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Change Tire or Ride it?


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Looking at a 1,000 mile trip soon and wondering if my Michelin PR2 Rear Tire should be taken off or used up.


Tire gauge reads 2.5 32ths and is (still) (just barely) in the Green Zone... measured at the wear strip on the PR2. My dial indicator gauge goes Green-->Yellow-->Red.


The trip is a good mix of twisties and open highway. Still plenty of big rubber left on the off-center area. I will be riding 1-up this time. The tire "looks" good to me and so far has worn like iron.


I have the replacement PR2 in the garage.


Anyone have experience or knowledge of the wear rate of that last 32th?



Your thoughts?



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1000 mile trip, and that measurement at the wear bar.......i would ride it.


BUT, when it doubt......always replace the tire. searching for a replacement on the road can be a pain.

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Guest Kakugo

All the PR2's I've had (four sets) looked pretty decent until they reached the 10,000 km mark. I've learned the hard way after this mileage is reached wear becomes much, much faster than before. About 1,000 km more is enough to send them down all the way to the wear marks. I've had a set go down to the wear marks in about 600km.

If you already have the replacements available I would fit them before riding away.

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I may be totally wrong in my assumption, but, if racebikes are any indication, bald is beautiful. Their tires have no tread at all for maximum traction. Tread is useful only off pavement and on wet pavement.

The downside for street tires though is that when the tread is all gone, there isn't a lot of rubber left before the cords start to peek out.

If you're AT ALL concerned about it, and the fact you posted the question here, seems to indicate at least some concern.

Change the tire if it'll make you feel better.




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1000 mile trip, and that measurement at the wear bar.......i would ride it.

+1, Got 12k on the PR2s and if not for a nail, they would have gone longer (although VERY noisy).


BUT, when it doubt......always replace the tire. searching for a replacement on the road can be a pain.

pain = $$$

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I've got roughly 11Kmi on my PR2's. Last week I rode out on a 800mi ride and was worried as you. But, the tire now looks not much diffferent than when I left. The wear bars are still a ways away (roughly the thickness of a penny). But the front tire has got that cone shaped wear pattern and the worst wear is not where the wear bar is located. I also have some cupping, which make it difficult to get an accurate depth measurement. Rear has got about the same distance to wear bar as the front. It is worn more in center, but not that bad.


But don't decide based on my tires. I often see RT's with strong wear in the centers which I assume is from a lot of highway miles. My miles are mostly not highway. So, you need to do what you feel is best.

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I get about 1500 per mm on PR IIs. You've got at least 3mm so I wouuldn't worry about a 1000 ride. You'll have plenty for that plus a bunch.

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I have the replacement PR2 in the garage.


Hopz, you didn't say if you change your own tyres or not, but if in doubt I'd probably

consider swapping tyres for the trip, the swap back for shorter journeys to finish your

current tyre off. For what it's worth I'm getting 9,500 / 10,000 miles out of PR2s with

a mix of solo and fully loaded two riding.



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OK... there's the decision. Ride On...


The measurement I took was not at the wear bar- which I finally found...obscure little buggers are'nt they. My measures were taken very near the center... actually at the place where the line is. Anyone ever notice the line running the entire circumference of the tire? it is well in-board of the wear bump.


Measuring at the wear bar... I have 3.25 32nds. Mileage is accurate and low, other guys get way more, etc.


I'll change when I get back.





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For what its worth...


6,736 miles on the PR2.


What are others getting?


I've been getting at least 16,000 kms (9,900 miles), but there are so many variables that asking others may not prove much.

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There are two points I would consider:


1) safety:

If riding in the rain, do you have enough tread left to avoid aquaplaning?


2) Legal minimum tread level:

What are the laws in your country, in regards to minimum tread?

Over here the fines are high enough (including points on your license) that will cost you more then the tire itself.

And then you still have to replace your tire ;-)


The mileage you got is irrelevant in this case.



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Hopz, you didn't say if you change your own tyres or not, but if in doubt I'd probably

consider swapping tyres for the trip, the swap back for shorter journeys to finish your

current tyre off. For what it's worth I'm getting 9,500 / 10,000 miles out of PR2s with

a mix of solo and fully loaded two riding.





I'm with Ian. I've done it plenty of times over the years. Mount the new tire for the trip and put your mind at ease. When you return, mount the old tire and use it up locally.

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Thanks to all.


I do not have a tire machine although I have a pal that does. I also could take the tire and wheel to an independent shop and they would do it. I feel comfortable with the tire. I got the answers to the questions I asked.


Thanks all.

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For what its worth...


6,736 miles on the PR2.


What are others getting?


I've been getting at least 16,000 kms (9,900 miles), but there are so many variables that asking others may not prove much.


I've got 14,000 miles... and they're still going!

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OK... there's the decision. Ride On...


The measurement I took was not at the wear bar- which I finally found...obscure little buggers are'nt they. My measures were taken very near the center... actually at the place where the line is. Anyone ever notice the line running the entire circumference of the tire? it is well in-board of the wear bump.


Measuring at the wear bar... I have 3.25 32nds. Mileage is accurate and low, other guys get way more, etc.


I'll change when I get back.




There are wear bars very close to the center too. Seek and ye shall find.

Assuming 1/32" at those wear bars, I would have no problem putting another 1K miles on the tire.

I am getting in excess of 10K miles out of the rear PR2s...

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Thanks again guys... more..


Hunter S. Thompson once said something like, "The thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death"...


I had a bit of a think again this morning and for me... "The thrill of the wager was overcome by the satisfaction of an uneventful ride"...


Cost $12.50 at the shop to have the tire mounted... well worth it. The old tire will be there when needed.


I know, I'm a wuss, but the uneventful ride is worth a lot more than the $12.50.

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Twelve freaking fifty???? What? is that guy related to you? or was that the cost of the 12 pack you had to buy

Round these parts they wanna charge you $40.00 minimum per tire to demount the old and mount the new.




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I know, I'm a wuss, but the uneventful ride is worth a lot more than the $12.50.

Or the $20 of tread left on the old tire. :) Good call - one less thing to divert your attention on the ride.

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I had MEZ4s on my RT on the first "unrally" and the front was pretty worn before I left. I had the same (tightwad) thoughts, and decided to run it til it was totally spent. I ended up wishing I had changed it before I set out. Even though I had caculated it would go the distance, it was showing cords near the end of the trip and we had about 600 miles to go. I tried finding another tire on the road; didn't happen on a Sunday afternoon. If I ever have it to do over again, I'll opt for sacrificing the last 15 or 20 dollars worth of tread to feel safer on a trip, with or without precious cargo on the pillion seat.

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, with or without precious cargo on the pillion seat.


Yeah, a big factor. Do you really want to hear about this for the rest of your life if things don't work out? Isn't the list long enough already?





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