the wet performance is exemplary, and that characteristic does not make the tire "squiggly" as other tires that do so well in the wet. They had not determined if the PR3 longevity would be comparable to the PR2 however.

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I have them, and I got them from the above link. They seem amazing to me but I just got my RT with old tires on it and replaced them with these. They make it feel like I have a new bike.


I have put a couple thousand miles on them in all conditions except a bunch of snow on the road (I only went across small patches) and they performed very well. As for longevity, I can see the 90 degree edges of the rear side tread starting to round. I can't see a flat patch in the middle yet.


I would say to get them if you ride in the rain at all and are happy with the PR3.










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Just mounted a pair, like a kid with a new pair of shoes the first day of school. At first blush, like all tires, they feel great. I'm looking forward to seeing how they like the roads in Killer's neighborhood. Wet traction has been very good, if it stops raining long enough I'll report on the dry weather handling.



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Michelin Pilot Road

Just mounted new skids, the only tire I use, very very good in the rain. Average mileage is 15500km, I could have ridden maybe another 1000 km. Leaving for the Down East next Thursday and it is usually a wet one. I agree with you all, it is magic smooth on the first couple of rides with new tires.


I tried one set of the MPR II, they only lasted 8000km and the sides wore funny, centre was great. For what ever reason this caused the mirrors to vibrate.



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Keep us posted as they wear and you get some miles on them. I wasn't very happy with the PR2s on my '09RT. I currently have some Pirelli Angels on the RT and I'm happy with the grip, not quite sure how the mileage will go on them though since they are softer compound.



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