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Schuberth SRC v3.0 released


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Schuberth released the v3.0 software for the SRC communication module today.




For me the biggest change was the addition of what they call a "second A2DP channel". I played with it for a while tonight and while it doesn't actually add a *second* channel, it changes the behavior enough so it acts like it.


I use both a streaming A2DP device for the output of my GPS/Radar detector/Radio=ipod kit to a mixit 2. I then also wanted to pair a phone to the helmet as well. With the 2.2 firmware this would not work. I could have 1 device connected at any given time. To use the other device I had to turn off the first.


With the 3.0 firmware, if I connect the A2DP device, then use the phone, it disconnects the A2DP device, but the RECONNECTS it seamlessly when I'm done with the phone. I tried it a bunch of times and it seemed to work pretty well (failed once to reconnect, but a power cycle of the A2DP device fixed that).


This may actually make the SRC useful for me.


An alternate way for me to use it is to pair the Zumo 660 I have directly to the SRC along with the streaming A2DP device for radar detector/music. Then pair the phone with the zumo for phone. The downside to this is the audio quality of the phone isn't that great when going through the zumo via bluetooth then to the helmet via bluetooth (that has never worked well for me, I've tried at least 3 helmet setups like this with mixed results at best)


All in all, it seems like a worthy upgrade. I may or not use the "click to link". I don't ride with anyone that uses a Cardo or SRC setup (the few other guys use a Nolan, but I had issues with the fit on a Nolan helmet, so I sold it this year and replaced it with the C3)


I wish that the companies that do this would come out with more a "standard" for the intercom stuff... totally non-standard right now, each company uses their own protocol. bah!


But, it's nice to see Schuberth actually came out with the update :)


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How are you setup to use the Mixit2 with the bluetooth? I run my radar, GPS and Inno into the Mixit2, but I use the hardwire from the output. I wanted to get the SRC for my Schuberth, but didn't want to spend $400 just to connect my iPhone.

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There are several ways to do it...


Basically, wire a bluetooth transmitter up to the output of the mixit.There are any number of transmitters out there. I use this




That one requires 4.5 vdc to operate, so I built a dc/dc converter to drop the bike voltage to 4.5 volts to run it so it runs off bike power. I have it located in my radio box wired in to power so it will stay out of the weather. The only downside to this unit is if it has no input for 5 minutes or so, it will power down.



Alternately, there are plenty of battery operated bluetooth A2DP transmitters out there that will work fine. It would be best to get one that you know will run while it's charging so you can charge and use it at the same time.


I keep this one for a backup, but it will NOT run and charge at the same time. But the battery run time on these is typically 6-8 hours at least.



Any of the other ones out there should work fine...


This unit claims it will charge and run off power at the same time, but I cannot confirm it will work, just based on the description.





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