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Another seat thread? Really? REALLY?


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Yup, gonna go down this road again, figuratively.

In part, this an addendum to other threads, including the gel pad one from a few months back. And I know every ass is different. My wife tells all her friends that about me.


Stock seat is good for about 150-200 miles for my posterior. So I got a Sargeant for numerous reasons: cost, not having to send in a seat base, got it a day after ordering it, etc. That was last fall.

Today, I'm done with the Sargeant. I've put approximately 2000 miles on it and it is still too hard and it only gets me to about 1/2 hour more seat time than the stock rock. Ain't worth the $400 for 30 minutes.

At the end of my ill-fated and aborted trip north last month, I had put just under 700 miles on the Sargeant in 3 days, 325 on day one with a two hour break in the middle, 120 miles day two, 225 miles day three. As soon as I parked it and unloaded my gear, I pulled that beast off and swapped in the stocker. It will not go back on!


I have talked to many people who have no problems with the stock seat and rack up miles I cannot concieve of at this point. I believe Joe Frickin Friday did several thousand miles, including some 700 mile days in a trip to Utah recently as well as the mechanic at my local dealer (Hap's) who doesn't even own a car and the IBA rider from Utah doing the 4 Corners ride on a GS I met to name only three. I can't even get out of Florida! though it is a loooong state.


I have asked a friend to try out his Russell going to the UN (he's trailering up) to give it a test but if I can't find something that is at least as comfortable as the saddle on my '82 Yamaha Maxim then I cannot call this a touring bike. This is really poisoning the experience for me. A trade seems possible but as I'm unemployed......

I guess I'm going to have to expect to trailer in the future. My next cage will have to take that into consideration (and I really like the fold-up trailer I saw at Hap's) but that isn't the way I want to ride and it isn't why I bought this bike. I want to ride 500+ mile days wandering two-lanes with no particular destination in mind. I don't want my bike to be a trailer queen or just another piece of luggage to take on a trip. I want the promise fulfilled. But instead I've a sore butt and I'm pissed off and very disillusioned. But I'll stop ranting now. I gotta mow the lawn.

Thanks for the sympathetic shoulders and ears (eyes?).

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Evening Fubar


You might be barking up the wrong tree (possibility anyhow).


Maybe try some different riding pants or even some bicycle riders long distance underwear. If your pants drag on the seat & pull at your bottom it will be an uncomfortable ride after a couple of hours or so.


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The stock saddle on my '06 RT was just as you described it, good for about 150 miles, and that was it.


So needless to say, it had to go, and I decided on a Corbin.

Ordered it online, no seat pan to modify, got it in about a week.

The best aftermarket investment I've ever made.


With the Corbin, I've done many 10-12 hours days in the saddle and never once had any back-side concerns.

Instead, it's my back, or my eyelids that get tired, but not my ass.

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

As with Dirtrider, no seams across the keyster....and no cotton. I found that after about 4 or 5 hours I was getting a fairly sharp, central keyster pain. I ride holding a Kegel and tight cheeks for as long as I can hold it and the pain goes away after about 10 minutes.


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I have custom seats on both bikes.....

Both good, nether perfect ............

350 miles, and mu butt hurt ..........

Long distance Comfort underwear and the first time on did a 1050 mile day and still smiling.......


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I appreciate all the advice, both now and previously.

From beads to sheepskin to gel pads to whatever else the aftermarket can come up with, the problem remains the same: STOCK SEATS SUCK!!!!


My real complaint is that on a sport touring bike, on a style that has been around for decades, made by a company that is rapidly approaching its centennial and is arguably the class of the field in designing bikes for long distances on-road or off, why the BLOODY FiretrUCK can't they make a seat that is comfortable for the vast majority of riders? Maybe they have stock in the aftermarket companies? Maybe they are sadists? Maybe they want us to buy M3s and X5s instead? Bite my shiny, non-metal ass!


I don't want a cruiser, I don't want a Goldwing, I don't want a crotch rocket. Sport touring is the style of riding I like and want to do and something as integral to the experience as the seat should not come between me and my enjoyment of the experience.


If all I can comfortably do with my bike is run errands and tool around town, my Giant bicycle is more comfortable and better exercise and cost me under $500 bucks. I can pull a trailer with it for grocery shopping and listen to tunes on my Android while I pedal past every gas station in town laughing.


Blowing off Vettes and tuner boys at stoplights is a blast but it ain't no reason to plunk down $15K+ (just to start) at the BMW dealership. Hey, Munchen, are ya listening?

I guess I wasn't done ranting after all. :eek:

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I honestly don't know of many bikes that come direct with a saddle that will get all riders through those long days comfortably.

There might be a few that are comfortable for some riders, but not for all.


It may just boil down to the fact that the perfect saddle tends to vary from person-to-person, and bike manufactures know that.

So I can see why they might skimp in this area.

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BMW doesn't put good seats on as original equipment because if they did sales would fall. The really comfy seats are wider, and therefore your feet don't touch the ground as easily. So folks of medium or short height would sit on one and say to themselves I can't buy this bike because my feet barely touch the ground if at all. That's my theory anyway. My Bill Mayer seat is a big improvement over the stock saddle.

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I agree 100% that the stock seat sucks. My butt won't tolerate over about 150 miles either, so I have the same pain. BMW comfort seat gave me about 250 miles before getting too sore to ride much further. My salvation was getting a Russell. Not too pretty, but they're wide enough to spread the weight out enough so that my butt just doesn't get sore or tired (at least up to my max of 700 miles). Neck and shoulders give out, but not my butt.


FWIW, I have no affiliation or interest in Russell, but they take the sore out of my butt.

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I really want to put on the touratech comfort seat, but haven't been able to convince myself that it's worth the money yet.



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You're right - the stock seat wasn't outstanding (although I didn't hate it as much as you :) ). I tried the pads, sheepskins, Airhawk, beads and finally decided to take the plunge & got a Bill Mayer (not Rick!) seat. First week did a rally with near 900 miles in 24hrs...not a whimper or sore cheek! :D Very very happy! 3 months later & I just don't think about my seat or butt except that I wonder what they did to it (the seat I mean) to make it so much better than the stock one.


Mine took 2 weeks from shipping to receiving the new one. 12 of those days were in UPS's hands. Bill got it on Tues, called me that afternoon to confirm details, shipped it out Wed. Couldn't complain about that no how. I had a backup spare seat that I used in the interim.


Once the $ flow opens back up for you, I'd say skip all the other options and go straight for a Bill Mayer custom saddle (unless you're over about 225/250lbs in which case go with a Russell designed by Bill's dad).



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Whoever said it is right, stock seats suck. I've had them done by several makers now, Corbin, Sargents, Rich's, Bill Mayer, Rick Mayer and a Russell that came on my new-to-me R1100RT.

In general I've been most pleased with the Rick Mayer seats, generally less money than most of the others and they've been quite comfortable. I also use LD riding shorts which help a bunch. I know that Rick has a reputation as being a somewhat difficult guy to work with but I've gotten along fine with him. My 1050 Tiger seat is being done as we speak

The Russell impresses me quite a bit. Obviously it wasn't made for me specifically but the original owner was similar in build and weight so perhaps its close.

The Bill Mayer seat was on an 1150GS I had and it was quite good as well.

Sargent and Corbin seem to me to be closer to replacement seats than true customs. They're good if they work for you and Sargent's has an excellent money back guarantee.

The thing about the Mayer seats (both) and Russell is that they are all variations on a theme. All are based on the original Mayer Day Long design with different techniques employed. The Russell is the closest to the original Mayer as they bought the design from him. Bill uses foam cores he has poured for him and Rick uses the stock foam as a base then adds different kinds of foam in the seating areas and to give it width. I think any of them can give you a satisfactory seat. I believe a huge percentage of it is in the shape and support and a smaller part in the foam and all of them use similar shapes to achieve that goal.

My personal choice, if possible, is to do a ride in appointment with whoever does it. That way you have a chance to notice if there are any spots that don't seem to fit quite right and adjustments can be made. Otherwise you'd have shipping back if an adjustment is needed and that adds up pretty fast.


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Guest Kakugo

I'll join the "stock seat sucks" brigade but for a different reason.

For me it's way too soft. After a lifetime of riding sportsbikes with near non existant padding my body has adapted. The longest day ride I've taken to date was on a sportsbike (Honda 929) with completely stock seat, rearsets, clip ons etc.

The Kawasaki GTR seat was OK for me because it was basically a slightly wider sportsbike seat.

Earlier this year I bought a Kahedo seat from Touratech, mostly because it was the cheaper option. First thing I did when the parcel arrived was to squeeze the padding to see how hard it was. It was love at first sight. Ridden many miles since then and loving it.

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I'm just beginning to contemplate whether I want to try out a new seat for my ride. I see now that Cee Baileys have begun re-cushioning seats in either leather (different choices & colors) or vinyl. The foam used is....wait for it.... developed by NASA!

This material may to be the biggest breakthrough in motorcycle technology with an acronym that could represent: 'N'o 'A'ss 'S'uffering 'A'nymore.

I would just now like some further reviews from actual space travelers, alien or non/alien who have experienced enough orbits to provide a fair and non biased review.

Even better, would be actual reviews from down to earth motorcyclists. Has anybody here have any experience with this product?



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I'm still new to the RT, and do not have enough long rides on the stock seat to be sure how butt-friendly it is for me. The right underwear is a definite must. I have found that I like the ability to shift forward/back to use different muscles, and side to side weight shifts are easy when I find a twisty bit of road. I can believe that the aftermarket "tractor" style seats are comfy on long interstate rides, but are you pretty much locked into one position? Can you move about when the road emphasizes the "sport" portion of sport touring?

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My .02.

The RT is an upright seating position.

It has no airflow around the seat.

That puts pressure on sitbones and allows heat and sweat to build up.

I rode an R100 RT for years and xxxxxx miles.


Got an RSL w/slightly forward seating posture and found it more comfortable.

After that and the GT for xxxxxx miles I find the RT uncomfortable to even sit on.


I can ride the stock GT seat for hundreds of miles butt, got sheep and an Airhawk for long rides and that solved any issues.


What do you wear?

How often do you stop?

Where is the pain discomfort? (sitbones, crotch ?)

What bike seat seat up have you ridden that allowed you to ride 5-700 miles with no problems?

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I would try these three things in order:

- LD comfort shorts. I bought them before my 2 day ride to Denver last summer thinking that $ 45 was outrageous and I would return them after my trip. After my fist day of riding I knew I was stuck with them. What a difference!


- Sheepskin seat cover. Much cheaper than a custom seat and it allows air to circulate under you butt.


- RDL seat. While the two things above let me do much longer days my butt was still not completely happy and my wife did not care for the stock seat. For the price of a Sargent I had Russell redo both seats. We are both much happier and Nancy can do longer days without discomfort.

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I really want to put on the touratech comfort seat, but haven't been able to convince myself that it's worth the money yet.



I tried it, paid over $1200!! Sold it for $600 after trying for 5000 miles. I wound up shaping the standard seat by dishing the foam a bit. It's an improvement but am still searching for something better. Been 2 years, 2 more and I'll be getting a new bike.


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I have a Cee Bailey seat on my '04 RTP...............

They have been doing seats for CHP for a while now......

They called before starting on my seat and talked to me at length to understand my needs......

They knew about the "slide forward" and fixed that......

Before sending them my seat, I took a long ride and put tape on the seat where it hurt........

I like the results and the price.....................

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I'm just beginning to contemplate whether I want to try out a new seat for my ride. I see now that Cee Baileys have begun re-cushioning seats in either leather (different choices & colors) or vinyl. The foam used is....wait for it.... developed by NASA!

This material may to be the biggest breakthrough in motorcycle technology with an acronym that could represent: 'N'o 'A'ss 'S'uffering 'A'nymore.

I would just now like some further reviews from actual space travelers, alien or non/alien who have experienced enough orbits to provide a fair and non biased review.

Even better, would be actual reviews from down to earth motorcyclists. Has anybody here have any experience with this product?



That foam "developed for NASA" is also referred to as memory foam. Rick Myer uses a form of memory foam in his seats.

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I have a Sargent seat and like it. In the last 2 years I have made 2 trips to Arizona and back. A one way trip is 3200 km and takes me just under 3 days. I also make quite a number of 1000 km return day trips to visit my daughter. There was no way I could do that on the OEM seat.



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For me, a Corbin and LD Comfort shorts made all the difference. I don't like the way that my Aerostich slides on the leather of the Corbin. I'm more comfortable wearing leather pants as we get a kind of stiction thing going on.


Even with the Corbin and seat jacks, I slide forward when wearing Nylon fabric bike clothing. That's tiring.


Leather, Corbin and LD Comfort was the magic mix. A 700 mile day is easy.


Linz :)

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FUBAR, you live in Florida. So does Sargent. Call 'em up, tell 'em your problem, and arrange to go see 'em. They're good people. They customize seats all the time. Cost should be minimal, if any. All your other options are all expensive and on the west coast, or Germany, and some don't have return policies, or have policies that are costly/time consuming. There's no point in my suggesting a particular brand of seat "because I rode XXXX miles on it." Doesn't mean a thing when you put your butt on it.


But don't despair, many of us do have solutions which allow us to ride all day, you just need to weed through...starting with the closest, cheapest option. [i went through two different pads, a west coast custom seat, which was much worse than stock, and finally the Sargent worked for me.]


Good luck.

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What do you wear?

How often do you stop?

Where is the pain discomfort? (sitbones, crotch ?)

What bike seat have you ridden that allowed you to ride 5-700 miles with no problems?

What am I wearing? Not that kinda board, dude! Seriously, waist down is blue jeans, socks and boots.

I want to stop at fuel up only and for no more than about 10 minutes. Works in the car, the pickup, every vehicle I've ever driven.

My pain is all sitting, the bones of the pelvis. My old bike was tailbone but I would just slide to the back seat and/or use the rear pegs and problem solved. I can use the rear pegs for 5-10 minutes on the RT but then my legs go to sleep.(Remember, like you, I'm tall. 6'5" with a 35" inseam) Rear seat is doable unless I'm loaded down for a long trip when that would actually be necessary.

No seat yet allows 300, let alone 5-700 miles! My bicycle seat is great, a split design that is actually two seats, one for each cheek that pivot with each pedal stroke. A great design and no more numb crotch as that area is completely uninvolved. I can ride it all day long with nary a concern, my legs will give out first, but that kind of distance ain't realistic on a 21-speed.

Heat can be an issue in FL but I just spread the knees wide and get a refreshing breeze for a few moments. It has never been an issue for me though in over 20 years of riding here.


FUBAR, you live in Florida. So does Sargent. Call 'em up, tell 'em your problem, and arrange to go see 'em.
Yeah, I believe they are in the Jacksonville area, nearly 300 miles from here. I don't have a seat to get there with! I was ready to push the bike the last 75 miles to Tallahassee.

Its too far to day trip easily and an overnight trip is problematic at best with the bizarre domestic setup I have. Can't take the 6 y/o with me, wife works retail and that requires a act of Congress to get two days off in a row.


However, the idea is a valid one. The worst they could say is "no, can't help." I'm already there. Gonna check with local folks as well but not expecting any real good choices down that road.

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Have you had a seat that worked tank to tank on a bike?


I can ride fairly far in Draggin Jeans but that is wearing bicycle shorts w/gel pad in them.

Regular jeans and an upright seating position don't work for me.


What works in cars or trucks won't necessarily work on a bike.

Beth and I towed 3,000 miles in 2 1/2 days last summer.

No way on the bike.


Seems like you need to build up to longer rides.

Stopping to stretch and relieve the sit pressure should increase

your riding range.


On your bicycle you aren't sitting upright if you have a split seat, right?

I still think that is the basic problem with your size.

Try the Master Yoda as much as you can but with your build and riding an RT it is difficult.

Personally I'd ditch the jeans, add something like an Airhawk, work up to longer distances.

Or try an ST/RS/GT type setup and seating position.

Best wishes.

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What do you wear?

How often do you stop?

Where is the pain discomfort? (sitbones, crotch ?)

What bike seat have you ridden that allowed you to ride 5-700 miles with no problems?

What am I wearing? Not that kinda board, dude! Seriously, waist down is blue jeans, socks and boots.

I want to stop at fuel up only and for no more than about 10 minutes. Works in the car, the pickup, every vehicle I've ever driven.

My pain is all sitting, the bones of the pelvis. My old bike was tailbone but I would just slide to the back seat and/or use the rear pegs and problem solved. I can use the rear pegs for 5-10 minutes on the RT but then my legs go to sleep.(Remember, like you, I'm tall. 6'5" with a 35" inseam) Rear seat is doable unless I'm loaded down for a long trip when that would actually be necessary.

No seat yet allows 300, let alone 5-700 miles! My bicycle seat is great, a split design that is actually two seats, one for each cheek that pivot with each pedal stroke. A great design and no more numb crotch as that area is completely uninvolved. I can ride it all day long with nary a concern, my legs will give out first, but that kind of distance ain't realistic on a 21-speed.

Heat can be an issue in FL but I just spread the knees wide and get a refreshing breeze for a few moments. It has never been an issue for me though in over 20 years of riding here.


FUBAR, you live in Florida. So does Sargent. Call 'em up, tell 'em your problem, and arrange to go see 'em.
Yeah, I believe they are in the Jacksonville area, nearly 300 miles from here. I don't have a seat to get there with! I was ready to push the bike the last 75 miles to Tallahassee.

Its too far to day trip easily and an overnight trip is problematic at best with the bizarre domestic setup I have. Can't take the 6 y/o with me, wife works retail and that requires a act of Congress to get two days off in a row.


However, the idea is a valid one. The worst they could say is "no, can't help." I'm already there. Gonna check with local folks as well but not expecting any real good choices down that road.


Call them. You have nothing to lose in talking to them, and sending the seat to them for modification.

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Another supporter that the stock seat sucks. I also had a Corbin and found it terrible so I now ride on a Sargent seat and my butt is happy as can be.

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You know the saying "the cheapest thing on a BMW is the rider". Just get a Russel or Meyer and be done with it. I can and have ridden 700+ miles in a day with my Rockey Meyer seat, LD undies, and sheep ass pad. My legs get stiff before my butt hurts. Same seats that were on my '07 for 25k are on my '11. They are just getting broken in.

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I have a Bill Mayer seat (which was made for a very short rider) that I reshaped to personal preferences last year. This spring, at BRR, I asked Paul Mihalka if I could sit on the Russell on his GS. Even though it wasn't made for my butt, I immediately understood why Russell seats are so populer — despite the cost.

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+1 on the following:

* compression shorts (I use underarmor)

* no cotton pants (no jeans)

* master yoda (might need a sportier position)

* custom seat (not off-the-shelf)


I prefer Corbin ride-in service. The "patented" Corbin hard foam works great *if* the shape fits your butt. Not sure if Corbin Florida offers this service or not.

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I have had my 1150 RT for two years now and also have serious butt pain. I have the stock seat, BMW comfort seat and a used Bill Mayer saddle. I can't ride more than 300 miles without severe pain and over several days, it just gets worse. I have tried gel shorts, bicycle shorts, sheepskin, jacking the seat front up, lowering the rear by cutting down the bumpers, every combo possible, but it just hurts. Different combination's just moves the pain to a different area. Sometimes I get butt bone pain, but most often it is the top of my thighs where they meet my butt cheeks and I get a severe burning pain right were the edge of the seat meets my butt/thigh area.


I have ridden a Road King all day with 0 discomfort, I just don't get why my BMW seats hurts so much. I am also ready to give up. I just spent 7 days in California on a rental 1200 RT and was very embarrassed that I was the only one with butt pain and 5 others on Harley had zero pain. I have had 6 BMW's over the course of riding and have never experienced this much pain. It really takes the fun away from riding. When I get home from every trip, I am ready to sell it.


I just don't understand why this beautiful bike of mine hurts me so much.

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+1 on Chris K's suggestion kind of...I have the RDL and the LD comfort shorts. Rode 750+ miles in 98F heat with nary a whimper. First and foremost you must also wear true riding pants, not jeans.

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+1 on Chris K's suggestion kind of...I have the RDL and the LD comfort shorts. Rode 750+ miles in 98F heat with nary a whimper. First and foremost you must also wear true riding pants, not jeans.


Can you please explain the advantages of the LD comfort shorts and the riding pants. I ride with riding "skins" underwear and jeans. Been doing this for 30 years with nary a problem until I got the RT.

The pain I get is where my thigh/butt contact the edge of the seat, which causes a burning sensation. Sometimes it is so bad, I almost drop the bike at a stop cause it hurts too much to extend my legs.

I am willing to try anything, including the true riding pants, but really want to know what is causing my pain.


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Anyone used THIS GENT? I contacted him a few months ago and we conversed in detail about a possible mod to my stock Bonneville seat. He was honest enough to say that seat couldn't really be modified.....got my respect right there.


I did not talk to him about working on my R1200RT's seat, but it's on the consideration list......I'm 90% happy with the stock seat.



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Not me (he doesn't do heated GT seats) but was going to.

Know folks in the NEFla BMW club who have been happy with him.

YMMV as every one's butt is unique.

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+1 on Chris K's suggestion kind of...I have the RDL and the LD comfort shorts. Rode 750+ miles in 98F heat with nary a whimper. First and foremost you must also wear true riding pants, not jeans.


Can you please explain the advantages of the LD comfort shorts and the riding pants. I ride with riding "skins" underwear and jeans. Been doing this for 30 years with nary a problem until I got the RT.

The pain I get is where my thigh/butt contact the edge of the seat, which causes a burning sensation. Sometimes it is so bad, I almost drop the bike at a stop cause it hurts too much to extend my legs.

I am willing to try anything, including the true riding pants, but really want to know what is causing my pain.



I use to get that burning thigh......tried seat mod., gel pad w/ lambskin, beadrider, BMW shorts, Bicycle padded shorts, best I could do was 350 miles...and it hurt.

Tried one pair of LDC shorts and did 1100 first day with no pain........(all the above under BMW 3-phase pants or Firstgear perferated pants)

How do they work ?.....their site gives in depth but........I don't care how.......they really work......


As for jeans, problem is all those thick seams you're sitting on.....and lack of protection...(I once did a 70 mph slide in jeans and the parts that weren't gone were smoldering)

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Thanks for the insight. I will def look into the LD shorts.



+1 on Chris K's suggestion kind of...I have the RDL and the LD comfort shorts. Rode 750+ miles in 98F heat with nary a whimper. First and foremost you must also wear true riding pants, not jeans.


Can you please explain the advantages of the LD comfort shorts and the riding pants. I ride with riding "skins" underwear and jeans. Been doing this for 30 years with nary a problem until I got the RT.

The pain I get is where my thigh/butt contact the edge of the seat, which causes a burning sensation. Sometimes it is so bad, I almost drop the bike at a stop cause it hurts too much to extend my legs.

I am willing to try anything, including the true riding pants, but really want to know what is causing my pain.



I use to get that burning thigh......tried seat mod., gel pad w/ lambskin, beadrider, BMW shorts, Bicycle padded shorts, best I could do was 350 miles...and it hurt.

Tried one pair of LDC shorts and did 1100 first day with no pain........(all the above under BMW 3-phase pants or Firstgear perferated pants)

How do they work ?.....their site gives in depth but........I don't care how.......they really work......


As for jeans, problem is all those thick seams you're sitting on.....and lack of protection...(I once did a 70 mph slide in jeans and the parts that weren't gone were smoldering)

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Sent Spencers Moto care an e mail today and the reply was no RT seats. Seems they are breaking up where the stock staples are installed as they age so he won't do them. Rats. :cry:

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Anyone used THIS GENT? I contacted him a few months ago and we conversed in detail about a possible mod to my stock Bonneville seat. He was honest enough to say that seat couldn't really be modified.....got my respect right there.


I did not talk to him about working on my R1200RT's seat, but it's on the consideration list......I'm 90% happy with the stock seat.



I had him do the front seat of my 07 RT before he stopped doing RTs. It was an imrovement but not enough - turned a 75 mile seat into a 150 mile seat. I finally ended up getting a Bill Mayer. It was more expensive than Spencer (greatdaytoride.com) but it was also much more comfortable.

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Sent Spencers Moto care an e mail today and the reply was no RT seats. Seems they are breaking up where the stock staples are installed as they age so he won't do them. Rats. :cry:


I don't know if the breakage is before or after Spencer has modified the seat but unlike Bill Mayer, Spencer uses two staples in each spot he installs staples. This probably puts more stress on the pan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I had him do the front seat of my 07 RT before he stopped doing RTs. It was an imrovement but not enough - turned a 75 mile seat into a 150 mile seat. I finally ended up getting a Bill Mayer. It was more expensive than Spencer (greatdaytoride.com) but it was also much more comfortable. "


Thanks for that. I think that's the way I'll be going also, but first I'm trying an Alaska Leather sheep skin butt pad. I ordered one mainly for my Triumph, but I'll try it on the RT also. I am really not that unhappy with the stock RT seat, thank goodness for that!

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Just a thought here, I'm new to the sport tourer class but could the seat issue also be tied to the neutral seating position? If so, perhaps changing the location of the foot rests or handle bars would help riders find a more comfortable riding sweet spot. Or since we are locked into a riding stance, a way to change positions on the fly...


I had considered these foot rests on a track bike before..more for leverage but they could extend some peoples comfort during longish rides.




I've also noticed (during my first 5 hours of owning a RT-lol) that I'm shifting from sports mode , leaning forward , to a cruiser mode..once in a while- just having some room to scoot my butt between these positions would be nice..or maybe just pick one mode and build the ergonomics from there....


just my newbie $02.




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