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On Wearing a Helmet


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Even leaving safety completely aside, this is why I wear helmet. After making the mistake of staying for the torturous closing ceremony of the BMW MOA national rally, I rode home along Susquehanna River, the last hour in the dark. This was my helmet when I got home. I suspect the Harley people who passed me sans helmet swallowed a four course insect dinner by the time they got home.




(And just for the record, this is my "over 90s degrees" helmet--most of the time I wear a full face Arai).

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Ahh yes........the good old Susquehanna bug bath :)


I live less than a mile from the river, and the mayflies are out in full force right now. What a huge wonderful mess..... :rofl:

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I suspect the Harley people who passed me sans helmet swallowed a four course insect dinner by the time they got home.



Harley riders passed you? I ass/u/me that they were going the other direction? :rofl:

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Look at the bright side--in a few weeks you'll have white flies.


But I seriously got passed by Harley guys with no helmets. And I could hear the constant patter of bugs hitting me even with earplugs.

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I suspect the Harley people who passed me sans helmet swallowed a four course insect dinner by the time they got home.



Harley riders passed you? I ass/u/me that they were going the other direction? :rofl:


Good point but I was on a deer infested road after dark. That is one of the few things that will allow Harleys to pass me.

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Jerry in Monument

We experienced similar bug adventures in Yellowstone-Grand Teton a couple of weeks ago. Every night there was helmet/visor cleaning.

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Joe Frickin' Friday

After the last hour of riding one day at UnRally II in Eureka Springs, 2003:




I clean my visor pretty much every time I stop, so this is only what my helmet collected during the last hour of the day.


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Those are wannabees...




Rich's previous GS at BB&B.

Collected these going down Steve's driveway I think.


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Speaking of Helmets. Does anyone have an ingenious idea for caring a spare helmet when you bags, trunk and tank bag are full?

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Joe Frickin' Friday
I can't think of anything more ingenious than using a bungee net.


Yep, bungee-net the helmet onto the rear seat.

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I'm convinced this is why the Harley riders always have grimaces on their faces. It takes tight lips to keep the bugs out!

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Speaking of Helmets. Does anyone have an ingenious idea for caring a spare helmet when you bags, trunk and tank bag are full?


Check out Pacsafe.


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This is one major aspect of California riding that I sorely miss, no bugs! OK, maybe a few every now and then, but nothing compared to the east coast. As far as I was concerned, it was a complete non-issue.

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Those are wannabees...




That's what I was thinking. I've had more bugs on my shield coming home from work some evenings than those previous pics.


Mayflies. A while back, I visited Port Clinton, OH in May after some serious Mayflies flew in off lake Erie. Sorry no pics. They were using snow shovels to clear off the sidewalks!



Here is a similar pic from http://www.mayflynews.net/weekly_photo.html.


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Those are wannabees...



Ah, yes, love bugs. That's why I wear full face behind a windshield all year long.

Looks like a lot have been cleaned off, though. Just dried guts, no bodies.

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Check out the picture in the attachment.


A buddy of mine did this 2 weeks ago, and LUCKILY ONLY broke his left collarbone in 2 places AND fractured his right wrist as an added bonus. He says he was going about 40 when he hit a small critter and then a guardrail, before sliding across the road where thankfully, there was no oncoming traffic.

Look closely at the scratches on the visor. They go in almost every direction.

Had he NOT worn a helmet or even a open face 3/4 or beanie type, he wouldn't have a lower jaw or nose.

I found this to be a really excellent reason to always wear a ff or modular helmet.

Just sayin'






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On "old man river" sometimes the bridge lights have to be turned off for the June Bugs to settle elsewhere; otherwise the bridge deck gets very slippery. Having hit more than one of these bugs with my neck I don't know how people can ride without a full visor. Yes it is a pain to have to stop and clean it every 30 miles but eating one of these is not an option since they are about .25"x.5"X.75" and leave a 1.5" diameter smear when they hit. I won't get into details but they DO NOT taste good.

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