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New Garmin Map Set Is Sort of Kerfuffled


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Last week I downloaded and installed the latest Garmin map set on my Zumo. Yesterday I rode a route that I had designed on an earlier map set. Half a dozen times it told me I was off route. The display showed the route correctly, but showed me as riding 50 yards or so off of it. I have the Zumo set to prompt for re-routing, so I just told it "no" and eventually it synched back up. But I am a little miffed that the current map set has roads in a slightly different location than the old ones.


I guess the solution is either to redesign my routes using the new map set or, if I use a route designed with the old map set, just ignore the "off route" messages.



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Afternoon RockBottom



That isn’t unusual if using a route that was made on a earlier map set (roads change & shaping points don’t always work correctly).

To get the best results make sure the map version that is in your GPS is also in your MapSource then simply re-calculate the older mapped route to the new (GPS matching) map in MapSource.


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I have the Zumo set to prompt for re-routing, so I just told it "no" and eventually it synched back up.

Assuming this feature exists for Garmin Nuvi, where is it? I'm getting tired of arguing with my GPS.

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Thanks for the replies! This was my first ride with a warranty replacement unit and I was afraid it was defective. Luckily, I knew the route well enough to ignore it when it told me to do things like exit the divided highway I was on, stay on the ramp, and then re-enter.


Selden: I'm using a Zumo but in the settings, there is a way to set the re-routing from automatic (which is the default setting) to prompt. I learned that a couple of years ago when the unit unilaterally re-routed me on some short cuts that turned into logging roads crossing mountain ridges. I had some hairy times getting down from that.

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Possible problem with map version compatibility?


I just updated the 2010.1 map to the 2012.1 map on both Mapsource and my zumo 550. Went through the recalculation step described by Dirtrider with existing routes. Route looks good in mapsource but loaded into the zumo its adding road segments and U-turns I didn't ask for. New routes created in mapsource with the 2012.1 map and loaded to the zumo have the same result. Hard reset of zumo, reinstalling the 2012.1 maps on mapsource and zumo didn't help. Only thing that works is to upload the route to the zumo with the 2010.1 map on mapsource (zumo still has the 2012.1 map).



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Possible problem with map version compatibility?


I just updated the 2010.1 map to the 2012.1 map on both Mapsource and my zumo 550. Went through the recalculation step described by Dirtrider with existing routes. Route looks good in mapsource but loaded into the zumo its adding road segments and U-turns I didn't ask for.


My old 455 used to do that. When I contacted Garmin service their response was, "that's impossible." It happened to me dozens of times. The route on the device would have me get off the road I was on, go around the block, then get back on it.

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I had some issues at the Rubber Chicken Rendevous in WVa after updating the firmware on my Zumo550. On one scenic road it kept wanting me to pull in, turn around, and head back the way I came. The next day, on the same route, it worked fine. Also got lead on a forty mile detour on the way home after going a few miles off track for lunch. Most likely my problems were with the keypad input device.





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Also got lead on a forty mile detour on the way home after going a few miles off track for lunch. Most likely my problems were with the keypad input device.





Morning Quinn


That could have been caused by a known quirk in the Zumo that causes an automatic re-calculation (even with auto re-calc turned off) if you reverse your route for a distance.


If you didn’t have a shaping point on the route close to your lunch break at a point past your lunch stop & you reversed your route after the lunch break it might have done an auto re-calculate (you wouldn’t even know it) that wouldn’t follow your original route until the next usable shaping point.


Whenever I go off route using a Zumo & retrace my path back out I ALWAYS shut the route down then reinitialize it on the path back out. OR, if you know you are going off route in the preplanning stage just add a shaping point on the original route just past your of route exit.


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The solution to the issue probably lies in an assumption that you are making.


To fix it... be sure you are using the same version of the map in the unit and in Mapsource.


Delete the routes in your unit.


Reload the routes from Mapsource to the unit. Let the unit recalculate the route (using the new map).


Almost 100 percent certain this will make things better.

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I had some issues at the Rubber Chicken Rendevous in WVa after updating the firmware on my Zumo550. On one scenic road it kept wanting me to pull in, turn around, and head back the way I came. The next day, on the same route, it worked fine. Also got lead on a forty mile detour on the way home after going a few miles off track for lunch. Most likely my problems were with the keypad input device.





West Virginia may have GPS jammers to confuse revenuers.

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James Clark
Last week I downloaded and installed the latest Garmin map set on my Zumo. Yesterday I rode a route that I had designed on an earlier map set. Half a dozen times it told me I was off route. The display showed the route correctly, but showed me as riding 50 yards or so off of it. I have the Zumo set to prompt for re-routing, so I just told it "no" and eventually it synched back up. But I am a little miffed that the current map set has roads in a slightly different location than the old ones.


I guess the solution is either to redesign my routes using the new map set or, if I use a route designed with the old map set, just ignore the "off route" messages.



If you have both City Navigators installed on your PC, create a waypoint with the old mapset active and then switch to the new mapset and see if the waypoint moves. I noticed this behavior when playing with Street Atlas, Topo 2009, and City Navigator 2008. DeLorme and Topo show the same location error, but CN seems to compensate for drift. It's possible someone neglected to include this compensation in the new release.



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Also got lead on a forty mile detour on the way home after going a few miles off track for lunch. Most likely my problems were with the keypad input device.





Morning Quinn


That could have been caused by a known quirk in the Zumo that causes an automatic re-calculation (even with auto re-calc turned off) if you reverse your route for a distance.


If you didn’t have a shaping point on the route close to your lunch break at a point past your lunch stop & you reversed your route after the lunch break it might have done an auto re-calculate (you wouldn’t even know it) that wouldn’t follow your original route until the next usable shaping point.


Whenever I go off route using a Zumo & retrace my path back out I ALWAYS shut the route down then reinitialize it on the path back out. OR, if you know you are going off route in the preplanning stage just add a shaping point on the original route just past your of route exit.




If you are going off route and touch the icon on the zumo creating a waypoint is this what you are referring to as a shaping point? Will this solve the re-calculation problem?


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James Clark
The solution to the issue probably lies in an assumption that you are making.


To fix it... be sure you are using the same version of the map in the unit and in Mapsource.


Delete the routes in your unit.


Reload the routes from Mapsource to the unit. Let the unit recalculate the route (using the new map).


Almost 100 percent certain this will make things better.


Aren't routes merely start/via/destination points? Other than taking you off the road for a miss-located waypoint, won't it just recalculate the route to where it believes the nearest highway is?


Now tracks, on the other hand . . .

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The solution to the issue probably lies in an assumption that you are making.


To fix it... be sure you are using the same version of the map in the unit and in Mapsource.


Delete the routes in your unit.


Reload the routes from Mapsource to the unit. Let the unit recalculate the route (using the new map).


Almost 100 percent certain this will make things better.


To fix it... be sure you are using the same version of the map in the unit and in Mapsource.




Delete the routes in your unit.

CHECK plus master reset along with having the latest firmware for the zumo and software update for mapsource.



Reload the routes from Mapsource to the unit. Let the unit recalculate the route (using the new map).

CHECK and that's where the Zumo (or the mapsource data feed to the zumo) started adding phantom detours even with new routes created with same 2012.1 map version on both mapsource and the zumo.



Almost 100 percent certain this will make things better.

That's what I hoped for. Sent routes to Garmin whose first response was surprise, never heard of it happening. Guess we'll see. In the meantime with the zumo display showing two options (one real and one phantom) at select intersections and wondering if I can trust it, I'm back to using the 2010 map in mapsource before uploading the routes to the zumo (kinda defeats the purpose of buying the updates!).

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If you are going off route and touch the icon on the zumo creating a waypoint is this what you are referring to as a shaping point? Will this solve the re-calculation problem?


Afternoon Sliplake


Not really, but that might work (IF) the waypoint you put on the route is enough AFTER your point of exit so that the Zumo doesn’t already think you are past it. If it thinks you are already past that added point then it will in most cases try to take you to the next point on route.


If the Zumo already thinks you are past that point (such as your deviation off route is in that direction) then it re-calculates it will try to take you to the next point on the route. If getting back on route is what the Zumo thinks is the best then it will do that, but if the Zumo finds a different way to take you to the next point it will in most cases take you that way instead of back to your original planned route.


In the above post I was referring to originally making the route in MapSource. If you know you will be leaving the route and backtracking back over your off-route excursion then just add a shaping point on the main route a bit after your departure from route.


OR (just about as easy) - just find you own way back to the route you were on then stop the navigation then re-start the route. That way it will for sure follow you intended route.


Keep this in mind as it can act the same if you miss a turn or get off route then back track to get back on route again. If I’m on a route that I really want be sure to follow exactly then if I ever back track (backwards of route direction) I will always stop the navigation then re-start the route just as a precaution.

It won’t always screw up but there is always a chance it can & that screw up gives you those long funny detours or long off track runs until next shaping point is arrived at.


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Now that you bring it up, I do recall a couple of times when the Zumo didn't perform as expected even though it was set to 'prompt'. Typically, I just expand the screen on the zumo display and navigate to the route but I think at this point, I'll adopt your approach of re-starting the route once I'm back on it, just to make sure.


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James Clark

My bad.


After exporting a route from MS to an SD card, I opened the userdata file. The generated route is a collection of tracks. Based on the time the GPS takes to calculate after importing, I would guess that it is attempting to fit every point to its loaded map. If any point is closer to an off-ramp, frontage road, or road that crosses under/over the highway, you'll get a route diversion.


Try doing a forced recalculate (Routes>select>Edit>Recalculate) to see if it cleans up the detours.

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