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30% off sale on Comply earphone (eg er6i) tips


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Just an FYI, if you're needing new tips for your headphones (or wanted to try some foam tips), Comply Foam is offering 30% off their entire site right now with the coupon code "EarBlissX30".


The t-100's aren't technically listed as er6i compatible, but NUMEROUS reports on the web say they work swimmingly.


Shipping's around $3...

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Thanks for this! The Etymotic tips irritated my ears. I called Comply, and the girl who answered said that in fact they do recommend the T100s, but that you need to be aware that often when you pull the tips off to discard them the Etymotic wax filter comes off with the tip, so you need to make sure you don't toss that out with the bath water.


The price shown on the site is for a "three pack."

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Mark, have you considered their custom tips? I have them and really like them. I bit more difficult to remove but very comfortable.

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