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Touch Screen Gloves for Use with iPhone, iPod Touch (on the Bike)?


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OK, I've done the search on this site and several others looking for gloves, especially wind resistant gloves I can wear on the bike that will allow me to operate my iPhone (& iPod Touch) (mounted with a RAM mount on the brake fluid reservoir). I've found several on Amazon and the like but they are more fleece or the like that don't look like they offer much protection or wind resistance. I'm toying with getting a pair of the " Freehand " which have thumb and index finger covers designed for photographers as the most motorcycle friendly alternative.


Have any of you had any experience with these types of gloves?


Any other ideas?


Thanks, :Cool:



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Any other ideas?


Rather than adapting your gloves (and compromising their ability to protect your hands) to work with an inappropriate accessory, how about adapting the accessory so that it is more appropriate.


You can get, for example, a wireless remote that let's you control the audio functions of your iphone/iTouch while wearing real moto gloves.

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Those touch screens are capacitive and need to sense your electrical current for them to work. You can actually make any finger of any glove work by putting in some conductive thread. This will of course also allow some moisture to get through in the area, and I haven't tried it, but it seems like it wouldn't cause too much of an issue being that the pad area of your fingertip is pretty well shielded anyway.


I have to run out to do some errands, but if you can't find conductive thread on your own or online how-tos for this sort of project, let me know and I can dig up the links I found when I was wondering the same thing.



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I found THESE when I was looking for gloves.

Might be just the ticket. :)


Yep -that's pretty much what I was suggesting doing yourself, so if you like that glove style, there you go. If you prefer some other style, the pics of those should pretty much explain what you want to do. (The key, basically, being to make sure the loops/stitches of conductive thread go ALL the way through the glove so that it touches both your skin and the device.)


You can see a how to HERE and THIS is someone who will send you a small bit (but plenty to do this to several gloves) for a few bucks.



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I found THESE when I was looking for gloves.

Might be just the ticket. :)


Thanks Don,


I knew I had seen these somewhere. I just couldn't remember where! :dopeslap:



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  • 10 months later...

I got one of those little plastic stylus pens for my gps. (Do those work with an ipad?). I attached it to my ram mount with one of those little key card reels. Works like a charm. Shoot, it works better than my fingers.

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I found a supplier of thread made of conductive material. I sewed it into the finger tips of the gloves I use, including my Gerbings, and it works great -- low cost too. Do a google search.

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