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Garmin Mapsource not showing detail maps

Joe Frickin' Friday

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Joe Frickin' Friday

Earlier this summer I temporarily uninstalled Mapsource due to hard drive space constraints. When the space constraint was resolved, I reinstalled Mapsource (CIty Navigator NT - North America, 2008). However, now the detail maps aren't showing up in Mapsource; all I get is a coarse rendering of certain main streets.


What's going on? Anyone else encountered this, and found a solution? UnRally is coming up, and I need to sort this out so I can get my GPS receiver loaded up...

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Never had THAT particular issue however I have found that Garmin's Customer support is very knowledgeable and helpful.

Might be your easiest option.

Good luck




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Joe Frickin' Friday
I'm sure you know this but just in case.


Under VIEW


Map Detail Highest




Yep, that's not the problem. Detail is set to the highest, and I can zoom in as tightly as I want, but I do not see local roads. I can only see trunk highways, and even those are rendered as straight lines point to point. No POI's available (restaurants, hotels, etc.)


It's the same thing you would see on your GPS receiver if you deleted all of the detail maps.


C:\Garmin directory is about 1.8 GB, so it appears the detail map files are present on the HD, even though MapSource isn't showing them.




Will call Garmin tomorrow, just wondered if anyone else has seen this and maybe knew what to do.

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Allen Rowand

Is the map showing as unlocked in the Utilities/Manage Map Products window?


I know in the Mac versions of Garmin software you can use the base map (which it sounds like you are seeing now) or the full map. I can't find anything like that in Mapsource though.


Their software is a whole class of frustration unto itself…

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...and if you go to garmin......

and plug in your gps............

and go to maps...and tell it to

"download anyway" when it says you have the latest.......

(or click on whatever version you already have and then tell it to download anyway)

and be sure to click "options" and tell it to do gps and computer..

You'll get a whole new Mapsource.............

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Is the map showing as unlocked in the Utilities/Manage Map Products window?


I know in the Mac versions of Garmin software you can use the base map (which it sounds like you are seeing now) or the full map. I can't find anything like that in Mapsource though.


Their software is a whole class of frustration unto itself…


Upper left of Mapsource you can click the map version you want to use

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Is the map showing as unlocked in the Utilities/Manage Map Products window?


I agree. Sounds like you need to use your unlock code and unlock them again.

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Open map source then click on utilities now click on manage map products. Make sure your map is really there and if so that it says unlocked after the maps shown.

If that is good then make sure your 2008 is shown in the drop down map selection box.


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Joe Frickin' Friday
Is the map showing as unlocked in the Utilities/Manage Map Products window?


I agree. Sounds like you need to use your unlock code and unlock them again.


Here's what I've got:




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That is what I show under map 2008. The later maps like 2011.1 etc have unlock regions showing but my 2008 has nothing after it and works fine.


In the upper left map box what ya got showing there. Looks like you have a couple of 2008 maps in the unlock area so maybe you have 2 2008 maps showing in the map choice box try the other 2008 map if you have 2 listed.


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Joe Frickin' Friday
In the upper left map box what ya got showing there. Looks like you have a couple of 2008 maps in the unlock area so maybe you have 2 2008 maps showing in the map choice box try the other 2008 map if you have 2 listed.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


It appears I am mentally deficient. In response to your query, I first thought to myself, "WHAT upper left map box?" then I checked the "View" menu, where - among other things - I found the option "Show GPS Map Detail." I clicked that option, and lo and behold, my PC's display evinced an embarrassing treasure of detail.




"Everything, it seemed, was alright."

Thanks, all, for tolerating my mental blindness. :dopeslap:



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I'm also sure you know this, but...

clik--VIEW, then SWITCH TO PRODUCT, then choose your mapset instead of NO MAP.


If that isn't the problem, I do see one anomaly on your screen prints vs. my mapsource: on your MAP PRODUCT MANAGER tab "UNLOCK REGIONS", under COMMENTS mine has "Region Unlock Code From.." and then a long string of text & numbers. Yours is blank. Might not matter, dunno.



Edit: Oops, 3 seconds too late. Glad you found the problem. Now you *might* be able to find Little Switzerland. :grin:

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