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Hexhead Rear Wheel Needed.........


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Any ideas where to find one for an '05 RT?......Beemer Boneyard doesn't list any available.....Hit a large (150 lbs.?) steel weight dropped from a crane truck or something today while taking a twisty ride out of Ojai.....Bent rim badly, immediately deflated tire and briefly separated me from the seat by quite a margin, but I'm a happy guy.....Kept it vertical and brought it to a stop with me unscathed.....BMW dealer wants about $850 bucks for a new one so thought I'd do a little exploring with my friends here first.....



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Offer him $400,,


Great minds.. :grin:....That's what I was thinking.....Wheels were the same on 12 RT's at least through '07 I'm almost positive....

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:thumbsup: Your damaged wheel probably can be repared, even if it looks real bad. Check with Woosy's http://www.woodyswheelworks.com/ It's very nice to have a spare wheel.


Thanks Paul.....I'll check Woody's out.....Pulled it all apart this morning, dropped and drained final drive, checked shock, etc. and there is no visible damage other than the wheel...It bottomed out very hard....

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Glad you rode that one out! Those old offroad skills still work :clap:


(I believe we called that one a "Flying W")





Don J :wave:

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