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RE: Hyperlites


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2005 R1150RT I added Hyperlites to my tail lights about 2 years ago. I was doing a check of everything tonight and noticed both sets of LEDS were dead. The brake lights, turn signals, etc all function normally. I opened up the tail light to check the connections and all seems well. Is it possible the little contoller pot went bad?


How long should they last. They really help brighten up the stop light especially at night.

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LEDs are considered to be very long-lasting. I would telephone the Hyperlites people and see what they say. In my experience, their service-after-sales is usually pretty good.

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LEDs are long lasting but the board they are soldered on may not so. --> oxidation, poor soldering, solder joint cracks.

Have you seen one of those new traffic light with LEDs where the middle row already not illuminating. Or the cheap multi led flash light where one or two LED seems dead.


On the other hand like they say about the compact fluorescent bulb that should last 5- 10 years...hell.. not in my house, some burns out after six months. :eek:

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On the other hand like they say about the compact fluorescent bulb that should last 5- 10 years...hell.. not in my house, some burns out after six months. :eek:
That's been my experience too. I replaced every single bulb in my house a few years ago all at the same time because our electric rates were going up 20-something % (CT has the highest electric rates in the country after we deregulated so consumers would save money from competition...we're East California here). Then I started replacing bulbs & I thought, sheesh, these shouldn't be bad already so I began writing the date changed on the base when I swapped out a bulb. I get about a yr to yr & half on a CFL regardless of what they say is the lifespan.


I checked the package for the "guarantee" and found that in order to get one replaced because it didn't last as long as claimed, I needed to save the original packaging & the original receipt. Yeah, right. Anyone see what happens to a thermal printed receipt after a couple of months (much less a year or more)? The "lasts 3-5 times longer" claims on CFLs aren't worth crap.


We're coming up on the date when the ban on traditional incandescents goes into effect (won't be able to buy most except for some specialty bulbs) so I buy extras whenever they're on sale :-)


(Ok, before anyone jumps me; technically it's not a ban, but the federal law requires a boost in efficiency that will eliminate sales of traditional incandescents - 100W bulbs go out in 1/12 and other wattages or lumen levels, get phased out over the next two years.)

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Contact the company. It was a few years ago so I'm not sure if they're still as good, but I had a controller go bad and they sent me a replacement immediately free of charge. All they asked was for me to send back to the bad controller so they could diagnose what went wrong.

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Hyperlite wrote me back. they asked me to try a couple of things. If those don't work they said they would send me new for free....All I have to say is...Buy Hyperlites. Good product, good company....No affiliation, fee, etc.

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I also had one of my Hyperlites fail after over a year of use and they replaced it no questions asked. Support companies that stand behind their products....

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I have recently had one sort of fail, i.e. I lost 4 of the 16 LEDs in one unit. I contacted them on the off chance and they have this week sent me a replacement unit with no quibble.


This is fantastic customer service and it shows how much faith they have in the product. They are truly a great company to do business with, first class. :clap:

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